Daily News - August 5, 2009 Alot of stuff posted. Come and read it won't ya

I agree. But it's like I'm waiting for something to happen, you know. Something huge. Maybe it's just the fact that he should be touring by now, or maybe it is the fact that I want to BE somewhere, to watch his performance, or WHATEVER, together with THE FANS!

I don't know, I have this strange excited feeling, but as I get hyped up over something I don't really now what is right now, it takes me right back down again, because he's not "here" anymore.

I just just can't shake that feeling off that I'm waiting for something...

and sometimes I stop and think... what am I waiting for???....
it's all so sudden...
'Jackson' bust at Field a draw for fans

August 5, 2009

BY KARA SPAK Staff Reporter

Think the man-eating lions of Tsavo are a hot attraction at the Field Museum?
Try the “Man in the Mirror.”

Museum visitors today were captivated by an ancient artifact tucked in a corner of the “Inside Ancient Egypt” permanent exhibit: a more than 3,000-year-old bust of a woman with an uncanny resemblance to dead pop star Michael Jackson.
“I saw it, and I’m like, ‘Oh My God, it looks like him,’” said Angel Tapia, 11, a day camper on a field trip with about 40 fellow campers. “I can’t even express it.”
Tapia described himself as a “huge, huge Michael Jackson fan” and agreed with his counselor’s blunt assessment of the bust: creepy, but exciting.
“It’s just really weird,” counselor Rosemary Dominguez said.
The bust, which dates from 1550 to 1050 B.C., might just be the world’s oldest Michael Jackson impersonator.
The ancient Egyptian lady looks more like the Jackson before his recent sudden death — after excessive plastic surgery — than the sprightly Gary, Ind. native twittering “Rockin’ Robin” or the iconic “Thriller” star moonwalking, pirouetting then grabbing his crotch before thousands of screaming fans.
“That’s Michael Jackson!” cried out Mariah Escareno, 9, after a quick glance at the bust while her mother Nichole Shanahan perused a nearby display of ancient Egyptian makeup cases.
Shanahan, of Chicago Ridge, was impressed with the resemblance.
“It seems like the exact same size” as Jackson’s head, she said. “I wonder if they ever measured it.”
Garrett Newbill, 9, visiting with his family from Tennessee, said the flesh-and-bones Jackson was “a lot paler” than the light grey limestone bust. He pointed at another bust in the case and joked, “That one could be Lisa Marie.”
Jackson was married to Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of deceased pop legend Elvis Presley, for 20 months in the mid-1990s.
Ted Davis of Dayton, Ohio, judged the bust to be 90 percent Jackson-esque.

Omg LOOL. That Egyptian article is an interesting coincidence, and it does look like him a bit.


Ok, so I have seen this statue many times, but I have always thought it was fake?? Like someone had made it for fun and joy??

Is it real? Then if it's so...wow and omg.
Yeah, is it real? o__o Can't really tell... there pics too of people looking at the statue at the museum thing. If it is that's like woaaah.
Yes, it's real! Today there are quite a few articles about this and it's getting more and more famous! lol
I' sorry ya'll, but this got me going:(From the today in HIStory part of teh news post)

"1992 - Michael Jackson collapsed three times during a concert in Wales."

was that three times in 1 concert? cuz holy ish man that's crazy.

Yeah...wtf is that?
Yes, it's real! Today there are quite a few articles about this and it's getting more and more famous! lol

For real?? I have always thought of that statue for beeing an "lost" item from the Remember The Time video LOL :lol:

Seriously? :mello::wild::ph34r:
Colombia Pictures is owned by Sony Entertainment... I think, right? :unsure:
Re: Moon Crater To Be Designated In Memoriam Of Legendary Entertainer Michael Jackson


New York (6 July 2009 LT) — The Lunar Republic Society has announced that a crater on Earth's Moon will be renamed "Michael Joseph Jackson" in honor of the celebrated entertainer, who passed away on June 25, 2009.

Awwwww--that is awesome! I always think of Michael when I see the moon, and now I know that it is official. hehe. Cool!