Conrad Murray to get his own TV show

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Don't believe a word: it's a tabloid grasping at a story. I recall someone here wrote how tabloids have lists of celebrities they can make up stories about if there's nothing remotely newsworthy to tell otherwise. It's Daily Star's turn to tell fairy tales. There's no way Mr Murray is getting his own TV show. No way.
I must be staying up wayyy too late because I thought this said Conrad Murray is getting his own TV show. I really need to go to bed at a decent time because I am starting to hallucinate.
I must be staying up wayyy too late because I thought this said Conrad Murray is getting his own TV show. I really need to go to bed at a decent time because I am starting to hallucinate.
Its from the Daily Star, its a UK tabloid thats goes beyond trash. No one even reads it. No where else has reported it and I cant imagine that the authorities would allow someone to have their own tv show benefiting off a crime that they have committed which they are under investigation for.
What? This murderer deserves to be in prison, not the limelight.

Do they give all criminals TV deals now?
TASTELESS, Murray should B I H
Since when do murderers have their own reality show?! I guess when you have killed Michael Jackson you instantly become famous and get paid for it.
Theres no way this would be true, NO WAY!!

The media airheads are in fairy land!!! :lol:
Does Daily Star trashy tabloid ring a bell to you?!
people must be seriously bored to give this the time of the day...let's post all the tabloid crap then!
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