While I agree with you that the Estate has to do more I am not sure Facebook likes are what represent an interest or disinterest in MJ's music.
It's not just the music. Any project related to MJ can be affected by millions being fooled into believing that he was a pedo.
Those chart positions are nice and indicate that at least a few thousand people are not idiots we are talking about millions
all over the world who didn't question the child porn story just swallowed it like it's the gospel because there was no effective
I don't think it's a coincidence that there was such a big drop of likes and comments this year.
The Estate and MJ's family let this bullshit live when they did have the option to explain the facts in the media.
People and Billboard published the Estate's response, except it didn't make any difference because it did not point out how ridiculously absurd the whole story was, they could have called the shows and radio stations where Travis got airtime
and demand the same for themselves, they even could have called Oprah or Wendy and say enough is enough we want to
tell what is going on how the media has been systematically smearing MJ since 2013, if I was Paris I sure would have done just that, Oprah gave her airtime before when it didn't matter, it would matter this time.
They did nothing. The family and the Estate both can kiss my ass.
On YT he got more views this year than last year on June 25. The number of his monthly Spotify listens has never been higher.
That's great if true I'm not saying you are wrong but how do you know? Where do you get those stats from?
I can only see the total listens on Spotify.
Because we look out for these things we think they are everywhere, in reality no one frigging reads them.
I wish that was true but when you can see Daily Show host asking Travis how the fans overlook all these stories about him having nude pictures of children and animal abuse and then another morning show asking him and then a radio show asking him and another radio show asking him about the same and the Young Turks talking about like it's fact and Jezebel , Huff Post, Fox News and countless other websites posting it as fact it's naive to believe that noone frigging reads them.