Court filings: Jackson estate will be 'solvent'

Time and patience will tell us who's legit and doing right by Michael and his family.......
This comes as no surprise to me. I just hope some of the other jackson members living in the house now start to pull their own weight re: expenses and not expect things to continue as they did when MJ was here.

I also heard last night that that 5.5mil found was in cash!

The Jacksons will do what is best.

Michael cared for his family....and will continue to do so after life.

The compounds expenses will be paid for.

We don't know what the members do personally for themselves so we cannot make those judgements.
It didn't say that the deals will generate to cover the debts?? How is all debts be paid?

the debts are been paid as they have been for the last couple of years. the money the sony/atv cat makes goes into a trust fund and the debts are paid directly from that. last legit reports said he owed around 100 mill. so thatwill be paid off very soon now
So far it seems that Branca and McClain are doing what MJ wanted.

So really, Branca and McClain are actually doing a great job running things...and they are looking out for Katherine and the kids.

Hope this continues to work out well

it's only been a month. don't give them more credit than they deserve. hopefully katherine can see this, back off a lil bit, and just wait for them to make a mistake, IF they do.

I personally fully trust Branca and McClain!

I wonder why most of you doubt about them and their abilities!

On the contrary, I dont trust Katherines people, because I dont believe that Katherine Jackson is capable to administer Michaels asset, so... anybody except Branca and McClain would be - a not proper person! for the administration!!!
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Court Filings: Jackson Estate Will Be Solvent.

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 27 mins ago

LOS ANGELES – The temporary administrators of Michael estate have recovered $5.5 million and substantial amounts of personal property from an unnamed former financial adviser, and predict that the pop icon's estate will be solvent despite an estimated $400 million or more in debt, according to court documents released Friday............................

The monthly stipends that Branca and McClain hope to provide the Jacksons are redacted from the court records released Friday. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff refused to grant the allowances on Thursday,............................Branca and McClain "believe that the projected cash flow and the assets of the estate are more than sufficient to cover the payment of this of this amount as a family allowance for the benefit of the minor children."
Jackson paid for the expenses at the Jackson family home in the San Fernando Valley, the court filings state. The administrators plan to keep that arrangement, even though some of the expenses may go to other Jackson family members who also live at the home.

Jackson's children will receive Social Security benefits, which have been applied for but payments have not yet started. Their monthly stipends from the estate may be reduced, depending on much money they receive from Social Security, the filings state.

Wow! ! ! 5.5 Milli not even 1% of Michaels Estate so this means they have hid at least
50 Milli

"Monthly Stipends" - So Sad, Michael would have never did this to his Children, this can dissolve on any given day. Oh Well.
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a monthly stipend is needed. they're working sort oflike a fiduciary. money is there and instead of having katherine submit written requests for y she needs what for the kids, a monthly allowance will be given to her. it's a lot easier to do that than a fiduciary agreement. that's too much paperwork and every time u want to do something, u get charged b/c they have to sign this and that etc....

it seems that right now, they're doing a good job. it'll take a long time to see if they're actually going to put theirhearts into this and actively try to make new and appropriate projects that will not only pay off the debts left by mike but that will honour his legacy and push forth his legend status.

it's easy to fall victim to the quick merchandising aspect of what's going on. look at bob marley....he's everywhere, tacky or not, but is his estate benefitting? most lilkely not. so there's a way to do things and a way to do them correctly
its funny when the media was claiming Michael was broke... they used plain words that everyone understood and put he is broke in the title..

now that it is coming to fruition...and as much as they try to twist things....but fact is Michael is not broke !!! but instead of saying this in plain language they used
legal jargon to throw folks...

the media irks me...they truly do...
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a monthly stipend is needed. they're working sort oflike a fiduciary. money is there and instead of having katherine submit written requests for y she needs what for the kids, a monthly allowance will be given to her. it's a lot easier to do that than a fiduciary agreement. that's too much paperwork and every time u want to do something, u get charged b/c they have to sign this and that etc....

it seems that right now, they're doing a good job. it'll take a long time to see if they're actually going to put theirhearts into this and actively try to make new and appropriate projects that will not only pay off the debts left by mike but that will honour his legacy and push forth his legend status.

it's easy to fall victim to the quick merchandising aspect of what's going on. look at bob marley....he's everywhere, tacky or not, but is his estate benefitting? most lilkely not. so there's a way to do things and a way to do them correctly

I dont agree and I understand what you are saying. Since I believe the Will to be Fake and Fraudulent. Michael Jackson's Children should not be receiving STIPENDS from Strangers their Daddy didnt Trust and who came from out of Nowhere to claim these Children Inheritance, because thats what this boils down too. Michael was not Married his Estate should be with his Parents regardless of who likes it or not, his parents are not Ignorant and Know how to handle Money and Music Business they where handling both for their children careers before these Sharks took over long ago without any Problems. These Sharks can put this Estate in Default on any given day of they week, they should NOT even be involved in this Family Matter and certainly not to the Degree of handing Money or any of Michael Jackson's Assests out to his Children, this is awful. This is Wrong this is a Hostile Takeover and thats all it is too it, not saying you are but I am tired of people, trolls, moderators of Michael Jackson Forums defending these Crooks. These people should not have anything to do with the despositioning of Michael Jackson Finances like his Mother said from the beginning of this Will Probate, trust me if they tell the public Michael has 4 Million Liquid Assets he really has 2 Billion thats how crooked these modern day thieves are, but I guess this is what his Murder was all about so why should they stop now, they will never reveal the Truth until stopped in Court, these two Chalatens should Stop this now I see why on other forums people are praying they get Cancer, I hope they are killed in a plane crash, but this is America when Facts and Evidence is sometimes overruled for other obvious reasons.
I think it is going to come down to management of any funds/assets/etc. to make an estate solvent. While in the short run it is solvent, a good manager will keep it solvent in the long run. The revenue stream from MJ's assets, investments, holdings, etc. should be very lucrative, so I am assuming it should be solvent for the long haul.

My only concern is who has final say in financial matters. From what I see, this is still ongoing in the courts and the like, and of course, you will have vultures trying to make claims against the estate.

I hope it all goes well.
trust me if they tell the public Michael has 4 Million Liquid Assets he really has 2 Billion thats how crooked these modern day thieves are, but I guess this is what his Murder was all about so why should they stop now, they will never reveal the Truth until stopped in Court, these two Chalatens should Stop this now I see why on other forums people are praying they get Cancer, I hope they are killed in a plane crash, but this is America when Facts and Evidence is sometimes overruled for other obvious reasons.
liquid and actual assets are different.

what i have in liquid is actually what is in cash. what i can go to my bank and w/draw. what i have in assets is something that has the potential to garner an amount of cash. yet i do not have it b/c it is either tied up in a publishing or a piece of property.

what they're trying to do is garner liquid funds to pay of the debt as well as to support the kids and katherine.

they'll be watched and if there is a will that comes out or this one is proven false, we're back at squre one

but for now, this is better than a fiduciary agreement b /c that'll be even harder to get money out of. u need to supply what u want tobuy outside of the necessities, and then get written permission to do so. and that takes a long time as well as costing a lot of money.

i don't think mcmillian is gonna sit idle and watch thingshappen in a negative fashion. they're on them like white on rice and i hope they CONTINUE to watch them. b/c when u start to relax is the very time things start to happen.
I dont agree and I understand what you are saying. Since I believe the Will to be Fake and Fraudulent. Michael Jackson's Children should not be receiving STIPENDS from Strangers their Daddy didnt Trust and who came from out of Nowhere to claim these Children Inheritance, because thats what this boils down too. Michael was not Married his Estate should be with his Parents regardless of who likes it or not, his parents are not Ignorant and Know how to handle Money and Music Business they where handling both for their children careers before these Sharks took over long ago without any Problems. These Sharks can put this Estate in Default on any given day of they week, they should NOT even be involved in this Family Matter and certainly not to the Degree of handing Money or any of Michael Jackson's Assests out to his Children, this is awful. This is Wrong this is a Hostile Takeover and thats all it is too it, not saying you are but I am tired of people, trolls, moderators of Michael Jackson Forums defending these Crooks. These people should not have anything to do with the despositioning of Michael Jackson Finances like his Mother said from the beginning of this Will Probate, trust me if they tell the public Michael has 4 Million Liquid Assets he really has 2 Billion thats how crooked these modern day thieves are, but I guess this is what his Murder was all about so why should they stop now, they will never reveal the Truth until stopped in Court, these two Chalatens should Stop this now I see why on other forums people are praying they get Cancer, I hope they are killed in a plane crash, but this is America when Facts and Evidence is sometimes overruled for other obvious reasons.

You really trust Michael's money with Joe Jackson and the rest of the family? If they were so good at business then why have they been living off Michael's money? Why did Michael have to buy the Encino house from Joe so that if they went bankrupt because of Joe's horrible business deals they wouldn't lose it?

Do you honestly say that you'd feel comfortable with Joe and Leonard Rowe getting their hands on the estate and doing what they want with it? Michael did the right thing by blocking his family away from his money. Hell if he had listened to Randy, he would have sold the Sony/ATV catalogue during the trial. :smilerolleyes:

I believe Tito when he said that Michael told him "I want to give you something because you never ask for anything.".. and look, his 3 sons are listed on the will. Michael knew what he was doing, I don't think that there's anything fake about this will.

I trust Branca and McClain. Even though they've only been at it for one month, they're already going to generate 70 million for the estate. 70 million!!
You really trust Michael's money with Joe Jackson and the rest of the family? If they were so good at business then why have they been living off Michael's money? Why did Michael have to buy the Encino house from Joe so that if they went bankrupt because of Joe's horrible business deals they wouldn't lose it?

Do you honestly say that you'd feel comfortable with Joe and Leonard Rowe getting their hands on the estate and doing what they want with it? Michael did the right thing by blocking his family away from his money. Hell if he had listened to Randy, he would have sold the Sony/ATV catalogue during the trial. :smilerolleyes:

I believe Tito when he said that Michael told him "I want to give you something because you never ask for anything.".. and look, his 3 sons are listed on the will. Michael knew what he was doing, I don't think that there's anything fake about this will.

I trust Branca and McClain. Even though they've only been at it for one month, they're already going to generate 70 million for the estate. 70 million!!

I agree 100%! I for one would hate for the Jackson family to get control of MJ's estate as a mean to finance their own lifestyle. The thought of Joe Jackson running Michael's estate leaves a bad feeling with this fan.

Like you, I think Branca and McClain will do a great job. Branca is one of the most best and respected lawyers in the business, and he has no reason to screw MJ's estate over. The fact MJ rehired him before he passed away says a lot despite all said about their relationship, IMO.
I dont know 000; sometimes this thing just seem to be getting bigger and bigger and more confusing, most people that have read my post know I am Pro-Joe Jackson and Anti-Branca, and I feel this way simply because I really believe Michael was Murdered for his Estate and because if any of us feel that Mr. Branca is so deserving and trust worthy Michael would have never got rid of him, Branrca was with Michael the Longest, it really seems that Michael did not trust Mr. Brancra and thats why he was not hired back, I dont believe none of that nonesense about Michael hiring him the week before he was found dead, I just believe between the Moguls of Sony/ATV and AEG, Brancra told them "I got the bigg balls to pull this off, I will walk in a courtroom and make them believe this Will is real", I dont believe Michael had a Will to be handled in any court period, I believe however he did this it was to be handled Outside of Courts, I just cant imagine Michael sending his Mother in a courtroom for NOTHING, even if had other Beneficiaries which is what Brancra and McClain have made themselves using the title Executors I believe he would have had it Probate. But I think I am going to pull back from this for awhile and just watch the court proceedings and Autopsy and go from there, even though I still believe 100% Michael Jackson was Murdered in A Murder for Hire Conspiracy involved many Music Industry Moguls and Estate Beneficiaries of the Catalogues Michael Owned.

SoSoDef; thats what Im saying we probably will never know what the Liquid or any of Michael's Assets are now because Katherine and her Attorney in the transcript stated "that these 2 Executors could do Irrepairable Damage to Michael Finances in the 30 days they have already been given". And yes if I was on a Jury if they wanted to Contest this Will there is no way in Hell or Heaven I would give Brancra and McClain any Autorithy in Michael's Estate simply for their past Relationship, I would as a Juror give EVERYTHING back to Joe and Katherine Jackson simply because these are Michael's Parents and if anyone thinks Brancra deserves anything then what does Joe and Katherine deserve they brought Michael into this world I would totally disregard any and all reports, rumors or any beatings, because Michael still survived to be a Wonderful Loving Man and that had to come from his Home Environment with his Parents and Siblings and no one, not one of us, Brancra and McClain, Tommy Mottlo, any AEG Exectutive, any of Michael's business partners, doctors, friends or Fans will as time and years go by will feel the Lost like his Parents, Children and Siblings will. When we forget in days to come about Michael on a particular day, they will think of him Everyday, the times when she was pregnant, their living in a two room house with 9 children, there struggle to get out of Indiana, the trials, the name calling, and just the wonderful times they all had before the world took over all their lives, none of this will leave The Jacksons like it will us. The Jackson deserve this it will not replace Michael ,but there would have been no Michael without Joe and Katherine and their Determination and Love for their Children to bring them up in a Righteous way, I know everyone will not agree but thats not for me to even contend with, real life is real life. Michael Jackson didnt Hate his Father or no one in his Family, and for his Death to be under this much suspicion there is no way I could work against The Jackson Family in anyway. They have Lost Michael, Millions and Billions will not replace or make it easier for them, they have Money themselves, they still get royalities from there on Music. Like Joe said to Larry King "its not gonna hurt him this Will", I would hate to loose my Son for any reason and under this much suspicion, it will do things to The Jackson Family that we will never have to endure. I pray God continue to Bless The Jacksons to Overcome they have been through so much and Overcame All of It.
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I dont know 000; sometimes this thing just seem to be getting bigger and bigger and more confusing, most people that have read my post know I am Pro-Joe Jackson and Anti-Branca, and I feel this way simply because I really believe Michael was Murdered for his Estate and because if any of us feel that Mr. Branca is so deserving and trust worthy Michael would have never got rid of him, Branrca was with Michael the Longest, it really seems that Michael did not trust Mr. Brancra and thats why he was not hired back, I dont believe none of that nonesense about Michael hiring him the week before he was found dead, I just believe between the Moguls of Sony/ATV and AEG, Brancra told them I got the bigg balls to pull this off, I will walk in a courtroom and make them believe this Will is real, I dont believe Michael had a Will to be handled in any court period, I believe however he did this it was to be handled Outside of Courts, I just cant imagine Michael sending his Mother in a courtroom for NOTHING, even if had other Beneficiaries which is what Brancra and McClain now are just being called Executors I believe he would have had it Probate. But I think I am going to pull back from this for awhile and just watch the court proceedings and Autopsy and go from there, even though I still believe 100% Michael Jackson was Murdered in A Murder for Hire Conspiracy involved many Music Industry Moguls and Estate Beneficiaries of the Catalogues Michael Owned.

SoSoDef; thats what Im saying we probably will never know what the Liquid or any of Michael's Assets are now because Katherine and her Attorney its the transcript stated "that these 2 Executors could do Irrepairable Damage to Michael Finances in the 30 days they have already been given". And yes if I was on a Jury if they wanted to Contest this Will there is no way in Hell or Heaven I would give Brancra and McClain any Autorithy in Michael's Estate simply for their past Relationship, I would as a Juror give EVERYTHING back to Joe and Katherine Jackson simply because these are Michael's Parents and if anyone thinks Brancra deserves anything then what does Joe and Katherine deserve they bought Michael into this world I would totally disregard any and all reports, rumors or any beatings, because Michael still survived to be a Wonderful Loving Man and that had to come from his Home Environment with his Parents and Siblings and no one, not one of us, Brancra and McClain, Tommy Mottlo, any AEG Exectutive, any of Michael's business partners, doctors, friends or Fans will as time and years go by will feel the Lost like his Parents, Children and Siblings will. When we forget in days to come about Michael on a particular day, they will think of him Everyday, the times when she was pregnant, their living in a two room house with 9 children, there struggle to get out of Indiana, the trials, the name calling, and just the wonderful times they all had before the world took over all their lives, none of this will leave The Jacksons like it will us. The Jackson deserve this it will not replace Michael but their would have been no Michael without Joe and Katherine and their Determination and Love for their Children to bring them up in a Righteous way, I know everyone will not agree but that not for me to even contend with real life is real life and Thats Michael Jackson Family and he didnt Hate his Father or no one in his Family, and for his Death to be under this much suspicion there is no way I could work against them in anyway. They have Lost Michael Millions and Billions will not replace or make it easier for them, they have Money themselves, they still get royalities from there on Music. Like Joe said to Larry King its not gonna hurt him this Will, but I would hate to loose my Son and under this much suspicion it will do things to The Jackson Family that we will never have to endure. I pray God continue to Bless The Jackson to Overcome they have been through so much and Overcame All of It.

Sorry-MJ wanted Dr. Murray plain and simple as his doctor. Nothing matters including how many shows, AEG, Sony,etc except Dr. Murray most likely practiced outside his scope of practice and acted unprofessionally with MJ which led to his death. If Dr. Murray wasn't MJ doctor, he would probably be in London today.

Joe and some of the Jacksons are really not living as well as you may think. I believe some of the brothers live at home. The royalties are not as much you may think especially since the J5 were not getting any writing credits or anything with their Motown hits. Plus they have to split it 5 ways. In addition, they have not recorded in nearly 20 years. Michael was paying the rent for Havenhurst and helping Katherine survive which is why she went to court to get money because she has none.
Sorry-MJ wanted Dr. Murray plain and simple as his doctor. Nothing matters including how many shows, AEG, Sony,etc except Dr. Murray most likely practiced outside his scope of practice and acted unprofessionally with MJ which led to his death. If Dr. Murray wasn't MJ doctor, he would probably be in London today.

Joe and some of the Jacksons are really not living as well as you may think. I believe some of the brothers live at home. The royalties are not as much you may think especially since the J5 were not getting any writing credits or anything with their Motown hits. Plus they have to split it 5 ways. In addition, they have not recorded in nearly 20 years. Michael was paying the rent for Havenhurst and helping Katherine survive which is why she went to court to get money because she has none.

Im not Sorry to say this Ernestine, with this much Doubt and Mystery over Michael's Death none of know what Michael Jackson really wanted, everything we are hearing is coming out of the mouths of the people wanting control over his Estate. I watched this Movie lastnite name Shoot em Up; very good movie but the Guy that they where all trying to kill, tells this Senator that running for President "Never Trust those who will PROFIT, those are the Crooks". None of Us know what Michael Jackson wanted in the End because its all been Changed, all we have are the Profiters telling this story now, its not HiSTORY anymore and The Jackson Family are leaving very Well now and always have, they've never been a Flashy Lifestyle Family.
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I dont know 000; sometimes this thing just seem to be getting bigger and bigger and more confusing, most people that have read my post know I am Pro-Joe Jackson and Anti-Branca, and I feel this way simply because I really believe Michael was Murdered for his Estate and because if any of us feel that Mr. Branca is so deserving and trust worthy Michael would have never got rid of him, Branrca was with Michael the Longest, it really seems that Michael did not trust Mr. Brancra and thats why he was not hired back, I dont believe none of that nonesense about Michael hiring him the week before he was found dead, I just believe between the Moguls of Sony/ATV and AEG, Brancra told them I got the bigg balls to pull this off, I will walk in a courtroom and make them believe this Will is real, I dont believe Michael had a Will to be handled in any court period, I believe however he did this it was to be handled Outside of Courts, I just cant imagine Michael sending his Mother in a courtroom for NOTHING, even if had other Beneficiaries which is what Brancra and McClain now are just being called Executors I believe he would have had it Probate. But I think I am going to pull back from this for awhile and just watch the court proceedings and Autopsy and go from there, even though I still believe 100% Michael Jackson was Murdered in A Murder for Hire Conspiracy involved many Music Industry Moguls and Estate Beneficiaries of the Catalogues Michael Owned.

Well I think that's where our opinions differ... I do think the will is real and that Michael didn't change it since 2002 because he still trusted him and wanted him to be the executor. Maybe he fired him because he didn't need him at the time, but I do believe that he hired him back not long before he died because Michael had started working again and was looking into new opportunities.

No one is sending Katherine into the courtroom, she's doing it herself. She's got her 40% share and it's Branca's responsibility to see her get paid from it (which he is trying to do). I trust Katherine with Michael's money, who I don't trust are the people in Katherine's ear provoking her to go to court and file all these motions to let her be in charge.

Roger Friedman said it himself: "Leonard Rowe and Joseph Jackson actually called me on March 18th, I just looked it up on my cellphone bill. They called me to say right after the AEG concerts were announced that they wanted to get involved and take over the concerts. Joe Jackson said to me, he said "I've gotta get in there and fix this because it's no good". Why was it no good? Because he and Leonard Rowe are not getting a cut of it."
You are right thats where we differ, because I believe and so do alot of other people believe Michael Jackson was Murdered for His Estate, so that means everything is Fake and Fraudulent and the Fake Will is the Motive for His Murder Entirely. So we just Disagree and thats Life, If not in this Life The Truth will be reveal, but if by chance some leave this life before its reveal here, God will surely reveal The Truth to everyone of us in the place where Lies are not tolerated at All, one of us will be wrong and one of us will be right and I have no fear or doubt I am Right. Im told every Murdered victim will stand with God and Judge their Murderers when they come before God for their Judgement because there is no Forgiveness for their Soul in this Life once they commit Murder here, Oh Happy Day.
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Wow, I just saw something being sold on tv......a set of four lithographs celebrating Michael's legacy. One was of the Thriller cover. The other was of him in a crew neck sweater. Another was of him dressed like a King and I can't remember what the fourth one was. They were $10 each. The commercial was very tastefully done and they kept calling him The King Of Pop.

Michael's children are gonna be making a ton of money with all of this licensed stuff coming out.
remember tho, it has to be licensed for them to get it. other places are making mj stuff and it doesn't go to the fam.
nope. not if it was licenced. that's the issue. what aeg now has as shirts etc....the fam cannot use and what the fam has, like pics in the memorial book, aeg can't use. so they can't reprint those and sell them to fans w/o permission from teh estate

they wanna go and see what they can exploit.