Corbin Bleu Describes Meeting Michael

yeah, well isn't he?

No. Weird, yeah, I can go for that. But unusual? No. Jimmy Kimmel was implying that Mike has serious issues. Or more like, Mike wants nothing to do with these idiots in the media so he is seen as "unusual". Blah. Kimmel is a nobody.
Blah. Kimmel is a nobody.

I agree, and Kimmel can only dream of being the type of SUPER-MEGASTAR that Michael is.

One thing I always notice about Kimmel, from the various clips and comments that appear on this board, is that when somebody on his show mentions MJ's name, Kimmel becomes very interested in knowing more about MJ.

I mean, Corbin is there to speak about HIMSELF, but when MJ's name comes up, the interview turns into finding out new things about MJ. I don't know, it just makes me laugh, because although they claim to have a problem with MJ, they still want to know as much about him as possible. LOL!

And Jesse Jackson said something very similar in Jet magazine when talking about MJ. LOL! He said something like MJ might look frail to some, but he is actually very strong and determined. Or something along those lines. And I recall Will Smith even saying something like that a while back, i.e. MJ being strong, don't let him fool ya! LOL!

lmao yer, Will Smith said something like 'Dudes like a black belt too, so he will kcik your ass etc etc etc' Something like that............It was during an interview during or after Men In Black II.
Guess this can fit here - didn't see it in a search:


Heart-throb ZAC EFRON was overwhelmed to find out MICHAEL JACKSON is a fan of his work - and was left "speechless" when the pop superstar called to congratulate him on his success.
The Thriller hitmaker is a big fan of Efron's High School Musical franchise and is a close friend of the films' director Kenny Ortega.

And Efron admits he was delighted when Ortega handed him his cellphone and told him that Jackson was on the line for him.

He says, "I've been wanting to talk to Michael Jackson my whole life, but as soon as Kenny handed me the phone, I was at a loss for words. I have never been so speechless.

"He said he loves High School Musical. It was motivation for us, and encouragement.”

10/27/2008 10:30:02 PM
That Zac Efron article was posted on the news thread sometime this week.

Kimmel becomes very interested in knowing more about MJ.

I noticed that as well. He is so interested into knowing what MJ is like as a person. I think he knows that he will never have Michael on his show because Mike probably knows that Kimmel trashed him and what nothing to do with him. I remember during the trial when Kimmel has that fool Jake Bird come to certain events pretending to be a Michael Jackson fan. It was pretty nasty. I hate that Kimmel bastard. I do not bother watching his show and I do not care who is on it.
That Zac Efron article was posted on the news thread sometime this week.

I noticed that as well. He is so interested into knowing what MJ is like as a person. I think he knows that he will never have Michael on his show because Mike probably knows that Kimmel trashed him and what nothing to do with him. I remember during the trial when Kimmel has that fool Jake Bird come to certain events pretending to be a Michael Jackson fan. It was pretty nasty. I hate that Kimmel bastard. I do not bother watching his show and I do not care who is on it.
You're right, Jimmy Kimmel is really one of the worst. He hired 'Jake Byrd' to go all over the place acting like a crazed MJ fan during the trial while making disgusting jokes about him, even sending him to the trial itself during deliberations as Michael's fate was being decided (this was all a huge joke to Kimmel and that guy). Joseph Jackson even met and spoke with Byrd on one occasion, believing that he was an actual fan. Kimmel also forced kids to read obnoxious comments off a prompt on Michael's birthday several years ago, and told a whole classroom of students to come up with Michael Jackson jokes to read on air. ABC has him host American Music Awards every year, and a few years back when Janet was in attendance it didn't take him more than a couple minutes to begin rambling off the MJ 'jokes'. This is why I hope that Michael never goes on American Music Awards at least until ABC gets enough common sense to hire a host who won't endlessly bash the very stars that shaped the show and industry. Kimmel's peculiar obsession with Michael far exceeds the line of comedy. Jay Leno still tops it though. Leno willingly lied under oath and went against what he told the police just so that he didn't have to be on Michael's "side" during the trial, and so he could continue joking about it afterwards.

Still, being the 'news gatherer' kind of person that I am, I monitor all outlets no matter how ridiculous so that when positive comments like Bleu's are made, I can post... David Gest did a real good job on Kimmel's show at one point too, in humanizing Michael Jackson.
That is just totally disgusting!!!!
how can ppl be so cruel! * makes angry face*

Dude! :D
BTW it's a good thing to know that Mike has a firm handshake. I hate those "dead fish" handshakes.
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Thanks a lot for posting TSCM. Great read. I love Corbin Bleu describes his first impression on Mike. Sounds candid and respectful at the same time. I always enjoy that kind of comment from artists who met Mike.
lol, that would be embarrassing.

It's funny the pre-conceptions people have about Michael. Corbin pointed out that Michael isn't frail. See, Michael is thin, but that's just his natural build. He's thin, but he's not frail. How do people think he dances so well? lol. It's not because he's some weakling.
Good point. Not only that, some people don't see how much inner strength is in him.
ok that's a slightly off topic post but while I was translating this news for another message board I stumbled over this name 'Corbin Bleu' again and again, always thinking of corDON Bleu *gg* -sorry for that.. ;)

anyway..must be really amazing to know that Michael Jackson is sitting in the audience while you're performing..even if you're already a well-known star.:wild: Oh and did you realize? There're sooooo many young stars which name Michael as their idol. Isn't that wonderful? I hope this also has an influence on their audience. Mike's everywhere :D:clapping::punk:
ok that's a slightly off topic post but while I was translating this news for another message board I stumbled over this name 'Corbin Bleu' again and again, always thinking of corDON Bleu *gg* -sorry for that.. ;)

that is the same what i always read, when i see this topic title :lol:
that is the same what i always read, when i see this topic title :lol:

That makes 3 of us. :fear:

lol @ the "he's a dude!" parts. Cute story tho.

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
I don't really care for all the HSM stuff, but aw I love what Corbin said! Wow, he's very well-spoken for his age. Not that I'm much older so I dunno if it's right for me to say that - lol - but he just seems very put together & intelligent. I'm curious to see what else he's gonna do down the road.

Note that Corbin was pretty adamant on keeping the tone positive too, like when Kimmel was veering off into calling MJ a woman and whatnot. In those few minutes, he continued to bring the interview back around to the inspiration he got from MJ. What was also nice was that in spite of being young & having "missed Michael Jackson's heyday" he succinctly explained how he was a fan and is a good example of the fact that MJ has younger fans too that didn't necessarily experience Michaelmania of the 80's :).
TSCM - My man, on point as usual. I was highly upset to find out that Kimmel is gonna host the AMA this year. Blah. I remember the thread regarding Gest being on his show. He did a very good job.

Wow, he's very well-spoken for his age.

He seems to be a great young man. Very respectful.

like when Kimmel was veering off into calling MJ a woman and whatnot. In those few minutes, he continued to bring the interview back around to the inspiration he got from MJ. What was also nice was that in spite of being young & having "missed Michael Jackson's heyday" he succinctly explained how he was a fan and is a good example of the fact that MJ has younger fans too that didn't necessarily experience Michaelmania of the 80's

Not only on point but very mature. You would think that clown, Kimmel would be the mature one, but Corbin beat him to the pult. Good on him.