Daily News - July 15, 2009 - Wednesday


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Jul 25, 2011
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Good Morning - another day - another series of news releases, memories and tabloid ish

(just remember, ish is ish, please don't take it seriously)



Concert promoter Randy Phillips has revealed he is battling against time to stage a glittering show in honour of the late Michael Jackson.

Randy Phillips is desperate to stage a Michael Jackson tribute show on the pop icon's birthday.
Randy - who is chief executive of AEG Live, the company behind the London comeback shows Michael was due to perform - worries he hasn't got enough time to organise a glittering celebration on August 29, which would have been Michael's 51st birthday.
Randy said: "The number one item I'm discussing is presenting 'This Is It' the production, hopefully with the Jacksons and maybe his sister Janet, and other artists.
"We have to make some hard decisions this week otherwise it will be too late to even contemplate doing anything on August 29."
Randy is keen for the show to be broadcast around the world, just as Michael's memorial was last week.
He added to digital radio station BBC 6 Music: "What we're thinking about is one massive tribute that's broadcast around the globe. We've opted to go to broadcast television, either cable/satellite, or traditional broadcast."
Meanwhile, it has been claimed Michael had been planning to emulate Fred Astaire on the 'This Is It' tour.
The 50-year-old star wanted the shows to feature routines in the style of his favourite dancer and had been studying his famous moves.
Dance instructor Dormeshia Edwards - who was helping Michael rehearse for the tour - told the New York Daily News newspaper: "Michael kept saying he was working on a big project, and it was just known as 'the project'. He was studying styles, trying to figure out what he might want to do.
"He would take four-hour sessions to learn one count of eight, and he would make sure he was completely comfortable with each routine before he moved on.
"He had such a love and respect for dance. You could see there was thought behind every moment."



Michael Jackson's estate open for business

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two weeks after Michael Jackson's death, administrators of his estate are temporarily authorized to reopen for business and negotiate, ...

Coroner's official seeks records from Jackson doc

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — A county coroner's official visited the office of Michael Jackson's dermatologist on Tuesday to follow up on a subpoena seeking additional medical records.

Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said outside the Beverly Hills office of Arnold Klein that the doctor had been cooperating in the investigation.
Klein's attorney, Richard Charnley, said in a statement that his client will provide the documents Wednesday.

Craig Harvey, the coroner's chief of operations, would not specify what records were being sought.

Investigators have focused on the role drugs may have played in Jackson's death.

In recent TV interviews, Klein said he had sedated Jackson for past medical procedures. He denied ever giving the pop star an unnecessary dose of drugs.



A view of Michael Jackson from the nosebleeds

July 15, 2009 01:14 am

— Before fame was a death sentence, I went to see Michael Jackson perform at the big coliseum in Montgomery, Ala., the same place I saw, on other exciting evenings, Minnie Pearl and, twice, the world-famous Lipizzaners.

I was about 19, which would have put Michael at 13.
He was still part of the Jackson Five, and I was employed at a local grocery warehouse in the summer before starting back to college. You might say we were both working our way through school.
The musical act was as fluid and harmoniously wonderful as any I'd ever seen. The seats were nosebleed.

My friends and I didn't know all the Jackson family dynamics back then. We assumed little Michael, being the baby and so cute and all, was the pet. He certainly was the star. I guess all families can back you up or bring you down, and his, over the years, seemed to do both.

I gave up on "new" music at about age 30, retreating into traditional country and Motown and the ample music encyclopedia from my growing-up years in the 1960s. So I lost track of Michael musically, though I heard enough on the entertainment news to know he still had "it," whatever "it" is. And the tabloid headlines made it clear his personal life was one of strife, despite great riches, or maybe because of them.

Since the famous pop star died, I've thought a lot about the Mississippi bluesmen. Most of them made their music in relative obscurity. They were known in Europe before being recognized in their own land. Most kept their day jobs.

And most died poor, without even the temptation of making bizarre purchases and furnishing palatial estates. They were doing good to keep body and soul together. And, so, they kept body and soul together.
Leland, Miss.'s Son Thomas had his electric power turned off while he was entertaining a big Republican gala down in Jackson, Miss. Talk about your songs waiting to be written. He told a reporter it was just one of those things. Another reason to sing the blues.

I once covered the funeral of bluesman Sam Chapman. It was at an old schoolhouse in Hollandale, and a lot of his fans came. The casket was not gold. It was open.

One by one, pilgrim musicians paid musical tribute to their fallen hero, same as at Michael's funeral. Only Sam's send-off wasn't covered by major networks, only a newspaper or two. It was, however, equally memorable. The tributes were basically the same: heartfelt. Only, Sam was a tree that fell in a managed forest, if not an empty one.

They are saying Michael had lost virtually everything but his talent, which he had too much of ever to exhaust. And I'm wondering if that was all bad, the back-to-basics approach to life. Perhaps, despite his tribulations, he found time at the end to remember what he loved about music in the beginning.

From the nosebleed seats long ago, he seemed to be having fun.
Rheta Grimsley Johnson writes for King Features Syndicate.



Today in
Michael Jackson History

1972 - Michael Jackson's single "I Wanna Be Where You Are" hit #16 in the U.S.

1995 - The maxi single for Michael Jackson's "Scream" was released.
EXTRA-Jackson Singers Remember Michael

Michael Jackson's backup singers rehearsed with the pop icon just twelve hours before his death -- and they're opening up to "Extra" about their intimate memories of the late King of Pop.

One of the singers, Dorian Holley, tells "Extra" that this tour was unlike Jackson's previous ones. "This time was different. He wasn't with his brothers this time. He was on his own. Everyone felt like Michael was more invested and involved in it. After working with him for 22 years, I felt like I really got to know him. He assembled a band and a crew where he would feel comfortable and he was... And you felt him loosening up and just kind of digging being around people."

Judith Hill, another singer, tells "Extra" that everyone could feel Michael's energy as he performed. "When he stepped onto the stage, it was amazing.

Holley, along with Ken Stacey and Darryl Phinessee, remembers the moment he found out about Jackson's death. "My wife and I were having lunch and I took it very lightly. As the afternoon went by it seemed worse, but I was saying to myself, 'It's going to get better.' But it was very tough."

Stacey reveals, "I got a text from a PA and I got a call from a close family friend asking if I heard the news. I wasn't going to take it that seriously and it was a nightmare. We all poured so much of our heart and soul into this and seeing it all go away was surreal. MJ was never a person who would leave us."

Darryl says, "We finished at midnight the day before he died and I got a call saying he was going to the hospital... he's such a sweet person. Always thanking the people he was around. I still don't know how to articulate about how I feel about it."

Hill, one of Michael's newer backup singers, recalled having butterflies in her stomach on her first day. "I was nervous about Michael coming, but once he was there, I felt better and we started to sing and it was such a magical experience... it was an honor. I couldn't have asked for anything better. He's so sweet."

Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS on July 24 in Austria

- Television Show From the Nuclear Power Plant Zwentendorf in Lower Austria With the Motto "HEAL THE WORLD"

- Jermaine Jackson Will Receive the SAVE THE WORLD AWARD on Behalf of his Late Brother Michael and Perform "Smile" in his Honor

- TV Special to be Broadcast in More Than 50 Countries Around the World

VIENNA, Austria, July 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Jermaine Jackson, brother of the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson who passed away so unexpectedly two weeks ago, will attend the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to be held at the Nuclear Power Plant Zwentendorf, Austria on July 24th. He will accept the award presented to exceptional individuals and organizations working toward a peaceful, sustainable, and livable future in honor of his late brother, who posthumously is being presented with the prestigious prize for his many social and humanitarian achievements.
"I thank all the fans in Europe and around the world who loved and admired Michael for their support in these difficult times. At the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS we all will be able to remember a very special person as well as celebrate a truly unique artist," says Jermaine Jackson about the event dedicated to the memory of Michael Jackson. The 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS will have the motto "Heal The World", and serve as a tribute to the greatest entertainer of the 20th century who died much too early.
Jermaine Jackson will perform live one of Michael's favorite songs, "Smile". "He loved it since he was a little boy," is how Jermaine describes the Charlie Chaplin song that he performed so movingly at the Staples Center memorial in Los Angeles for hundreds of millions of TV viewers around the world. Mr. Jackson, who will be traveling to Austria with his family and his long time attorney and friend, Vicki Roberts, will also be part of the all-star lineup performing the grand finale "We Are The World."
Further award winners, presenters and performing artists attending the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS will be announced within the next few days.
WORLD AWARDS founder and chairman Georg Kindel on this very special evening: "We are extremely pleased that Jermaine Jackson is supporting this very important and timely event and that he will accept the award in honor of his brother, Michael. The goals of the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS are similar to those Michael Jackson strongly advocated throughout his life: peace, tolerance, and saving our fragile Earth. Some of his greatest hits will be performed live including 'You Are Not Alone,' 'Man In The Mirror,' and 'Black Or White' at the monumental show for 2,500 guests on location and TV audiences around the globe," Mr. Kindel said.
"Michael Jackson inspired and fascinated millions of people, and his death touched just as many. To dedicate the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to this exceptional artist and his many humanitarian initiatives serves as an important message," Christian Baha, founder of the Superfund Investment Group and presenting partner of the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS, says about this very special event.
World-renowned artist Gottfried Helnwein, admired for his hyper-realistic and provocative paintings, will present a unique multi-media installation at the Nuclear Power Plant Zwentendorf as a tribute to Michael Jackson. Helnwein was a friend of Michael for many years. He will present huge children's paintings from his cycles "The Murmur of the Innocents" and "The Last Child" as well as portraits he has shot of Michael Jackson currently being exhibited at the Albertina Museum in Vienna.
Renowned American musician, composer, and producer Ray Chew, musical director of the BET Awards, Grammy Awards, and the Apollo Theater where Michael Jackson and The Jackson Five had their first major success, and his band will perform "We Are The World" as the grand finale at the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS with an all-star group of artists.
The 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS is presented by the Superfund Investment Group and supported by the state of Lower Austria and the energy provider EVN. The television special will be broadcast in more than 50 countries around the world.
Further information about the SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS can be found at http://www.worldawards.com.
Press credentials for media representatives are available online at http://www.worldawards.com, SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS - PRESS - CREDENTIALS.

For further information please contact:
Media Department / Nina Ellend
Marc-Aurel-Strasse 10
A-1010 Wien
Tel. (+43)1-533-32-55-0
Fax (+43)1-533-32-55-40

Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

Wow. That is wonderful he's getting this.

On a side note- I won't be watching it. Can't listen to someone else sing Michael's songs just yet.
Re: EXTRA-Jackson Singers Remember Michael

One of the singers, Dorian Holley, tells "Extra" that this tour was unlike Jackson's previous ones. "This time was different. He wasn't with his brothers this time. He was on his own.

:brow: I guess this guy never got the memo about the Bad, Dangerous and HIStory world tours?
Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

Man Jermaine singing Smile again is gunna hurt like hell :(
Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

is there a official statement from jermaine that he will be there?
July 14th, 2009
Recovering from Michael Jackson’s death as easy as A-B-C?

Posted by: Dan Whitcomb
A Los Angeles-based clinical psychologist who says she has personally struggled with grief over Michael Jackson’s death on June 25 has created a special “therapeutic system” to help the King of Pop’s fans cope with the loss of their icon.
Elizabeth Farr calls her therapy “ABC” in tribute to the early Jackson 5 hit song and says she came up with the idea while treating some 10 grieving Michael Jackson fans in her practice in Los Angeles.
“When so many of my clients expressed difficulty dealing with the death of Michael Jackson I decided to formalize a therapeautic approach to help people move forward with their lives after losing someone that meant so much to them for so many years,” Farr said.

“Michael Jackson’s passing is not just another celebrity death,” Farr said. “Many people are having trouble coping with the sudden loss of Michael Jackson and are finding it difficult to perform every day life tasks. This therapeautic approach helps people get back on track with their lives.”

Farr said that in treating clients who are depressed over Michael Jackson’s death she tries to encourage them to realize that their own feelings are tied up with the superstar and his tragic end.

“In many ways its as simple as A-B-C,” she said. “You Acknowledge what you’re feeling, that’s the A. You look at your Belief system, that’s the B, and the C is your Cognition, your thoughts. Its as easy as A-B-C. We can fix this. When we control how we think, we can alter how we behave.”

Photo: Michael Jackson fans mourn his death in Warsaw (Reuters/ Kacper Pempel)

Tito Jackson Talks About Michael's Alleged Drug Problems

Older brother says family planned military-style intervention with Michael.

For years, the Jackson family largely presented a unified, denial-filled front in response to allegations of Michael Jackson's alleged addiction to prescription medication. But, following in the footsteps of sister LaToya, who was paid to speak to a British tabloid about her feelings that Michael was "murdered" by a shadowy group of conspirators, older brother Tito, 55, has broken his silence to a rival British tab, The Daily Mirror.

In a lengthy interview, Tito told the newspaper — which seems likely to have paid him for his time, as The Daily Mail did with LaToya — that the family was so concerned over Michael's alleged abuse of prescription pills that they planned a military-style intervention at Jackson's then-home, Neverland Valley Ranch. (Representatives for the Mail had not responded to MTV News' request for comment at press time.)

"I never saw him on drugs. Not once. He deliberately did it away from us. He didn't want his family to know anything about that part of him," Tito reportedly told the paper, adding that Jackson did everything in his power to hide his activities, even ordering his staff to bar his brothers and sisters from the ranch.

"We had to act," he explained, saying that as rumors grew of Michael's addiction his siblings rushed passed the security guards to confront Michael. "It was me, my sisters Janet, Rebbie and LaToya and my brothers, Jackie and Randy ... We bust right into the house and he was surprised to see us, to say the least. ... We went into one of his private rooms and had a discussion with him. Some of us were crying."

Tito claimed that the siblings kept asking Michael if it was true he was using drugs and the singer kept denying it, saying they were overreacting and asking a doctor who was on hand to assure them everything was OK.

Investigators are still trying to determine what caused Jackson to collapse and die on June 25 at the age of 50, apparently of cardiac arrest. Numerous news outlets have reported that the singer was taking a number of prescription pain medications and anti-anxiety drugs at the time of his death and that he was also allegedly using the powerful doctor-only approved anesthetic Diprivan as a sleep aid to counter his chronic insomnia.

Tito said that despite the assurances, the siblings didn't take Michael's word and attempted to speak to him about the problem for hours, to no avail. He did not say when the intervention took place, but noted that the family subsequently tried "many times" to speak to Michael about the issue, but were shut out by his handlers.

"I don't know if they were just doing their job or if it they were part of some kind of conspiracy," he said, adding that the security staff would often set up roadblocks to keep the siblings out. Tito said he first became aware of Michael's alleged problems with prescription drugs after the singer was treated at a rehab clinic in 1993.

"He had been taking pain medicine because of the burns to his scalp and evidently he got some type of addiction from it," Tito said, referring to injuries Jackson suffered from burns during a 1984 shoot for a Pepsi ad.

Though LaToya claimed that Michael was killed by a group of conspirators trying to get their hands on his money, Tito said he is not convinced of that. "I don't know whether he was killed or not," he said. "But I would say that sometimes he had people around him that were not in his best interests. ... Whether his death was an accident or whether it was deliberate, something has gone on and we need to get to the bottom of it."

On another topic the family declined to discuss over the years, Jackson's proclivity for image-remaking plastic surgery, Tito said that obsession may have come from taunting the singer endured from family patriarch Joseph Jackson when Michael was young about his nose and acne. "Michael's plastic surgery started around 1979, when he went solo," Tito said. "It was just something that a lot of entertainers were doing at the time. ... It started with just an alteration of his nose. He never told me why, but I think he thought it would improve his looks."

The former member of the Jackson 5 also countered reports in a new unauthorized biography by Canadian writer Ian Halperin, who said that near the end of his life, Michael was obsessed with fears of his own death.

"Michael was one of those people that was always worried about someone having to take care of him," Tito said. "He didn't want to turn into someone who couldn't make it up the stairs or couldn't make it to the bathroom. ... But I don't think losing his life at an early age was part of his plan either. ... He never talked to me about dying, but most of us are a little in fear of dying."


Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

IDK which channel it will come on yet. I want to watch it.
Re: Tito Jackson Talks About Michael's Alleged Drug Problems

the family need to keep their mouths shut are they stupid or what
Ghostly image of Michael Jackson appears on car bonnet **VIDEO INCLUDED**

A builder was stunned when he discovered a ghostly image of Michael Jackson on his car bonnet.
Re: Tito Jackson Talks About Michael's Alleged Drug Problems

I continue to despair over human nature. I am so tired of people 'washing their mouth' over Michael. So tired.
Re: Ghostly image of Michael Jackson appears on car bonnet **VIDEO INCLUDED**

It's coming from the reflection from the clouds and the clouds on either shoulder look like angel wings! lol :D
Re: Ghostly image of Michael Jackson appears on car bonnet **VIDEO INCLUDED**

I can't see the video??
Re: Tito Jackson Talks About Michael's Alleged Drug Problems

i thought tito was one of the inteligent ones. obviously not.
Inside Michael Jackson's LA Home ** VIDEO TOUR **


So this is what it looks like.

E! News scored an exclusive tour of the Las Vegas mansion the King of Pop rented while negotiating a possible comeback gig—and though any personal items belonging to the eccentric artist are long gone, it's still fascinating to put a place to the increasingly odd face.

Here's the scoop we got from realtor Zar Zanganeh, who leased the 10-bedroom house to Jackson in 2006 and 2007 and is now showing it for seller Coldwell Banker Real Estate:

Jackson obviously wanted to keep his kids close to home—that's where they played and went to school, and a security team was on hand at all times to keep them safe.

Vegas businessman Jack Wishna, who was trying to get a Sin City concert residency rolling for the Thriller artist, told E! News this week that Jackson and his three children all slept in one room.

Zanganeh maintained that Prince Michael, Paris and wee Prince Michael II (aka Blanket) had their own bedroom next to their dad's 2,000-square-foot suite—and that's where they slept, on three separate beds.

Albeit three separate beds squished together in a room meant for one bed.

"Michael slept in his bed every night as far as I know," the realtor said. "There were plenty of times I came over and he was still in bed. He always came out of this room," he added, motioning to the master bedroom. "The kids were right next door."

Zanganeh did not dispute, however, Wishna's story about Jackson leaving his Christmas '06 tree up until the day his family vacated the home the following summer—but he put a much sweeter spin on it.

"He liked it so much he left it up for his entire stay," he said simply, adding that rumors of Jackson leaving a mess behind when he moved out were totally false.

"He left the property in great condition, professionally cleaned up. He was a complete gentleman," Zanganeh said.

The gated residence—replete with tennis and basketball courts, a playroom, three office suites, au pair quarters and an impressive yet eerie backstory—has remained empty since the most storied branch of the Jackson family called it home.

Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

I will watch this defo..
Re: Jermaine Jackson at the 2009 SAVE THE WORLD AWARDS to receive award on MJ's behalf

I guess Jermaine is the main public respresentative for Michael until his children grow up, which is good.
Michael Jackson's perfume to go on sale

An entertainment manager is causing a stink as he plans to release 19 year old bottles of “Mystique de Michael Jackson” - a perfume created by Michael that never made it to the shops.

Michael Jackson planned to launch a “dangerously seductive” fragrance 19 years ago.

The Sun reports that the venture was dropped, costing ***** millions, after the child molestation allegations came to light in 1993.

It is believed around 400,000 bottles of “Mystique de Michael Jackson” for women and “Le Jan de Michael Jackson” for men were made, but most were destroyed before hitting the shelves costing Michael millions.

However, an entertainment manager who produced a TV advert for the scents, kept a few dozen bottles for himself.

Neil London now plans to sell the perfume off.


Sadly, the smell is ‘Bad’ as Neil has admitted the perfume has turned “putrid.”

This isn’t expected to stop die-hard Jackson fans clambering to purchase a bottle.

This stinks of someone else cashing in on the King of Pop’s passing
USPTO Opens Exhibit of Michael Jackson’s Patent and Trademarks


WASHINGTON - The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Inventors Hall of Fame and Museum are presenting a special exhibit featuring material from Michael Jackson’s patent and trademark applications. The exhibit is free and open to the public starting Wednesday, July 15 and runs through Labor Day.

Mr. Jackson is the co-inventor of a “system for allowing a shoe wearer to lean forwardly beyond his center of gravity by virtue of wearing a specially designed pair of shoes which will engage with a hitch member movably projectable through a stage surface.” Included in the patent application is an original sample of Michael Joseph Jackson’s signature and drawings of his invention.

The exhibit will also feature an example of Mr. Jackson’s registered trademarks, including United States Registration No. 1,908,209, which provides exclusive rights to use the words, “MICHAEL JACKSON,” on, “sound recordings; namely, pre-recorded phonograph records, audio tapes, compact discs, videotapes, and motion picture films featuring music and entertainment.”

The museum is open to the public Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday Noon to 5:00 p.m. (closed on Sundays and federal holidays). The museum is in Alexandria, Virginia at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is located in the atrium of the Madison Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, VA, and is easily accessible from the King Street and Eisenhower Avenue Metro stations (Blue Line and Yellow Line). USPTO Museum Info: (571) 272-0095. Admission is free of charge.
Re: Inside Michael Jackson's LA Home ** VIDEO TOUR **

everyone is cashing in ... aren't they??

aslo the media keeps repeating Michael left a mess in this mansion.........this is the 1st time a quote from the owner is shown saying Michael was a gentleman and left the place in great condition....

I've got to use caution... with so much :bs coming out about Michael final days... its mind numming.... I guess that is why most people tuned out and just headed for the
record stores after the memorial...
Re: Michael Jackson's perfume to go on sale

I'm sure i have already seen some for sale somewhere , i think it may of had a hologram on the bottle.
Re: Inside Michael Jackson's LA Home ** VIDEO TOUR **

everyone is cashing in ... aren't they??

aslo the media keeps repeating Michael left a mess in this mansion.........this is the 1st time a quote from the owner is shown saying Michael was a gentleman and left the place in great condition....

I've got to use caution... with so much :bs coming out about Michael final days... its mind numming.... I guess that is why most people tuned out and just headed for the
record stores after the memorial...

yah. true
That was very thought-provoking Rasta Pasta. I agree with him in most respects. But sometimes I think with Michael (as with all people and things) "a cigar is just a cigar".