Congrats to Britney Spears for officially selling over 100 million records

on twitter, one of janet biggest fans that keep in touch with everything janet related said that
JANET is now at 150 MILLION sold #4 best Selling Female Artist of all Time

That's total fabrication. The girl has done well for herself so I don't know why fans have to exaggerate like that. Even if you add in singles and dvd sales, you still can't get that number.

These are the most comprehensive numbers I was able to pull up for worldwide sales (it's not completely translated but still understandable). I highlighted the total estimates. As you can see, Janet has done very well for herself, but she is just barely over halfway to 100 million. Even adding in singles, dvds, and soundtrack sales... 100 million is still pushing it:

Janet Jackson (1982) + Dream Street (1984)
USA : 700.000 + 400.000

Estimations mondiales :

Control (1986)
USA : 7.500.000
Canada : 300.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 10.000

Japon : 200.000

Afrique Du Sud : 250.000

Europe : 1.360.000

- UK : 650.000
- Allemagne : 125.000
- France : 25.000
- Italie : 100.000
- Pays-Bas : 140.000 (#5 (63))
- Suède : 15.000 (#47 (0)(2))
- Suisse : 20.000 (#28 (0)(5))

Estimations mondiales :

Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)

USA : 8.800.000
Canada : 400.000

Australie : 140.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 10.000

Japon : 500.000

Afrique Du Sud : 250.000

Europe : 1.010.000

- UK : 425.000
- Allemagne : 125.000
- France : 25.000
- Italie : 100.000
- Pays-Bas : 60.000 (#19 (39))
- Suède : 30.000 (#24 (0)(14))
- Suisse : 30.000 (#23 (0)(1))

Estimations mondiales :

Janet (1993)
USA : 8.300.000
Canada : 400.000

Australie : 140.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 15.000

Japon : 650.000

Afrique Du Sud : 300.000

Europe : 2.470.000

- UK : 825.000
- Allemagne : 575.000
- France : 225.000
- Espagne : 40.000
- Italie : 100.000
- Pays-Bas : 140.000 (#5 (50))
- Suède : 70.000 (#5 (27))
- Autriche : #7 (1)(25)
- Suisse : 40.000 (#10 (3)(29))

Estimations mondiales :

Design Of A Decade 1986/1996 (1995)

USA : 4.700.000
Canada : 300.000

Australie : 280.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 30.000

Japon : 500.000

Afrique Du Sud : 150.000

Europe : 2.080.000

- UK : 725.000
- Allemagne : 350.000
- France : 350.000
- Italie : 75.000
- Pays-Bas : 70.000 (#11 (24))
- Suède : 30.000 (#14 (0)(12))
- Autriche : 15.000 (#15 (0)(11))
- Suisse : 55.000 (#6 (2)(19))
- Finlande : 15.000 (#18 (

Estimations mondiales :

The Velvet Rope (1997)
USA : 4.200.000
Canada : 350.000

Australie : 140.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 15.000

Japon : 300.000

Afrique Du Sud : 100.000

Europe : 2.350.000

- UK : 400.000
- Allemagne : 400.000
- France : 550.000
- Espagne : 125.000
- Italie : 175.000
- Pays-Bas : 125.000 (#3 (48))
- Suède : 70.000 (#4 (3)(31))
- Autriche : 25.000 (#9 (2)(22))
- Suisse : 65.000 (#5 (13)(34))
- Finlande : 20.000 (#19 (19))

Estimations mondiales :

All For You (2001)

USA : 3.500.000
Canada : 350.000

Australie : 35.000

Nouvelle-Zélande : 7.500

Japon : 750.000

Corée Du Sud : 40.000

Afrique Du Sud : 200.000

Europe : 1.030.000

- UK : 225.000
- Allemagne : 225.000
- France : 175.000
- Espagne : 60.000
- Italie : 60.000
- Pays-Bas : 50.000 (#4 (12))
- Suède : 25.000 (#4 (2)(7))
- Autriche : 10.000 (#8 (1)(6))
- Suisse : 30.000 (#2 (4)(18))
- Finlande : 10.000 (#14 (5))

Estimations mondiales :

Damita Jo (2004)

USA : 1.300.000
Canada : 100.000
Brésil : 10.000

Japon : 175.000

Corée Du Sud : 15.000

Europe : 250.000

- UK : 70.000
- Allemagne : 35.000
- France : 20.000
- Espagne : 10.000
- Pays-Bas : 10.000 (#23 (7))
- Suède : #43 (0)(1)
- Autriche : #49 (0)(1)
- Suisse : #34 (0)(4)

Estimations mondiales :

20 Y.O. (2006)

Estimations mondiales :

Ventes totales mondiales de Janet Jackson : 66.300.000 d'albums vendus.

...aka Janet has sold 66 million albums worldwide.

Also, here are the numbers for Janet's dvds:

Janet Jackson - Live in Hawaii (Home Video) 122,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope Tour (VHS) 134,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope Tour (DVD) 29,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - Collector's Edition (The Velvet Rope Tour/Live in Hawaii) (DVD) 27,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - janet. (Home Video) 66,900 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - From janet. to Damita Jo (Home Video) 42,000 (01/2006)

Even adding those figures in, it's still doesn't add up to over 100 million. I think Janet, adding everything up (singles, dvds, etc) and I do mean EVERYTHING up, sits around the 80 million mark. That's nothing to scoff at. It's still impressive.

P.S. Think of how inflated MJ and Madonna's sales would be if they added in dvds and everything else imaginable in to their album sales!
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Not surprised to see Janet getting downplayed. :sigh: You're pulling estimations from a French message board from 2006.

DEATH @ sitting about 80 million when based on that she has sold 66 million albums. You mean to tell me she only sold 14 million singles? :hysterical: She has sold more singles than that in the US alone. :lol:

Like it or not, Universal claims over 100 million albums. Her total record sales are between 140 and 150 million. There's no source you could provide that could dispute a claim made by the record label as they know more than everyone NOT working for them.

Janet has sold over 100 million albums. You can post whatever numbers you please to support your claim. But what the record label says will ALWAYS outweigh what you say.
Not surprised to see Janet getting downplayed. :sigh: You're pulling estimations from a French message board from 2006.

DEATH @ sitting about 80 million when based on that she has sold 66 million albums. You mean to tell me she only sold 14 million singles? :hysterical: She has sold more singles than that in the US alone. :lol:

Like it or not, Universal claims over 100 million albums. Her total record sales are between 140 and 150 million. There's no source you could provide that could dispute a claim made by the record label as they know more than everyone NOT working for them.

Janet has sold over 100 million albums. You can post whatever numbers you please to support your claim. But what the record label says will ALWAYS outweigh what you say.

How come what record labels say is the gospel only when it pertains to artists we love? Hmm.

Again, her record company is obviously inflating numbers. All I'm saying is, no matter how you cut it, there really isn't much evidence to support Janet being well over the 100 million mark. I can cut her some slack and say with albums, singles, and dvd's that she is near 100 million, but that is still really pushing it. She's never been a big seller worldwide and her singles haven't sold all that much either. So, combining everything, it's still scarce to come up at over 100 million. I'm sorry to the hardcore fans out there who want to believe otherwise. Janet DOES NOT have the global appeal of her big bro or even contemporaries like Madonna. The worldwide album sales simply aren't there. Janet falls in to the Mariah category, where most of their album sales and fan base are almost entirely in the USA.

I won't argue it anymore because my point isn't to make Janet out to be some sort of failure. She's not. She used to be a very formidable artist and accomplished a lot. I'm only pointing out that her numbers have been inflated. I'll go ahead and give her the 100 million but that is being generous. Think about it, her sales almost entirely come from the US, and according to the RIAA she has sold 26 million albums (she is due for re-certifications, mind you). So where does all the rest of her album sales come from?

Maybe a hardcore Janet fan can enlighten us by providing numbers with sources. Then again, this is supposed to be about Britney so maybe we should turn it back around on topic? I do think it's safe to say that this story about Brit has been proven a fake since there isn't a single credible source outside of a blog citing it as fact (not to say that it still can't be true- and again Janet can have her 100 million, but most definitely she has NOT sold anywhere close to 150 million- NO WAY).
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How come what record labels say is the gospel only when it pertains to artists we love? Hmm.

Ummm no, I ALWAYS go by what the record labels say regardless of the artist as they know more than everyone who doesn't work for them, which would include YOU.

Again, her record company is obviously inflating numbers.

And you know this how? Have you checked their records? Let's just say they are inflating figures. Do you know by how much?

All I'm saying is, no matter how you cut it, there really isn't much evidence to support Janet being well over the 100 million mark. I can cut her some slack and say with albums, singles, and dvd's that she is near 100 million, but that is still really pushing it.

There is evidence. Her record label. :happy:

She's never been a big seller worldwide and her singles haven't sold all that much either. So, combining everything, it's still scarce to come up at over 100 million. I'm sorry to the hardcore fans out there who want to believe otherwise. Janet DOES NOT have the global appeal of her big bro or even contemporaries like Madonna.

Right because she's never had any massive world tours. She's never sold out huge venues on other continents. She doesn't have any hits in other countries, nor does she have any worldwide hits.

The worldwide album sales simply aren't there. Janet falls in to the Mariah category, where most of their album sales and fan base are almost entirely in the US.

Mariah has sold 55 million+ albums in the US according to Soundscan. She has sold a total of about 160 million albums according to IDJ. Seems like more of her album sales are abroad. You sound uninformed, Travis. I bet you're one of those people who think Janet has only sold 26 million in the states according to the RIAA. :smilerolleyes:

I won't argue it anymore because my point isn't to make Janet out to be some sort of failure. She's not. She used to be a very formidable artist and accomplished a lot. I'm only pointing out that her numbers have been inflated.

And again, for the hypothetical, let's just say they are inflated. Do you know the degree to which they are inflated? Could it be 5 million? 3 million? 50k? You don't know. And you never will, unfortunately.

I'll go ahead and give her the 100 million but that is being generous. Think about it, her sales almost entirely come from the US, and according to the RIAA she has sold 26 million albums (she is due for re-certifications, mind you). So where does all the rest of her album sales come from?

I didn't know the US is the only place where albums could sale. :doh: The sales come from places the record label knows that you don't. And if Janet is under certified in the US, what makes you think she's not under certified in the US.

Maybe a hardcore Janet fan can enlighten us by providing numbers with sources. Then again, this is supposed to be about Britney so maybe we should turn it back around on topic? I do think it's safe to say that this story about Brit has been proven a fake since there isn't a single credible source outside of a blog citing it as fact (not to say that it still can't be true- and again Janet can have her 100 million, but most definitely she has NOT sold anywhere close to 150 million- NO WAY).

I am a hardcore Jacksonologist :)happy:) and I keep track of things like this. I'm well informed on J5, MJ, and JJ figures. Again, I welcome the source you can provide that could dispute a claim made by Universal.

And yes, the Britney figure is not confirmed. Her label issued a press release back in '07 or '08 that states she has sold 83 million records. Until the label updates her numbers, it will remain 83 million records sold.
Ummm no, I ALWAYS go by what the record labels say regardless of the artist as they know more than everyone who doesn't work for them, which would include YOU.

And you know this how? Have you checked their records? Let's just say they are inflating figures. Do you know by how much?

There is evidence. Her record label. :happy:

Right because she's never had any massive world tours. She's never sold out huge venues on other continents. She doesn't have any hits in other countries, nor does she have any worldwide hits.

Mariah has sold 55 million+ albums in the US according to Soundscan. She has sold a total of about 160 million albums according to IDJ. Seems like more of her album sales are abroad. You sound uninformed, Travis. I bet you're one of those people who think Janet has only sold 26 million in the states according to the RIAA. :smilerolleyes:

And again, for the hypothetical, let's just say they are inflated. Do you know the degree to which they are inflated? Could it be 5 million? 3 million? 50k? You don't know. And you never will, unfortunately.

I didn't know the US is the only place where albums could sale. :doh: The sales come from places the record label knows that you don't. And if Janet is under certified in the US, what makes you think she's not under certified in the US.

I am a hardcore Jacksonologist :)happy:) and I keep track of things like this. I'm well informed on J5, MJ, and JJ figures. Again, I welcome the source you can provide that could dispute a claim made by Universal.

And yes, the Britney figure is not confirmed. Her label issued a press release back in '07 or '08 that states she has sold 83 million records. Until the label updates her numbers, it will remain 83 million records sold.

I'm not trying to upset you are anyone else. Honest! I assure you I don't want to rain on your parade nor am I uninformed. I think the fact that I am informed is what you have a problem with. At least we do agree on Britney.

I NEVER once tried to put Janet down. I've only stated what I believe to be the truth and until I'm presented evidence to suggest otherwise, will continue to believe. I'm a fan and have all her albums on my iPod so this definitely not about putting Janet down. All I'm saying is that surprisingly, she's not as big sales wise as one would think. And no, I still say she hasn't sold 150 million albums/records. I provided you with information and you didn't like what you saw and so you shot back. Yet you, yourself, haven't provided anything substantial to prove otherwise. I don't need to provide anything, being that I already have, and you haven't (other than, "but her record company says so, so there!").

Also, since you mentioned world tours, I hate to say this, but while Janet has certainly sold out shows in her time, she's also had to cancel nearly as many due to low ticket sales. Her last two tours alone were both cut short due to poor performance (of course Janet's PR people and fans claimed illness, etc). As successful as Janet has been, she's had just as many failures (Janet Jackson, Dream Street, Damita Jo, 20 Y.O., and Discipline). Again, I'm not trying to put Janet down but you are the one who brought it up and I'm not going to lie to save face. Sorry. :(

I still don't see the possibility of Janet having the numbers you claim, being that all the sources that are available to us do not support it whether her record company says it or not. I'd like for you to provide a source yourself to prove your theory (a source outside a record company that of course inflates numbers to boost artists). I think it's more around 80-100 million based on all the stats that are out there (which you should know as a "Jacksonologist"). I admit there is no definitive way to know exact numbers, but it can be estimated give or take a few million. As I've said, I feel comfortable and confident to say Janet sits nicely around the 80-100 million range. That's the number you asked for as far as how off I believe you and anyone else who believes Janet to be around 150 million to be.

Yes, the RIAA has her at 26 million and she is certainly due for re-certification, but that still won't account for much (not as much as you'd like it to). Here are the US numbers according to the RIAA and I have generously updated the ones that I know for sure need it (since the RIAA hasn't). Feel free to chime in yourself.

Janet Jackson - Janet Jackson (1982) 61,815 (04/2007)
Janet Jackson - Dream Street (1984) 21,320 (04/2007)
Janet Jackson - Control (1986) 477,465 (04/2007)
Janet Jackson - Rhythmn Nation (1989) 1,350,000 (07/2006) --> hasn't been certified since '92, should be 7x Platinum
Janet Jackson - Janet (1993) 7,005,000 (20/03/2009) --> should be 7x Platinum
Janet Jackson - Design Of A Decade 1986/1996 (1995) 2,411,000 (20/03/2009)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (1997) 3,227,000 (20/03/2009)
Janet Jackson - All For You (2001) 3,105,000 (20/03/2009) --> should be 3x Platinum
Janet Jackson - Damita Jo (2004) 1,002,000 (20/03/2009)
Janet Jackson - 20 Y.O. (2006) 679,000 (11/01/2008)
Janet Jackson - Discipline (2008) 441,000 (20/03/2009)
Soundscan: Album Sales 19,700,000 (30/05/2008)

Janet Jackson - Live in Hawaii (Home Video) 122,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope Tour (VHS) 134,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope Tour (DVD) 29,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - Collector's Edition (The Velvet Rope Tour/Live in Hawaii) (DVD) 27,000 (05/08/2007)
Janet Jackson - janet. (Home Video) 66,900 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - From janet. to Damita Jo (Home Video) 42,000 (01/2006)

Janet Jackson - I Get Lonely (Single) 928,000 (12/2005)
Janet Jackson - Together Again (Single) 1,224,000 (12/2005)
Janet Jackson - If (Single) 679,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - Runaway (Single) 861,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - Anytime Anyplace (Single) 531,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - You Want This (Single) 404,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes (Single) 1,116,000 (28/01/2006)
Janet Jackson - Because Of Love (Single) 211,000 (05/2006)
Janet Jackson - Again (Single) 1,186,000 (28/01/2006)
Janet Jackson - All For You (Single) 485,000 (04/02/2006)
Janet Jackson - Someone To Call My Lover (Single) 296,400 (02/12/2006)
Janet Jackson - All Nite (Don't Stop) (Single) 4,000 (04/02/2006)
Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter (Single) 646,000 (01/2006)
Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter (EP) 5,000 (01/2006)

Janet Jackson - So Excited (Downloads) 105,000 (04/2007)
Janet Jackson - With U (Downloads) 4,000 (04/2007)
Janet Jackson - Just A Little While (Downloads) 4,500 (03/2007)
Janet Jackson - Son Of A Gun (Downloads) 11,500 (03/2007)

P.S. I truly don't want to argue, and I don't mean to be disrespectful. If you can provide substantial, unbiased evidence to support your claim, then I will be more than happy to believe it and accept it. Until then, we will have to agree to disagree. Besides, success, failure... who cares! Janet is still fantastic. :)

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Again, you're pulling sales from message boards. That's fine and dandy, but if you think for one second anyone is going to think a user on a message board has more credibility than a record label, you are sadly mistaken. I will always go with what the label says in their press releases.

And since you want receipts for her sales...

According to her label, Janet has sold over 100mil albums/records:

So again I say, I welcome the source that you can provide that can dispute a claim made by Janet's own record label.

Based on confirmed sales, Janet has sold over 36 million albums in the US alone. So Janet's album shipments in the US are probably around the 40 million mark. Quite impressive. But we'll never know until they are officially updated. Might I add, IDJ has been quoting the same 14 million figure for Control and RN1814 since 1998.

I'm still :lol: @ 80 - 100mil units (units being albums, singles, DVDs, ringtones, etc). She's over 100 million regardless of how you want to slice it. Those numbers you're quoting are based on DATED certifications.
Again, you're pulling sales from message boards. That's fine and dandy, but if you think for one second anyone is going to think a user on a message board has more credibility than a record label, you are sadly mistaken. I will always go with what the label says in their press releases.

And since you want receipts for her sales...

According to her label, Janet has sold over 100mil albums/records:

So again I say, I welcome the source that you can provide that can dispute a claim made by Janet's own record label.

Based on confirmed sales, Janet has sold over 36 million albums in the US alone. So Janet's album shipments in the US are probably around the 40 million mark. Quite impressive. But we'll never know until they are officially updated. Might I add, IDJ has been quoting the same 14 million figure for Control and RN1814 since 1998.

I'm still :lol: @ 80 - 100mil units (units being albums, singles, DVDs, ringtones, etc). She's over 100 million regardless of how you want to slice it. Those numbers you're quoting are based on DATED certifications.

Oh brother... I AM NOT pulling sales from message boards. I am providing REAL stats from real sources. The last one was from the RIAA itself (and I even pointed out which albums need re-certification). Your links are press releases that don't contain any actual information.

Anyone reading this can clearly see what is going on and as you say, that is "fine and dandy". Just because you don't like what you read, doesn't make it any less factual.

Until YOU can provide real evidence of Janet selling over 100 million copies worldwide, I don't buy it. I am giving you facts and figures on each album and single, and you're giving PR ish. Yes, I'll give her around the 100 million mark, but not anything over because you still fail to provide any real information other than what talking heads say and what you want to believe. Why is that?... because it doesn't exist!

Again, if anyone can provide real information from reliable sources, than I will be more than happy to buy in to it. I'll even spread the word! I have nothing against Janet and welcome the knowledge. I am no longer disputing the 100 million sales. Just wanna make that clear. As I said before, I am giving her that, but I am not buying for one second that she's sold 150 million albums/records. No way. There simply isn't any evidence to support it other than what Janet fans say at a message board.

I am now going to let this go because I have done more than enough to materialize evidence as to why I believe as I do. Also, things like this have a tendency to turn nasty by over zealous fans. I'm not accusing anyone, just saying this has potential to become heated and I'd really rather avoid.

So... peace and love to Janet and her fans (I am one of them).

Peace, my friend. :)

Now back to Britney! :p
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Oh brother... I AM NOT pulling sales from message boards. I am providing REAL stats from real sources.

The last one was from the RIAA itself (and I even pointed out which albums need re-certification). Your links are press releases that don't contain any actual information.

The press release links provide all the information you need. :happy:

Anyone reading this can clearly see what is going on and as you say, that is "fine and dandy". Just because you don't like what you read, doesn't make it any less factual.

I don't have a feeling towards what I'm reading. I'm just trying to correct you.

Until YOU can provide real evidence of Janet selling over 100 million copies worldwide, I don't buy it. I am giving you facts and figures on each album and single, and you're giving PR ish. Yes, I'll give her around the 100 million mark, but not anything over because you still fail to provide any real information other than what talking heads say and what you want to believe. Why is that?... because it doesn't exist!

I gave you links to press releases. :happy: I personally don't believe Janet has sold over 100 million ALBUMS, but I can't dispute what the label says. I'm more comfortable with 100 million RECORDS.

Again, if anyone can provide real information from reliable sources, than I will be more than happy to buy in to it. I'll even spread the word! I have nothing against Janet and welcome the knowledge. I am no longer disputing the 100 million sales. Just wanna make that clear. As I said before, I am giving her that, but I am not buying for one second that she's sold 150 million albums/records. No way. There simply isn't any evidence to support it other than what Janet fans say at a message board.

I am now going to let this go because I have done more than enough to materialize evidence as to why I believe as I do.

So... have at it.

Peace, my friend. :)

Now back to Britney! :p

Here's a incomplete fan site that was done some years ago:

Click on the charts and sales link and they break down her stats. If you go to the bottom it's 118 million records without the updates of her album sales. Of course fan sites aren't the most reliable, but the numbers are somewhat accurate though some figures are skewed.

Janet HAS sold over 100 million records, albums is a push imo. But what the label says will always outweigh what I say.
Janet hasen't sold 150 million units (or even 100 million) units...It's in the best intrest of the artist being promoted for labels to inflate their sales (makes them look better then they are, plain and simple...and EVERY record label does it) but for those that want REAL number, thats what the RIAA is for (even though they too can take their time with re-certifications, as Travis pointed out). Either way, Janet's done well...
britney is great and still got potential to come back, age is on HER side
britney is great and still got potential to come back, age is on HER side

Britney did come back and has done very well for herself. Circus was a hit, she scored 4 more hits (2 being #1's), and did a very successful world tour. All this happened despite the media's attempts to bring her down. They wanted her to fail, but she didn't. I think many of Britney's fans are like some of MJ's used to be - afraid to admit they were supporters (remember, until MJ died, it wasn't acceptable to be a fan, but as soon as he passed all the sudden the whole world is claiming it's fandom). SOMEONE out there has gotta be a fan for Britney's success to continue and yet if you talk to most, they claim to hate her. So silly. :smilerolleyes:
According to the RIAA website, updated today (7/30) Janet is the...
75th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 9th Best selling Female Artist of all time (in the USA)
And has sold 26 million units (in the USA)

While Britney is the...
54th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 8th Best selling Female artist of all time (in the USA)
And has sold 32 million units (in the USA)

And Just for fun lol...
Madonna is the ...
16th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 2nd best selling female artist of all time (in the USA, but is most likely the number 1 best selling female Internationally).
And has sold 64 million units (in the USA).
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According to the RIAA website, updated today (7/30) Janet is the...
75th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 9th Best seling Female Artist of all time (in the USA)
And has sold 26 million units (in the USA)

While Britney is the...
54th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 8th Best selling Female artist of all time (in the USA)
And has sold 32 million units (in the USA)

And Just for fun lol...
Madonna is the ...
16th best selling artist of all time (in the USA)
The 2nd best selling female artist of all time (in the USA, but is most likely the best selling femal in the Internationally).
And has sold 64 million units (in the USA).

wow, thanks, both of these ladies are credited as britney's inspiration and manage to achevied the same (commercial wise ) success as them
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Britney did come back and has done very well for herself. Circus was a hit, she scored 4 more hits (2 being #1's), and did a very successful world tour. All this happened despite the media's attempts to bring her down. They wanted her to fail, but she didn't. I think many of Britney's fans are like some of MJ's used to be - afraid to admit they were supporters (remember, until MJ died, it wasn't acceptable to be a fan, but as soon as he passed all the sudden the whole world is claiming it's fandom). SOMEONE out there has gotta be a fan for Britney's success to continue and yet if you talk to most, they claim to hate her. So silly. :smilerolleyes:
i know and i agree britney has done very well despite the media backlash.
Im not a Britney fan but I did grow up with her and despite of everything she has got a special place in my heart. I agree about the fan comparison. Like I said Brit as opposed to many yesterday stars is young :)