Corbin Bleu Describes Meeting Michael


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Jul 25, 2011

Corbin Bleu Describes Meeting Michael

Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Corbin Bleu discussed his lifelong influence by Michael Jackson and what it was like to actually meet the King of Pop when Jackson attended a Los Angeles showing of the High School Musical concert. It was previously revealed that Kenny Ortega (director of High School Musical and a professional friend and coordinator of Jackson) gave the cast of High School Musical DVDs of Michael Jackson's short films for inspiration. Michael Jackson also spoke with several crew members over the phone and expressed how much he and his children enjoy the show, which left Zac Efron at "a loss for words... I have never been so speechless."

The transcript of the segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live is below (edited for content).

Corbin Bleu: Jimmy Kimmel Live

October 29, 2008

Transcribed by
Michael Jackson Repository

Jimmy Kimmel: When you were a kid, did you have somebody that you idolized in the way that these kids go crazy for you and your coworkers?

Corbin Bleu: Yes. Michael Jackson... My mom is a huge 80s fan, and I pretty much grew up listening to Michael in the womb. She'd pretty much put the headphones on. I actually got the opportunity to meet him, once.

Jimmy Kimmel: Where did you meet him?

Corbin Bleu: Kenny Ortega, director of High School Musical, has done Michael's tour numerous times; he's worked on music videos. And, it was--he actually came to the High School Musical concert in Los Angeles.

Jimmy Kimmel: Michael Jackson?

Corbin Bleu: Michael Jackson came to the High School Musical concert.

Jimmy Kimmel: Really?

Corbin Bleu: With his kids. His kids are huge fans, go figure.

Jimmy Kimmel: Wow.

Corbin Bleu: And, he actually came to the backstage, and you know of course all these huge bodyguards come in and they check the surrounding and make sure there's no cameras. And then Michael walks in, he's got these big shades on. And, I mean, he's so cool. He's a guy, that's first of all. He's a dude... Most people, if you see him, a lot of people think of him as you know, more of a frail kind of person. Dude walks in, he's a big guy, he's got a strong handshake.

Jimmy Kimmel: Really?

Corbin Bleu: Yeah. He's very much of a, you know, he's a dude... The crazy part was that afterwards, we had to do the show, knowing that he's sitting right there. And we could see him. And my bit in the show is almost an entire homage to him. I mean, between the outfit, I pop up on the stage, a lot of the moves. I'm sitting up here going, "Michael Jackson's watching me dance right now!" I mean, it was just one of the most surreal moments of my life. But I grew up being so inspired by him, and loving him. I love his work.

Jimmy Kimmel: See, if that was me and my kids and you were doing like my moves, I'd be going, "That's mine. I did that. He stole that from me. You know that right? Okay." And we'd keep going, but that's how I work.


. And my bit in the show is almost an entire homage to him. I mean, between the outfit, I pop up on the stage, a lot of the moves. I'm sitting up here going, "Michael Jackson's watching me dance right now!" I mean, it was just one of the most surreal moments of my life. But I grew up being so inspired by him, and loving him. I love his work.

lol, that would be embarrassing.

It's funny the pre-conceptions people have about Michael. Corbin pointed out that Michael isn't frail. See, Michael is thin, but that's just his natural build. He's thin, but he's not frail. How do people think he dances so well? lol. It's not because he's some weakling.
You have to keep wondering sometimes and laugh at the same time at people like jimmy who "claim" to have a problem with him.
Thanks for the interview transcript! Thats what Alex Gernandt from Bravo magazine already said. People think Michael is fragile, but he has a very strong handshake in reality. (....)You can't judge a book by looking at it's cover
It's funny the pre-conceptions people have about Michael. Corbin pointed out that Michael isn't frail. See, Michael is thin, but that's just his natural build. He's thin, but he's not frail. How do people think he dances so well? lol. It's not because he's some weakling.


And Jesse Jackson said something very similar in Jet magazine when talking about MJ. LOL! He said something like MJ might look frail to some, but he is actually very strong and determined. Or something along those lines. And I recall Will Smith even saying something like that a while back, i.e. MJ being strong, don't let him fool ya! LOL!
You have to keep wondering sometimes and laugh at the same time at people like jimmy who "claim" to have a problem with him.

Ain't that something. I was just talking about that the other day.

Jimmy finds a way to bring MJ into the conversation on many of his shows. I mean, I'm sure he knew in advance what Corbin was going to say, when he asked that question. Just last week, I can't remember who it was, but Jimmy managed to bring up MJ's name. Oh I remember, Jimmy was talking to Tony Braxton about how he ADMIRES people who can Moonwalk. LOL!
I watched the actual interview and there were some parts that weren't included in that transcript so I or somebody else will put it up later. But yeah I guess I see why it was edited.
Ah! Thanks a lot victory.

And yeah Big Apple, I remember Jesse Jackson saying that. Also that jounalist from Britan who spent a bunch of time with Michael, Johnathan something, I forget his last name, said Michael has an athletic build and is very sure of himself physically, with hands like a baseball pitcher, lol.
We are getting some really nice stories and pics of mj, i can't wait for him to perform again it will be awsome
TSCM, did I ever told you that I just love you? Thanks man.

My man, Corbin! He is such a sweet young man. When he does interviews, he is just respectful. His parents raised him very well.

He's a guy, that's first of all. He's a dude... Most people, if you see him, a lot of people think of him as you know, more of a frail kind of person. Dude walks in, he's a big guy, he's got a strong handshake.

Awesome comment. I love the way he said this because MJ is a DUDE. I remember when Ne-Yo stated that MJ's voice is not "manly". That to me, was so disrespectful and rude. However, this young man just told the story. I am not shocked that Mike's kids are huge fans of HSM. LOL. Not shocked at all. What kid their ages does not like that movie?

Jimmy Kimmel: See, if that was me and my kids and you were doing like my moves, I'd be going, "That's mine. I did that. He stole that from me. You know that right? Okay." And we'd keep going, but that's how I work.

That is funny. Unlike some bitter people, Mike could care less if people "stole" from him. He understands his impact and that he made a big influence to a lot of people.

You have to keep wondering sometimes and laugh at the same time at people like jimmy who "claim" to have a problem with him

You ain't lying. Jimmy, like the rest of these people, would trash Mike like he killed someone. Once someone comes on their show and tells this fool and other fools that he/she loves MJ, that is when these clowns show their phony behavior. You gotta laugh at these nobodies. They have realized that they cannot destroy Michael Jackson. They can crack as many nasty, unfunny jokes on this guy but real fans like us and Corbin, are not gonna trash the man.

but he has a very strong handshake in reality

That is right. When A.J Calloway (former host of the BET show "106 and Park" who is now on "Extra") met MJ, he stated that Mike has a firm handshake.

And I recall Will Smith even saying something like that a while back, i.e. MJ being strong, don't let him fool ya! LOL!

Will ain't lying! He knows wassup!

Positiv articles are always great!
Thank you so much for this!

Seriously though, you guys. Some of you might not know how much influence this younger generation has on these new Disney stars like those in High School Musical. But the influence is huge! And the fact that these stars, like Corbin Bleu and Zac Effron (sp), are showing so much love and admiration to Michael, I really feel it will rub off on their own fans. These young kids seeing their favorite stars praising Michael for his work! I love it, because I know they are gonna see that and, in turn, know Michael for what he really is about. Many kids these days only know Michael through the trial and media bashing. It's so great to see this.
When did this happen that Michael and his kids attended the High School Musical concert. Has it happened recently or longer ago?
That is right. When A.J Calloway (former host of the BET show "106 and Park" who is now on "Extra") met MJ, he stated that Mike has a firm handshake.

You know what, when I think about the "handshake," I think about Michael Jackson the businessman. When homeboy walks into a board meeting or has a business meeting at his home, he knows what time it is when he has to shake the hands of the people he's meeting with.

He's the boss and I'm sure his handshake reflects that. Holla!
what keeps fascinating me is that EVERYONE who meets Michael says how cool and nice he is.
i think it is ok - Jimmy Kimmel didn't say anything insulting about Michael - or i didn't catch it.. dunno.
He's a dude... Most people, if you see him, a lot of people think of him as you know, more of a frail kind of person. Dude walks in, he's a big guy, he's got a strong handshake.

Yeah, I love this comment. I was lucky enough to actually get the chance to shake Michaels hand once and I agree totally, he has huge hands and a very FIRM handshake. His skin is dry and soft, I remember it so well and I didn't want to wash my hand, ever!!

Oh also, nearly forgot to thank you TSCM for posting...Its always funny to read about other peoples misconceptions of how Michael is. And I love to see HSM3 this weekend, hehe
if i was performing and mike was properly run & hide away!
what keeps fascinating me is that EVERYONE who meets Michael says how cool and nice he is.

Everybody always uses the same words to describe Michael. Nice is usually the main one, lol.

And Jimmy Kimmel is such a bloated asshole. At least Corbin was supportive. Nice, smart kid.
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And the fact that these stars, like Corbin Bleu and Zac Effron (sp), are showing so much love and admiration to Michael, I really feel it will rub off on their own fans. These young kids seeing their favorite stars praising Michael for his work!

Exactly. I remember watching Extra and I posted this on one of the news thread weeks back, that Zac Efron was asked who was his favorite singer. He said "Michael Jackson". So the interviewer as the children (children were interview Zac and Corbin for the HSM3 movie via spyke, I think; these kids had to be between the ages of 5-10) do they know who Michael Jackson is. All of the children said "YES!" That was really touching. I do believe that these children are listening to Zac and Corbin and hear MJ and maybe want to look up on him. Your point was on the money, Ivory. That is the main reason why I support the young singers who admire and respect Mike.

You know what, when I think about the "handshake," I think about Michael Jackson the businessman. When homeboy walks into a board meeting or has a business meeting at his home, he knows what time it is when he has to shake the hands of the people he's meeting with.

Exactly. On the money on that. Michael knows that is first impression.

and oh yeah, the way a man handshakes tells A LOT about him

That is very true. Mike's firm handshake shows that he is serious and takes that person that he is shaking hands with seriosuly.