Could the kids end up on the witness stand if there is a trial?


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
i was thinking about this, they are important witnesses to what happened in the house during may and june when murray worked there. so could they end up testifying in front of the world about what they saw going on?

i hope the family tries to stop that, cuz that would cause a real media circus.
Due to their age, I would think they would not be placed on the stand. Some video interview would take place I would imagine.
i doubt it. theres other who were there.its not like it was just them.and they can take steps to where they dont have to testify in the actual court.everything will done no doubt to keep the kids out of it.
actually there have been younger witnesses on the stand. IF what toy said was true, prince may very well be the one on the stand if he saw his father and went upstairs. paris could testify to the fact that her father was either awake in themorning of the 25th or if she and her siblings hadn't seen him (refuting murray's claim that he gave him prop at 11).

mike always has bkfst w/ h is kids. if he was awake, he would've been downstairs. i think murray's lawyer is counting on the kids being on the stand so he can tear them apart on hopefull it won't come to that
theres other ppl who were in the house and could testify to the same things as the kids imo. unless they went upstairs and saw something. seperate. personally i dont believe toya one bit over that. id believe the chef over her who said the opposite andwas actually there

no ones gonna be tearing any 12 year old apart on the stand. bit of over dramatisation there. anyway i doubt at this rate whether anything will ever get to court. police hardly seem to be intrested in charging him even when he puts his hand up and said i did it
Please be careful in this thread. Michael's children deserve the utmost in privacy. It's possible they could be witnesses, but I surely hope that is not necessary and is not asked of them. The trauma would be terrible, and would add to their grief if they are required to re-live that horrible day. I would hope that there were employees around who witnessed the same things, and that calling the children as witnesses would not be seen as "necessary."
the defense would call them. we're lending an air of understanding and sympathy to a man who will allege mj did this to himself. so there's not gonnabe any small talk or courtesy or empathy when he's fighting for his life.

THEY will call the kids so they can impeach them. it's easy to make someone fumble on the stand. i've seen it many times. especially themore time goes by from the incident. now imagine a pre-teen.

the state may not do it, the defense surely will.
for the sake of trauma i hope they don't. but for the sake of Michael and justice, I hope they do.
no doubt they will be called . they will be called to prove mj was "junkie" by the defense and was not "of sound mind" all the time before murray was hired to make the jury less sympathized with him . they will be called by the prosecution because they were the only people in that house who had access to the second floor and might have seen or heard something .

no way one of them did not knock on mj's door that morning to ask why dady was so late . it will be very interesting to hear what Murray's answer was . did you even believe that at least Blanket did not try to see why his father was not up yet ?

even Blanket might testify .
I was just wondering the other day if this was gonna go to trial or not. But i hadn't thought about the children. God I hope and pray they are protected from that. I don't even wanna think about what that would do to them after all of what they have been through. My heart aches for them.
im thinking as a defense attorney. the easiest witnesses are children b/c unfortunately u can trip them up and it's likely to be a traumatizing experience so i hope the state fights tooth and nail or maybe do a 'cole's law' type of testimony....where they can testify in a different room in real time, the jury and everyone in courtroom sees the kids on a tv screen and they are not actually present in front of the defendant
i doubt it. theres other who were there.its not like it was just them.and they can take steps to where they dont have to testify in the actual court.everything will done no doubt to keep the kids out of it.

There is a possibilty his children, especially Prince and Paris can greatly help the investigation on Michael's side.

I wouldn't like the media surrounding them either, but maybe they can come up with a solution while still getting words from the children, maybe not Blanket because he' just so young.

But there was this article of Geraldo saying that he asked Prince if he had seen his father without his shirt on, and he said that Prince replied that he'd seen him plenty of times without it. Then he asked if Prince noticed any needle marks. And he said Prince's reply was, "no, he didn't have any. he only had two. one his left arm and one on the right."

Now if this story IS true, and views like this from Michael's children are presented in the trial, it would greatly help the investigation.

The children saw their father the night before and were possibly with him the night before, they know things about their father that no one else knows. they were with him every day. Is it sad, but in this investigation, we have to look where we've never expected to look.

let's just hope their not all over the television screen.
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This would be a nightmare for the children. I hope the defense attorney has some compassion and calls upon the staff who were present, instead. . .
theres other ppl who were in the house and could testify to the same things as the kids imo. unless they went upstairs and saw something. seperate. personally i dont believe toya one bit over that. id believe the chef over her who said the opposite andwas actually there

no ones gonna be tearing any 12 year old apart on the stand. bit of over dramatisation there. anyway i doubt at this rate whether anything will ever get to court. police hardly seem to be intrested in charging him even when he puts his hand up and said i did it
I agree with the bold part.
no doubt they will be called . they will be called to prove mj was "junkie" by the defense and was not "of sound mind" all the time before murray was hired to make the jury less sympathized with him . they will be called by the prosecution because they were the only people in that house who had access to the second floor and might have seen or heard something .

no way one of them did not knock on mj's door that morning to ask why dady was so late . it will be very interesting to hear what Murray's answer was . did you even believe that at least Blanket did not try to see why his father was not up yet ?

even Blanket might testify .
blanket wouldn't testify. he's too young and there are a multittude of reasons y he wouldn't be on the stand.

paris and prince are the ones they would look at. if prince went upstairs what did he see. that's y cm called him up. wanted to show him he was 'helping' his father so he can be portrayed as a doctor who tried so hard to save his patient.

from paris' statement at the memorial, there's nothing that would indicate the man was a junkie and a bad father. in fact, everyone whose met those kids, myself included, are wowed at just how smart and well behaved they are. a true testament to how they were raised

if anything, the defense wouldn't call them if the kids will refute the fact that mike was up and awake in the early hrs of the 25th. they would say that he always had breakfast w/ them and greeted them in themorning so there would be no way he was up and didn't come downstairs. thereby refuting cm's claim that mike was put down at 11.

so it's a toss up. they may avoid asking questions like that and they need to be careful not to open the door to allow the state to ask those questions on cross
There is a possibilty his children, especially Prince and Paris can greatly help the investigation on Michael's side.

I wouldn't like the media surrounding them either, but maybe they can come up with a solution while still getting words from the children, maybe not Blanket because he' just so young.

But there was this article of Geraldo saying that he asked Prince if he had seen his father without his shirt on, and he said that Prince replied that he'd seen him plenty of times without it. Then he asked if Prince noticed any needle marks. And he said Prince's reply was, "no, he didn't have any. he only had two. one his left arm and one on the right."

Now if this story IS true, and views like this from Michael's children are presented in the trial, it would greatly help the investigation.
see then the leaked autopsy report would be questioned. we don't even know if it's legit or not. but there's no way to cause collapsed veins in two wks. so either the report is wrong or joe is lying.

and vic, ma i wouldn't count on any defense attorney to show compassion.
I'm just waiting for those arrests.......

we're waiting on the grand jury. hopefully it'll be soon but i have a feeling it'll happen right after the movie is done and is gone from theaters. just wait
god, I'm preparing myself for the trial. we'd better be prepared. it's not gonna be easy for anybody, least of all the children. and that's whether or not they're called on the stand.
blanket wouldn't testify. he's too young and there are a multittude of reasons y he wouldn't be on the stand.

paris and prince are the ones they would look at. if prince went upstairs what did he see. that's y cm called him up. wanted to show him he was 'helping' his father so he can be portrayed as a doctor who tried so hard to save his patient.

from paris' statement at the memorial, there's nothing that would indicate the man was a junkie and a bad father. in fact, everyone whose met those kids, myself included, are wowed at just how smart and well behaved they are. a true testament to how they were raised

if anything, the defense wouldn't call them if the kids will refute the fact that mike was up and awake in the early hrs of the 25th. they would say that he always had breakfast w/ them and greeted them in themorning so there would be no way he was up and didn't come downstairs. thereby refuting cm's claim that mike was put down at 11.

so it's a toss up. they may avoid asking questions like that and they need to be careful not to open the door to allow the state to ask those questions on cross

if Blanket went and knocked on that door that morning and was told by murray anything , he will be called. I do believe one at least of the kids kocked on that door that morning to see where was their father .

as for "smart and well bahved" we all know that but sneddon in 2005 filed a motion asking the judge to prove that jackson was " a very bad father" .

the prosecution needs the kids in this trial, they were the only people allowed in the second floor , THEY MUST HAVE SEEN THINGS . Prince will be called to paint the whole picture that day and to prove Murray's attempt to cover up .

the prosecution will limit the testimony to what happened that morning . but the defence might call them back to question them about their father abuse of drugs . let's hope when the prosecution present their case and the kids take the stand their manners and intelligence will send a warning to the defense not to even try to call them back to prove mj was " a junkie bad father" who neglected his kids ..
then again, if Klein is right and Propofol has a sedative effect on even the patient's environment (breathing out the substance) then it's possible that Mike may have barred the children from being upstairs if he knew he was going to be on the Propofol. this may also be the reason Murray would have left the room after giving it to Mike. ugh. I just don't know what or whom to believe anymore!
god, I'm preparing myself for the trial. we'd better be prepared. it's not gonna be easy for anybody, least of all the children. and that's whether or not they're called on the stand.

nothing can be worse than 03-05.theres nothing to lose anymore
I think at this point it seems unlikely that anything further is going to happen in regards of this investigation, seriously it's been over 4 months and the killer is roaming around freely, safe and sound ,as we've seen in recent pics, while Michael or shall I say whatsoever is left of him is rotting at Forrest Lawn.
At this rate I'd be surprised if there was a trial. Need to get their buts in gear, it's worrying that the case could be dropped if they don't go any further.
At this rate I'd be surprised if there was a trial. Need to get their buts in gear, it's worrying that the case could be dropped if they don't go any further.
I believe it will end up as a cold case. The LAPD and law enforcement can't be trusted when it comes to Michael Jackson and unfortunately his family isn't pushing for the truth to come out either, sad but true.
actually there have been younger witnesses on the stand. IF what toy said was true, prince may very well be the one on the stand if he saw his father and went upstairs. paris could testify to the fact that her father was either awake in themorning of the 25th or if she and her siblings hadn't seen him (refuting murray's claim that he gave him prop at 11).

mike always has bkfst w/ h is kids. if he was awake, he would've been downstairs. i think murray's lawyer is counting on the kids being on the stand so he can tear them apart on hopefull it won't come to that

But we all know Latoya is a proven liar.

People who were IN THE HOUSE that day, said Prince NEVER went upstairs. Dr Death called him out of panic, but he never actually went upstairs. All three kids remained downstairs with their nanny, the cook and whoever else, praying for MJ to get better.
If what La Toya said was true then Prince would be considered under law a vital witness and could be asked to testify. They would most likely do a video feed to avoid the pressure of being on the stand, which is tough for anyone let alone a teenager which he will be when they eventually goes to trial.
unless the DA is so dumb , noway this case anin't going to a trial . the DA will be a star if this goes to a trial and he knows that . it is his dream case , he will not let it go .

the problem will e whether the DA want to defend mj or he basically want to convict murray while trashing mj even more . That's my only concern whether the DA would take the road that jackson was " ahella of a junkie still the doctor was at fault" or "jackson was ok until this doctor was hired in may"
But we all know Latoya is a proven liar.

People who were IN THE HOUSE that day, said Prince NEVER went upstairs. Dr Death called him out of panic, but he never actually went upstairs. All three kids remained downstairs with their nanny, the cook and whoever else, praying for MJ to get better.
how is she a proven liar? if u mean what she said while married to gordon than whatever....

the cook is the one who is a proven liar b/c she said she never worked w/ murray before and that is patently false and she knows it. wonder y she stopped talking to the media? maybe someoen called her on her bs. and she shut right up
if Blanket went and knocked on that door that morning and was told by murray anything , he will be called. I do believe one at least of the kids kocked on that door that morning to see where was their father .

as for "smart and well bahved" we all know that but sneddon in 2005 filed a motion asking the judge to prove that jackson was " a very bad father" .

the prosecution needs the kids in this trial, they were the only people allowed in the second floor , THEY MUST HAVE SEEN THINGS . Prince will be called to paint the whole picture that day and to prove Murray's attempt to cover up .

the prosecution will limit the testimony to what happened that morning . but the defence might call them back to question them about their father abuse of drugs . let's hope when the prosecution present their case and the kids take the stand their manners and intelligence will send a warning to the defense not to even try to call them back to prove mj was " a junkie bad father" who neglected his kids ..
if they were told he was sleeping, they wouldn't have knocked on his door.

sneddon was unsuccessful in his motion b/c it was not related to the case

there were multiple people in the house who could paint a better picture of what happened that day. i think alvarez will be a key witness b/c he was the one who called 911, was on the phone, and communicating instructions directly to murray.

and the defense cannot ask about abuse of drugs unless the state opens the door to it.

the benefits of being on direct is u can control what the other side will ask about. if u don't open the door to anything and just ask basic questions w/o allowing ur witness to elaborate, u can control the other side. if u mess up, then they can come back on cross and tank the testimony.