Dance moves that you want to see on "THIS IS IT"

About the circle moonwalk, he's done it again in 1999 during the MJ and Friends concerts a little while doing the shuffle; before the last time was Billie Jean Bad Tour First Leg. I actually like the slow glide moonwalk better because too many hip-hop dancers copy that move, despite him rarely doing it.

I MUST see the hopping move that he does at the end of Billie Jean, with the yelling backup singers! "ho! ho!" It's cool to hear audience do that too.

In HIStory Munich he didn't do this and it looked disappointing. In Munich MJ and Friends he did this but the backup didn't yell and the audience yelled.

"Smoking robot move" was only done with the "smoking" during the first leg of HIStory Tour. It wasn't seen in Brunei. He did still do the robot move with one leg pushing out and alternating and head and shoulder twist for most of the rest of the tour. He doesn't do shoulder waving as much though in the late second leg.

I want to see the robot bend he does in early Second Leg HIStory . That was the only cool move from that concert.

Also you know that trademark pointing move where he points to the side? I loved it when he did it in end dances of some of the late Second Leg of HIStory Tour.

Also I want to see the head crouch move he did at the MSG concerts.

I understand that he rarely did the heel swing move during Billie Jean on late second leg to save energy for an end dance (watch Munich unedited his heel bounced off the stage), but I want to see more heel swing, but not too much; first leg was repetitive.
I'd like to see that slidy-glide thing that he does in You Rock My World oh and the choreography from the 2Bad part in Ghosts, I absolutely love it.
i waaant him to to this he hasent done this in a loooooong time now

'' stand up for you broothaa, youu know you knoow it you do, AAOOOW ''
/then spins and fall down to hes knees!!! damn the spin and fall down to hes knees durin man in the mirror/dirty diana.. i wanna see that again!!
I wanna see the signature routine to Billie Jean too..

You know.. the moonwalk, spin and then up on his toes!
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Popping and floating, like Stranger in Moscow,

Hip-Hop, like Dangerous.

I hope he does Butterflies live, and combines Stranger In Moscow's dance style with a bit of hip-hop. It's perfect for this song!
Hey what about that ULTRA RARE move he does on The "In the closet" video? That was a once-off! I'd love to see him bring it back.
I want to see Michael moonwalk, then spin into the sidewalk like his did in Munich in 1997. That was pretty awesome.

The Fred Astaire moves from YRMW


When he performs the J5 medley, I want him to perform The Love You Save like they did at Motown 25 (the end part of the song).

Yeah Also like how he gels the side-walk into the moonwalk! And that Fred Aistaire move on YRMW is soo classy! I realy want to see YRMW but only If he throws in the choreography from the video.
Side-skip in the part of Billie Jean "then every head turned..." he did that during HIStory Tour early second leg - ie. Amsterdam June 10 (not that good a performance), Gelsenkirchen (it looked so awesome here, because he pulled off his jacket to the side a bit), and Vienna (not a good performance, almost like Munich)
if he could do billie jean like on the victory tour with the circle moonwalk. it looked so magical. or whatever that move is called. i think that was the best performance of it. well and motown 25.
I'd like him to that tap dance move he does during his smooth criminal performances. Generally, he does it after the group choregraphy after the first chorus.

I'd also like him to do that move..... i dunno if its called "the rolling shoulders" or something, but when he does that he moves his shoulders from side to side while moving his heels outwads and inward. He performed that move at the begining of the TDCAU video clip and during the YRMW live performance (the one with Usher) as well. Dunno if my post is clear.
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I'd like the see him bust that move that he does in the In The Closet video around hallf-way through, its hard to describe it. Also I like to see him do the robot again how he did it in one of his performances of Dancing Machine.
I'd like to see the wiggly kick move & a good spin as well as other moves :D