DA: Pa. abortion doc killed 7 babies with scissors

Oooooh! My prof. talked about this article in class yesterday. :D (The excitement is not over the content of this article, I may as well clarify, but just that something on MJJC would be relevant to RL.)
I forgot to mention it earlier.
I couldn't believe the title of this article, I almost didn't believe it, how horrific... This world is extremely worrysome.
the 40+ million murdered since Roe v. wade is the real holocaust, the Bible says the innocent blood shall cry out. Abortion is a monstrous national evil.
I live in Philadelphia and I have drove past that place many a time and always wondered why was it always crowed? This guy was doing late term abortions killing babies cutting there spinal cords and you should see the pictures of that place disgusting. He gave people VD using dirty equipment had teenagers given anesthesia and this place was also a pill mill. This is an example of how a doctor takes advantage of a poor community.
I live in Philadelphia and I have drove past that place many a time and always wondered why was it always crowed? This guy was doing late term abortions killing babies cutting there spinal cords and you should see the pictures of that place disgusting. He gave people VD using dirty equipment had teenagers given anesthesia and this place was also a pill mill. This is an example of how a doctor takes advantage of a poor community.
well I am sorry that you have to see those disgusting images. That guy deserves the death penalty. Killing poor innocent little babies like that....and the poor girls that have gone to him..they will have psychological damage for the rest of their lives. The world is a VERY scary place.
xthunderx2;3219620 said:
well I am sorry that you have to see those disgusting images. That guy deserves the death penalty. Killing poor innocent little babies like that....and the poor girls that have gone to him..they will have psychological damage for the rest of their lives. The world is a VERY scary place.

Their fault. The only ones who are truly innocent and blameless in this situation are the children getting killed (yes, children, at this point, since the fetus was pretty much mature when he cut it with scissors.) No one forced those girls to have sex--and they know why they're there. Since this wasn't even a legitimate abortion clinic, I am pretty much certain that the grand majority of this psycho's clientèle were idiot teenage girls who didn't want their parents to find out what they did. I can't see any other reason to be so shady about getting an abortion. Surely, if you were raped, your local legitimate abortion clinic would be sympathetic to your situation, and not only help you have a healthy abortion, but point you to some resources so you can cope with what happened.

So, no sympathy at all for the clients, who should have known better than to visit such a place. No one held a gun to their heads and told them to go visit that guy, and no one made them have sex, certainly. No sympathy for that guy, who is a complete lunatic. Complete sympathy for the would-be children, who didn't ask to be born, much less extinguished in such a brutal manner.