Cuts Of Michael Jackson

I think they are great. If that guy's vision has paint drips...then it has paint drips. Every artist sees what they see when they create something.
Doesn't have to be everyone's cup of tea. I wish I could paint anything...let alone those paintings.... People don't have to agree but being mean about it is rather childish...
they all are garbage sorry to go hard but come the fuck on he could of did better than that I'm from NY out here on 125th street in harlem they drew nice pictures than those. No disrespect thanks for posting

NO disrespect? you can be a bit milder than when criticizing...

I like the pictures really.
yea it was all over the new me and my friends was the only real mj fans there everyone else was there because they knew the artist



Now *these* are cool! Where in Brooklyn is it? I live by Prospect Park.
Those are very good paitings! I like them. :) The saintly one and the one with the snake (Muscles?) draped around his neck are my favourites.
OMG. WTF. Why are those red splashes all over Michaels face? It seems like blood or sumthin. I dont like it. Ugly.
The first one looks like Michael is wearing a halo, so I think the red is supposed to be blood, to represent the suffering he went through, kinda like Christ. That's just a guess though.
I think the paintings are very creative and unique! I'd buy one! Any idea what they're going for?
Wow, I love them! To those who think the red represents're probably right, but it's not meant to put Michael in a bad light.

Remember, he said to have mercy for he had been bleeding for a long time now in that letter. He was put under such scrutiny in life. I think that could be an interpretation of what the red splatters mean. is in the eye of the beholder i guess.

they are good. you can't deny the talent there the paint 'dripping down' isn't wrong, its an artistic choice.

u might like a 'cleaned up' version - the same as what he's done but just with out the dripping paint...

you can see the talent he has

i like em