Dangerous Tour Bucharest in cinemas


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Not sure if anyone on here is from Poland but I have just moved here from the UK and have just found out that MultiKino cinemas across Poland will be showing his Bucharest concert from the Dangerous tour on big screens on Thursday 30th July. My girlfriend has very kindly got me tickets. I've watched this concert over and over but I'm so excited about seeing it on the big screen. Sorry if this is a repost but I thought it was a very good idea and wanted to share it with you all. Does anyone know if any other countries/cinemas are doing this?
That's very cool indeed. Wish we did something like that!
it was shown here in Hungary in cinema last year(Palace cinema) it was cool but since it was on huge screen and i guess shown from DVD it was not that good quality..but cool though
That's really cool. Wish they would do a similar thing in other countries.
I would love to see them re-editing it from the source material in widescreen format. The quality of the dvd is very bad for todays standards.
oh interesting!! i hope the cinemas in my country do it too, but i doubt so.
Oh, cool! It's also been shown for free in few cinemas here in Moscow. Unfortenately, I've been in London at this time (awesome city by the way :D)
There should be an MJ-museum in each country with a concert-cinema with 3D vision. Talk about live-experience.. :D to those less fortunate who have never seen MJ :D
I don't think they'd ever do that in the states either... unless one of the independent movie theaters or an organization or something decided to show it...
Hi All

Just to report back on this. I went to the cinema in Krakow, Poland last night where they were showing the Bucharest concert. They dedicated 4 screens to showing the concert and the place was packed - I believe this was the same with other cinemas around Poland. Was great to see the show again and particularly on the big screen. They really cranked up the sound too which was awesome. I'm not sure if MJ has ever played Poland before - I certainly don't believe he did during the Dangerous tour as it was only 2/3 years after the fall of communism. Anyway, I think because of that many people in Poland have never seen a full MJ performance so despite it being on the cinema, I think they were all pretty mesmerised by the show. Many people were up and clapping and having an absolute blast.

Afterwards, they showed all of the number one videos. Each and every single video was followed by huge applause from the audience. It was a cool night and you could see many had come to say good bye to Michael which was nice. It's the longest I have ever spent in a cinema - over 4 hours, but by far the most enjoyable.
Wow that is so cool!
I wish we had here something like that..
yeah, last night I've been to the concert in Multikino. It was great. There was a full house. Most of the people have been cheering. The atmoshpere was tense! And during couple of times (SC 45 lean, moonwalk in BJ, the moment when they heard smooth criminal) people went TOTALLY CRAZY!! but overall, people loved every bit of it, including the music videos
Here in Bucharest they played the concert on two big screens placed on a stadium! It was great to see it in huge screens... I felt like I was there... I had great photos but last week someone stole my cell phone so I lost them all!
I am from Bucharest. And I was 5 years old when he came here, in 1992. I was a big fan of him since the early 90's, even if I was at such a young age. I do remember how I wanted to go to see him on the stadium, but who would have allowed a 5 years old child to go on the stadium? I remember the panic created here in 1992 when he came, people were like crazy on the streets, it was like a revolution on the streets... How i wanted to go :cry: And what I regret the most is that I never met him and I remained with this pain in my heart.

Here, the concert that Mike did on Lia Manoliu stadium in 1992 for the Dangerous tour DVD, was projected on a big screen on Yolanda Balas stadium after his death. On 5th July. There were 5000 people there to see the concert on that big screen. I was there too...I couldn't hold on my tears at the beginning, because I couldn't enjoy it at the beginning. I felt like I was at the funeral, couldn't even smile. But then I thought, while the concert was going on, that Mike would have wanted us to enjoy it and to live his music and smile...So I forgot about everything around and I felt like Mike was there in front of me, on the stage, performing. I was clapping, singing along with him. The whole stadium of 5000 people were chanting "Michael! Michael! Michael!" between songs. It was so real... Even when Mike asked the crowd "can I come down there?" we burts into "YES!!!!!!!!" as if it all was there, as if Mike was talking to us :cry: I know you understand what I felt :cry:
They did show Bucharest in a cinema Sydney for Michael's 50th birthday.
Wow yesssss! I was in cinema too in Poland (Poznań) It was so sooooo great! I'll never forget it. The crowd was singing and screaming I was so excited... That was tte best idea you can ever imagine ;)

I hope to see him on the big screen again. The Bad Tour yokohama!! I wanna see this ;P
Hi All

Just to report back on this. I went to the cinema in Krakow, Poland last night where they were showing the Bucharest concert. They dedicated 4 screens to showing the concert and the place was packed - I believe this was the same with other cinemas around Poland. Was great to see the show again and particularly on the big screen. They really cranked up the sound too which was awesome. I'm not sure if MJ has ever played Poland before - I certainly don't believe he did during the Dangerous tour as it was only 2/3 years after the fall of communism. Anyway, I think because of that many people in Poland have never seen a full MJ performance so despite it being on the cinema, I think they were all pretty mesmerised by the show. Many people were up and clapping and having an absolute blast.

Afterwards, they showed all of the number one videos. Each and every single video was followed by huge applause from the audience. It was a cool night and you could see many had come to say good bye to Michael which was nice. It's the longest I have ever spent in a cinema - over 4 hours, but by far the most enjoyable.

My sister was there yesterday, ah how jealous I was! :) I wish I was there with her. Nothing like that going on in Dublin. She said it was an awesome night, full theatre, and people really reacting to everything going on... and it was quite emotional for her as well.
I watched it in cinema here in Poland yesterday. :D Even though I saw Live in Bucharest and Number Ones many times, yesterday it was special, there was a cool climat. People applauded after every song, many were dressed in Michael's hats, t-shirts etc. Great night :)
The problem with showing the Bucharest concert in cinemas is that the sound is terrible. And they have edited in the noise from the crowd. It blends in with the music and takes away the experience of the actual music, the concert.

If they want to show concerts in cinemas, they should use footage wich are high quality and re-edit sound to fit the cinema surround format. A lot of bands who do concert and unplugged DVD's have their performance edited for advanced sound systems.

Some home sound systems have very high definition technology and many use huge screens to watch this. But if the DVd sound is not edited properly, the sound system will not be able to give you the feel of a live concert as it really is.

When you hear Michael's music live and when you see him perform on old videos you never get to experience what it sounded like on the actual concert.

That is a shame because todays technology allows us to experience the concert/performances as they were when it happened.

I'll give you one example. U2 did a tour in 2001 (don't rememner the name) and released a DVD with high definition sound. I saw that DVD on a surround home system with a big screen and it was amazing. I felt and heard the music as it was when it was played live and the surround effect made me believe I was in the crowd watching and listening as they were. It becamse something else then just watching a video on youtube.

Michael's concerts have always had the best sound in them and there is no problem in editing it to fit todays home systems, and even todays systems in cinemas.

History Tour probably has the best sound quality from the concerts, so making a high definition DVD out of that should not be difficult.

But the Bucharest DVD is so gobbled up with noise that is not supposed to be there it takes away the live feeling. It feels more like a 2 hour long music video, with the crowd going crazy and you hearing that as well as the music. That is not how it is when seeing MJ live. You hear the crowd but they never outdo the power of the sound from the stage.

When seeing MJ live, your body is pulled into this sound universe that simply just rips apart the fabrics of space and time. It is so powerful you can not do anything but listen.

That is what I want people to experience when they see a MJ concert.

History Tour Gothenburg probably has the best recorded sound, and when I show concerts to people who have not seen MJ live, I use that concert and I turn the volume and bass way up. The Bucharest DVD is nowhere near that. If I turn it to much up, the crowd noise takes away the feeling of the concert.
Wow, that is so amazing that they are doing this! Why on earth can we not have anything like this here in the UK? Don't tell me there are not enough fans here to warrant it? He just sold out 50 date sat the O2 for gawd's sake!
I think we NEED this here, not just 'wouldn't it be nice'.

Is there anything that the guys that run this site can do to pitch this idea anywhere at all? I never got to see him live, but being with his fans at an exciting event like this would be a very cool thing right now.

I saw Thriller Live and enjoyed it a lot, but as they are performing live you have to be respectful and not get up and dance and sing along!
I am from Poland too. Last night I was in cinema (Warsaw). People were shy and quiet-I was very surprised.