Dance moves that you want to see on "THIS IS IT"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
One of my favorite MJ moves is thot hop/skip - type thing he does on the climax of "Man in the mirror", he does it on WBBS on the "mama- se-mama-sa" part. This move was nowhere to be seen on MSG unfortunately (I wonder why). Its a very intricate move, the co-ordination is amazing and it would be interesting to see him do it in London. Which move do you want to see?
I want to see that move as well.

I want to see the "smoking" move he sometimes does at the end of Billie Jean.
I want to see the move where he takes of his hat and rolls it up his arm back onto his head. He does it during Smooth criminal on HIStory Tour, and he does it amazingly at the end of Billie Jean HIStory tour Brunei.

All of the obvious ones, the moonwalk, sidewalk etc.......

More than anything, I want to see my favourite move. Which is the James Brown type move. I think its called the spot shimmy???? :S
^ I think he is talking about another move that MJ does. He appears to be smoking,then he throws the cigarette and then steps on it.He sometimes does this,near the end of Billie Jean,right before doing the closing dance,with the hat and the light... :)
I want to see the move where he takes of his hat and rolls it up his arm back onto his head. He does it during Smooth criminal on HIStory Tour, and he does it amazingly at the end of Billie Jean HIStory tour Brunei.

All of the obvious ones, the moonwalk, sidewalk etc.......

More than anything, I want to see my favourite move. Which is the James Brown type move. I think its called the spot shimmy???? :S

Is the James Brown move the one where he wiggles his feet, mostly done on WBBS?
^ I think he is talking about another move that MJ does. He appears to be smoking,then he throws the cigarette and then steps on it.He sometimes does this,near the end of Billie Jean,right before doing the closing dance,with the hat and the light... :)

Wow, never seen that, I know he has alot of conversations with his hat at the end of BJ.
Is the James Brown move the one where he wiggles his feet, mostly done on WBBS?

Why yes :) Thats my favourite move :)

Wow, never seen that, I know he has alot of conversations with his hat at the end of BJ.

I hear once he actually asked it on a date right their on stage :|
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Why yes :) Thats my favourite move :)

I here once he actually asked it on a date right their on stage :|

You serious?! lol! Anyway I love that JB Move too. I ALSO WANT TO SEE THE TAP, last time I saw it was on Living with MJ.
You serious?! lol! Anyway I love that JB Move too. I ALSO WANT TO SEE THE TAP, last time I saw it was on Living with MJ.

Oh yeah he did it near the start when bashir asked him to dance. The thing is with that though where that his pants where quite long. That clip has allways annoyed me because you cant see the moonwalk properly :(
I wanna see that Hop/Skip move

and yeah the lean isn't a move but it's still awesome to watch
I would also love to see the James Brown moves where he wiggles his feet, I think it´s absolutely brilliant to watch! It´s cool when JB does it, but sooooo much cooler when MJ does it :) I am no dance expert but it seems to me that when JB does (or did) the moves he did it with pure raw energy, while MJ does it more smoothly and more techniqually. Maybe
I´m wrong, but that´s how I see it.

In addition to that, I would also like to see the round-slide he did on the Bad Tour on Billie Jean. That slide looks much cooler and harder to do than the circle-slide he normally performes but I have only seen him doing it on the Bad Tour. Question: Do you know which move I mean, and why has he never performed it after the Bad Tour??
The lean (Okay, not a move but its great)
The spin
The slide glace
And I love the dance routine to Dangerous.. its ace!!
Moonwalk (because it means so much)
I would also love to see the James Brown moves where he wiggles his feet, I think it´s absolutely brilliant to watch! It´s cool when JB does it, but sooooo much cooler when MJ does it :) I am no dance expert but it seems to me that when JB does (or did) the moves he did it with pure raw energy, while MJ does it more smoothly and more techniqually. Maybe
I´m wrong, but that´s how I see it.

In addition to that, I would also like to see the round-slide he did on the Bad Tour on Billie Jean. That slide looks much cooler and harder to do than the circle-slide he normally performes but I have only seen him doing it on the Bad Tour. Question: Do you know which move I mean, and why has he never performed it after the Bad Tour??

Are you talking about the moonwalk in circles? If so ,then the he first did it on the Victory tour. It DOES look harder to do, I've tried it myself and I cant,lol!
I would love to see some of the choregraphy from the Ghosts music video. Some of the moves he does in that video are plain sick!
He wanna turn the key
Hurt the sheets
Move to the left
He wanna hot scrub
Hot love
Making it wet

He wanna give hot jump shot
Move to the left
He wanna time bar
Slam dunk ha ha ha
I wanna see all the MJ moves! :lol:

Moonwalk, Sidewalk and would love the lean for Smooth Criminal :)
Of course all of his trademark moves! :D Only because it's my first time seeing him haha. A lot of new moves would be GREAT too!
I want to see Michael moonwalk, then spin into the sidewalk like his did in Munich in 1997. That was pretty awesome.

The Fred Astaire moves from YRMW


When he performs the J5 medley, I want him to perform The Love You Save like they did at Motown 25 (the end part of the song).