Could the kids end up on the witness stand if there is a trial?

unless the DA is so dumb , noway this case anin't going to a trial . the DA will be a star if this goes to a trial and he knows that . it is his dream case , he will not let it go .

the problem will e whether the DA want to defend mj or he basically want to convict murray while trashing mj even more . That's my only concern whether the DA would take the road that jackson was " ahella of a junkie still the doctor was at fault" or "jackson was ok until this doctor was hired in may"
I'm not sure, I don't see anyone interested in this case at all.
the problem will e whether the DA want to defend mj or he basically want to convict murray while trashing mj even more . That's my only concern whether the DA would take the road that jackson was " ahella of a junkie still the doctor was at fault"
the D.A would have to be as dumb as sneddon to do that.the autopsey results will determine whether thats brought in by the defence
ok in march of 03 did we know anything about gavin and allegations? how about april or may? or june or july? maybe august and september? nope....they were working on things.

in fact, if he wasn't already charged, we would've had NO knowledge of a grandjury at all...but we did only b/c he was charged and they wanted to avoid a preliminary hearing so they changed the charges via the gj.

so things are happening. this is too high profile of a case to not follow thru. they are dotting every 'i' and rossing every 't'
nothing can be worse than 03-05.theres nothing to lose anymore

actually, it IS worse. unlike the previous trial, at the end of this one, we won't have Mike back. I can't think of anything worse than that. at that time, as I watched him walk out that last day, I thought -- what have they done to him? but this is much, much worse. they've really killed him this time.
to me its not worse cause 03-05 was life and death there was a chance it could be the end. theres nothing to lose anymore regardless of what happens. we havealready lost him so this wont be about going through a year and a half of hell kowing that at the end mj could basically get the death sentence cause we have already been there. theres nothing to win or lose at the end of this. mjs gone and whatever the result is nothing will change that
in a way I agree with you but it still feels like it's much worse. as long as there's life, there's hope, they say. now there isn't any. at all. and it's killing me.
Eventually mankind killed this magnificent creature.
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in a way I agree with you but it still feels like it's much worse. as long as there's life, there's hope, they say. now there isn't any. at all. and it's killing me.
yeah i understand *hugs*
em just meant nothing will happen to mike regardless of the outcome. he's gone there's no bringinghim back and there's no losing him b/c he's already gone.

the only thing we can fight for now is justice
At this rate I'd be surprised if there was a trial. Need to get their buts in gear, it's worrying that the case could be dropped if they don't go any further.

this case cannot be dropped. there's too many fans that care.

idk, but maybe we can do something. like write the lapd or whoever's in charge one more time, and tell them how concerned we are...idk.

and whoever said that no one is interested in this case at all.....well, I bet if the REAL truth starts coming to light, especially during the trial, and the rest of the public start noticing the strange aspects just like us, then they will be become curious of what REALLY happened!!

because right now, most people have heard the first thing that came up about his death and immediately took it as the truth. sadly, they dont know things like us. they are the ones who believe everything the media says about michael without any question about it.
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I dont feel that this trial would be worse than the 03-05 Arvizo trial. Back then Michael was still being hurt, he faced several years in jail if convicted. God knows what they would have done to him if he was convicted. It would have killed him - emotionally and spiritually. At least now his soul is resting and nobody can hurt him again. Michael is happy in heaven now, I am sure of it. I felt from the getgo that when Michael passed away I felt better about it than back when the trial ended because at least he is safe now. Yes, he is not coming back physically but spiritually no one can ever touch him or hurt him again. And that calms me down.. I was under so much stress during the trial, I cant even imagine what Michael went through, I get nervous and teary when just thinking about that time.. Even when he was vindicated on all counts I couldnt rest my mind and feel relaxed, I was having anxiety 24/7 because I was afraid it was a joke or that the jury changed their mind or that Sneddon found a new way to get to him.

Theres no such stress anymore. Theres just peace.
honestly, the fans aren't an issue w/ this one. he has a loud mouthed family that won't stop talking until someone is arrested and someone is punished. that's the issue. there's a big spotlight on this case and they know it. that's what's taking so long
honestly, the fans aren't an issue w/ this one. he has a loud mouthed family that won't stop talking until someone is arrested and someone is punished. that's the issue. there's a big spotlight on this case and they know it. that's what's taking so long

SoSo, I hope you're right on the reason for it taking so long. It has to go to trial. I can't see it not go to trial, but I have no patience!!! I get so frustrated waiting....
maybe once themovie stuff dies down. who knows. but i know they're not just sitting on their arse and twiddling their thumbs
I think the reason why things are so quiet is because things are happening and things are being taken care of. Less talk, more action. I think thats whats going on right now. Its been awefully quiet for several months, there must be a reason for it.
I hope Paris and Price does testify against Dr. Murray what happened that day when their father dies. I wonder Kai and Michael's personal bodyguards will testify too. I still waiting for Dr. Corand Murray to be arrest.
I think the reason why things are so quiet is because things are happening and things are being taken care of. Less talk, more action. I think thats whats going on right now. Its been awefully quiet for several months, there must be a reason for it.

If that is true, I just wish we can at least get some word from the investigating team.

It's all silence. This worries me, and I'm sure other fans.

At least a word saying something like, "we are still investigating. we've got a lot of stuff discovered. investigators are working hard. truth will soon be revealed. getting closer to the truth blah blah" something like that.

Just one sentence would be better than nothing.
nothing worse for them than to testify. as if it wasn't hard enough. especially for prince. i hope it doesn't happen.

Exactly. I remember La Toya also said that Prince thinks Murray was trying to save his father. Testifying would be extremely hard and confusing for him.
nothing worse for them than to testify. as if it wasn't hard enough. especially for prince. i hope it doesn't happen.

I know it might help the case and we all want justice but

Really. The children don't need to be put through anymore.
I as the rest of you hope that none of the kids are called to testify....Neither Prince nor Paris need to go back to June the 25th......they will carry it around with them the rest of their lives as it is.....I dont see any need to make Prince have to relive anything......this will only scare them further..IMHO......But as we all know the defense can sink to some very sad levels to protect their client....even if it means putting the children through hell....I guess we will have to wait and see how the whole thing plays out.....As the rest of you my two main concerned are the well being of the children and bringing Murray to justice...also anyone else who may be involved.
oh, i really don't know American Law. are there some lawyer among fans? i just wanna know how big possiability could the kids end up on the witness stand if thee is a trial?
if it gets to that stage I think they will be interviewed..going to the witness stand ...doubt so but an interview is likely as they have been awake and in the house when things happened..they might have heard something that might be valuable to the DA..not to the defense I doubt it to the DA
I keep repeating the saying 'less talk, more action' to myself to reassure me when I get frustrated about things taking so long.
oh, i really don't know American Law. are there some lawyer among fans? i just wanna know how big possiability could the kids end up on the witness stand if thee is a trial?
unfortunately there is a strong possibility. if murray wants to say mike was awake all morning but never went downstairs. the kids could becalled to show that he alwasy went and had breakfast w/ them, woke them up etc...spent time w/ them in the morning.

if they went up to see him or if prince saw him, he'll be called. there's no way around it it seems unless they can have someone else provide the same information. if theylimit testimony ONLY to michael's routine in the morning, then the defense cannot ask about drugs or ask if they went upstaird that morning but it's a very fineline. wording it wrong can open the door to all kinds of questions that they may not be prepared for

im praying to god that they can use alvarez instead of p and p
I'm really hoping P&P don't have to go on the stand. god, Mike, please protect your babies! :(