Cuts Of Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok so me and my friends went to brooklyn to check out this great artist work..! he did a great job with this art of michael he only really do pictures of Michael soo yeaa check it out







He looks like Dr. Klein.

The first painting is great.
Ahhhhh!!!!! What a cool fan! and beautiful paintings.

I have this eerie feeling that in a hundred years, those pictures will become famous. ^_^
i love the pictures he had some really cool things there but my cam went a wall on me soo lolx
I love these paintings especially the Earth Song one
WOW! Me and my buddies gotta take a subway trip to Brooklyn to check these out soon.
they all are garbage sorry to go hard but come the fuck on he could of did better than that I'm from NY out here on 125th street in harlem they drew nice pictures than those. No disrespect thanks for posting
yea it was all over the new me and my friends was the only real mj fans there everyone else was there because they knew the artist


they all are garbage sorry to go hard but come the fuck on he could of did better than that I'm from NY out here on 125th street in harlem they drew nice pictures than those. No disrespect thanks for posting

they are beautiful
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
sorry you couldnt behold that ..
they all are garbage sorry to go hard but come the fuck on he could of did better than that I'm from NY out here on 125th street in harlem they drew nice pictures than those. No disrespect thanks for posting

I would LOVE to see you do something even half as good as these.

The paint dripping and all that is an artistic choice by him and it gives it some extra flare. If he just flat out painted him it would be boring.
Wow, the guy can paint!! He drew MJ so well. Some people are so talented!!!
Yep I think those paintings will become famous some day.
Where are the paintings of Michael from Neverland? I want to buy one..
Hey!! I went as well. There was 3D quality to all of the pieces. His eyes were what really drew to me all of the pictures. They were captured perfectly, and we all now how amazingly complex Michael's eyes were.

Funny story from the art exhibit...they had MJ music playing in the background...eventually everyone started talking, naturally drowning out the music...and we wanted to dance. So being an ever faithful fan, I climbed under the Michael Jackson alter thing in the front, found the speakers and turned up the volume just in time for Earth Song, and began jammin'.
^^^ Great story! Would have loved to have been there.

Great portraits but I'm not keen on the paint splashes either... but I'm more of a traditional art kind of gal!
great paintings, paint dripping that's fine that's his style, all artist hv they own style, if they all did the same thing it would be quiet boring
Awesome paintings. Thanks for posting.
OMG. WTF. Why are those red splashes all over Michaels face? It seems like blood or sumthin. I dont like it. Ugly.
Thank you for posting these beautiful paintings. I would have loved to have been there! ( turning up the music LOL, that made me smile). The Earth Song painting is my favorite.
wow can't understand how rude some people are. art is about expressing yourself and that comes in many forms. i think he's very talented.