Cory Haim,his girlfriend and Michael mentioned tonight.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I watched the ending of Access Hollywood tonight and they had an interview with Cory Haims girlfriend. In this tidbit Cory said he was "raped" by on of Cory feldmens friends he was still in contact with. Immediately Maria's mind went RIGHT TO Michael. This pissed me off. After all the proof that has came out, after the trial people still refuse to believe the facts over the fiction. After seeing it i want to write a long letter to Billy Bush and Maria Manodose (sp on her last name idc at this point.) Telling them where to go and how to get there and on what. I'm sick of seeing Michael depicted that way and I want to tell them all off for being like that to him.

It pisses me off that they all assume it was Michael and not some other person. I'm more then positive that Cory F had more friends then just Michael.

Im sorry for my little rant but i knew if i came here and vented my feelings someone would know exactly what i am talking about and feel the same way i do. I would love to know why people think its so important to publicly bash a man who would never so much as think of hurting a child much less actually do it. Access Hollywood and every other entertainment outlet needs to be reminded of the fans and the facts. Not just go by what the Sun or the Daily Mirror say.

THANK GOD I don't live in America! I couldn't cope with the amount of talk shows (which are 99% full of BS) you guys have.
Yeah i saw it i was pissed the eff out ... and even when i saw the tatum oneal interview about the whole farrah hoopla .... i get it farrah should have been included at the oscar's.. but everyone's blaming mj.. like blame the people at academy and get OVER IT!
THANK GOD I don't live in America! I couldn't cope with the amount of talk shows (which are 99% full of BS) you guys have.

i truly wish that these were not apart of american life. To many people get off on celebrity mishaps. Its sad that america thinks so highly of itself that we make fun of the only man to unite us all.
I saw access hollywood show last night. I dont normally watch but i was browsing thru chanels and saw the words Molestation and Michael Jackson. I flipped to the next channel as fast as i could, which happened to be weather. I would rather watch weather then access hollywood, not worth my time. But oh i c thats what the whole thing was just want ratings..I dont know how they sleep at night..Well bad Karma will come back to them..
I remember the day that mj died nancy grace was interviewing one of the coreys and I remember him saying that michael never did anything to him. Does anyone know if it was this corey or corey feldman??
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the video that they showed was from their reality show "Two Coreys" which aired around 2007-2008. When it aired media once again thought it was Michael. At that time both Corey's in a CQ interviewed said that it wasn't Michael. Btw Corey Feldman had a fall out with Michael in 2001 , he wasn't in contact with him during 2007-2008 (when that video was shot). But the media never listens, never learns..

I remember the day that mj died nancy grace was interviewing one of the coreys and I remember them saying that michael never did anything to him. Does anyone know if it was this corey or corey feldman??

it should be Corey Feldman. He was also interviewed by the DA during the trial. Feldman was the one who had a friendship with Michael since he was a kid for 10+ years. I have personally never heard that Haim even knew or met Michael.
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I read about this on KOP board many tweeted Maria the host of Access Hollywood after she ask Haims ex-girlfriend if MJ was the one that molested him! The ex-Girlfriend Said NO, that it was somebody else that they all used to hang out with yrs ago talking about the two Coreys and herself and that he isn't really in the industry and that he likes to pray on little boys and that this person is still alive.

So after this idiot reporter who should have check her facts got her ass blasted by fans on tweeter she said the next day the reason why she ask is because after Haims said on his reality show that he was molested many people thought MJ! That was her stupid excuse and she said all she wanted was to clear the air! She also mentioned that Corey Fieldman always denied MJ molesting him! Like hello!!! why didn't she say this in the beginning? Then she showed a new clip that was edited out of the first airing of the interview of Haims girlfriend that shows the ex saying that Haims always had nothing but good things to say about MJ always like a tribute.

Access Hollywood and this Mari bitch had an agenda the took shit out of context on purpose but the fans let them have it and now they had to back track! STUPID A.HOLES!

Corey Haims after MJ died talked to the AP and talk so nice about MJ! Most importantly he went on Fox news a and talk to Gretta Van Sustreen about what he said on his reality show about him being molested.,2933,529264,00.html VAN SUSTEREN: How did you meet Michael Jackson? HAIM: Through Corey Feldman, and then through Steven Spielberg. VAN SUSTEREN: How old were you when you were at Neverland? HAIM: I was at Neverland eight, nine, some odd years ago, when he was going through the thing with the kid. And I even said to him then, are you are right with this kid thing? He said, yes, I am fine. He was one of the smartest, sweetest guys I have ever met in my life. And there are a lot of these weird allegations going around about like, people saw my show and somehow they think I got molested when I was a kid by Michael Jackson. And I really want to throw it out there, that never happened. Associated Press: Scroll to 1:28
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I have personally never heard that Haim even knew or met Michael.

Ironically, I ran into this photo in the 'unseen mj pics' thread in the MITM section a few days before Haim died. I didn't know he'd ever ran into MJ either until I saw this pic:


Unfortunately I'm sure it was someone else that Haim was referring to but because they know he'd met MJ they automatically assume it was him... :mello:
This is outrageous, and so sad. People in the media will say anything to get attention. Poor Michael has always had to put up with this CRAP! Maria (if she was the interviewer) should be ashamed for such a tactless, mean stunt.
I remember the day that mj died nancy grace was interviewing one of the coreys and I remember him saying that michael never did anything to him. Does anyone know if it was this corey or corey feldman??

This is outrageous, and so sad. People in the media will say anything to get attention. Poor Michael has always had to put up with this CRAP! Maria (if she was the interviewer) should be ashamed for such a tactless, mean stunt.

I did not saw the original interview myself, but right after it happened MJ's fans went on twitter. Fans who saw the interview suggested we contacted AH to vent our frustration....and boy did we.

Immediately after the interview aired, several of us started tweeting to @mariamenounos & @accesshollywood ...we sent them the link to the Fox news interview Corey Haim did, after MJ passed. Where he explained, although he had talked on the phone with MJ for years prior, he had only met him 10 years ago when Haim was about 29 years old.

She got so many tweets...yesterday I saw on Access Hollywood's website she issued a semi-apology. She said she did not mean any disrespect when she brought up MJ's name.

Believe me, she learned her lesson. Some of the tweets she received were vicious....and I like the fact that we brought great proof to back up our rage. If she was a good reporter, she would have known that Haim had already refuted these stupid claims just a few months ago, when MJ died.

Here is the clip from yesterday's show where they discuss the "uproar" over her asking the ex-girlfriend if MJ was the one who molested Corey Haim:

Billy Bush can be such a d-----Bag. What was fair about her bringing up an innocent man's name for negative purposes?

Good job to all the MJ fans on Twitter!!!!
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This is so sad.

Well done to the fans who contacted the show and sent proof of the truth. Its good that you managed to make them give an apology, lets hope all those whom caught the first show saw this apology.

Thank you to everyone who defended Michael. Good to see fans can make a difference.
People and the media assuming it's Michael would be unfortunate, but kinda unterstandable, if Corey never would haven spoken out and said it's not Michael! But the people and media assuming it's Michael, even though Corey said, it was not him, is just fucked up! That just goes to show that people think what they want to think and open their traps without the fuck knowing what they are talking about! I also read in a comment section on the news of Coreys death some asshole throwing it out there that Michael had molested Corey!
I did not saw the original interview myself, but right after it happened MJ's fans went on twitter. Fans who saw the interview suggested we contacted AH to vent our frustration....and boy did we.

Immediately after the interview aired, several of us started tweeting to @mariamenounos & @accesshollywood ...we sent them the link to the Fox news interview Corey Haim did, after MJ passed. Where he explained, although he had talked on the phone with MJ for years prior, he had only met him 10 years ago when Haim was about 29 years old.

She got so many tweets...yesterday I saw on Access Hollywood's website she issued a semi-apology. She said she did not mean any disrespect when she brought up MJ's name.

Believe me, she learned her lesson. Some of the tweets she received were vicious....and I like the fact that we brought great proof to back up our rage. If she was a good reporter, she would have known that Haim had already refuted these stupid claims just a few months ago, when MJ died.

Here is the clip from yesterday's show where they discuss the "uproar" over her asking the ex-girlfriend if MJ was the one who molested Corey Haim:

Billy Bush can be such a d-----Bag. What was fair about her bringing up an innocent man's name for negative purposes?

Good job to all the MJ fans on Twitter!!!!

Good Job to team MJ :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

AH needs a better explanation or an excuse. Whatever.

Interesting they only showed the clip with Eggert ONLY after our uproar. I didn't see that in the original show. If there wasn't an uproar by MJ fans taking to twitter we would never have seen the part where Eggert spoke about Haim's admiration for MJ.
People and the media assuming it's Michael would be unfortunate, but kinda unterstandable, if Corey never would haven spoken out and said it's not Michael!

I don't think it would be understandable even if Corey Haim had never said anything about it. Why would it be understandble to ASSUME it was Michael Jackson when it could have been anybody? It's pretty sad (and just shows how the media infected people's minds) that when people hear the words "child molester" they immediately associate on MJ.
Ironically, I ran into this photo in the 'unseen mj pics' thread in the MITM section a few days before Haim died. I didn't know he'd ever ran into MJ either until I saw this pic:

I know the guy on the right is Leonardo di Caprio, but is the guy in the middle really Corey? I don't think so.
here is a video of Corey after Michael died ignore the bitch reporter she is dumb and annoying she keeps asking and how old were you, so listen to Corey's own words: (you can skip Joey if you go to 3:10)

if you are interested here is what they said on their own reality show about being molested:

and here is something from Perez Hilton: where they also set the record straight
I know the guy on the right is Leonardo di Caprio, but is the guy in the middle really Corey? I don't think so.

The guy in the middle does'nt look like Corey to me either, I just can't remember the name of the guy right now.

Anyway, I too saw when this was first aired and I was pisssssed! It was uncalled for to bring up MJ's name in a discussion that had nothing to do with him. Is it that ever child star who was molested in the past, somehow its MJ who did it? It was just plain spiteful and they knew what they were doing when they did that! And I am so happy that fans let that Maria girl and Access Hollywood know how they felt about it that they had to clear the air on the matter last night. That Billy Bush though needs a slap! what was so fair about that question?

Its crap like this that we as fans have to defend!

I don't know why in the hell they keep insinuating that Michael hurt the two Coreys. The media sucks. :mad:

Because they are just hateful and vindictive thats why!
Great job, you guys! I didn't hear about this until it was over. But, you must have caused a huge uproar to make them "set the record" straight.
The media is seeking to justify the 16 year 'monsterdom' of Michael it engaged in.

We must all daily challenge, rebut and deny their negative narrative whenever we see it evident.

The combination of stresses in Michael's life killed Michael's joy and depleted his vitality, and the media was - and is, a major part of that pressure.

We will not allow them to destroy Michael's memory too.

This latest outrage on Access Hollywood tells me the media is nowhere near done with its overt agenda.

Please can all continue to support British journalist Charles Thomson, by making people aware of the article at Huffington Post and encouraging people overseas to comment there with legitmate names. You can also leave more than one comment, include interesting links - and dialogue with Mr Thomson there.

If we all do this, the editorial of HP will recognize that fact-based, truthful articles about Michael are appreciated and demanded.

Well done to everybody who raised their voices about Access Hollywood.

The fight continues....
I say a big whooping, Awesome to all who spoke out about this. She should be ashamed of herself. This is what is wrong with so called "journalism" here. Instead of doing research and actually even pretending to show an interest in the truth, they regurgitate the same stupidity and ignorance from year to year to the point that people believe it must be true. And it takes someone standing up for what is truth before they will even issue a partial apology. What a simpleton!
This is such old news....Feldman and Haim said publicly after that reality episode first aired that it was NOT MJ,but an assistant of Feldman who molested Corey when he was a boy....the news if i'm not mistaken popped up even on tmz a couple of years ago...and Haim stated it was not MJ,followed by feldman himself later on.
Speculating about your (ex?)boyfriend who died a couple of days ago,and a person who happened to be friends with a close friend of him FOREVER AGO,is simply ridiculous and disrespectful not only for Michael and his family but also for Corey and that poor woman of his mum,and Feldman himself.Nice job!
I don't think it would be understandable even if Corey Haim had never said anything about it. Why would it be understandble to ASSUME it was Michael Jackson when it could have been anybody? It's pretty sad (and just shows how the media infected people's minds) that when people hear the words "child molester" they immediately associate on MJ.

Hmm! You kinda answered your own question here!
I watched the ending of Access Hollywood tonight and they had an interview with Cory Haims girlfriend. In this tidbit Cory said he was "raped" by on of Cory feldmens friends he was still in contact with. Immediately Maria's mind went RIGHT TO Michael. This pissed me off. After all the proof that has came out, after the trial people still refuse to believe the facts over the fiction. After seeing it i want to write a long letter to Billy Bush and Maria Manodose (sp on her last name idc at this point.) Telling them where to go and how to get there and on what. I'm sick of seeing Michael depicted that way and I want to tell them all off for being like that to him.

It pisses me off that they all assume it was Michael and not some other person. I'm more then positive that Cory F had more friends then just Michael.

Im sorry for my little rant but i knew if i came here and vented my feelings someone would know exactly what i am talking about and feel the same way i do. I would love to know why people think its so important to publicly bash a man who would never so much as think of hurting a child much less actually do it. Access Hollywood and every other entertainment outlet needs to be reminded of the fans and the facts. Not just go by what the Sun or the Daily Mirror say.

Actually this is old news.. and it is BS as a poster said.. why they bringing up old crap that has been cleared up along time ago? Corey confess that an adult abused him(a loong time ago) and the Media are the one who made it into the whole Michael thing,back then. Corey set it was fine. So why is they media digging this old crap up again? Media blood suckers are everywhere in every country.
That's the reason why I avoid watching those kind of shows. Closed-minded, biased opinions.

I just want to know why people keep continuing to think that Michael wanted to hurt children when he made it very clear in his life that he wanted to help them. Hmm, believe the made up tabloids or Michael Jackson himself? :sigh:
I'm very VERY proud of the fans. We can not forget that we are part of Michael's legacy.

I'm very happy.