Cnn vote!!!

America is jacked and on the down low. Cause some of the people that voted no will in fact go to the movie. But some will not go because they are not open enough to accept MJ's beauty. People in the USA very closed minded. not everyone but alot are. it sucks.
I don't understand all the hate in the U.S toward MJ.

I didn't either until I related it to something personal for myself, not related to Michael, but made me understand it better

There use to be a show on in the U.S. that I thought was okay. But the general public seemed utterly fascinated with this show and its stars. The stars were absolutely everywhere, every magazine cover, every television talk show, every radio show talked about them. They were lauded as if they were the greatest thing to happen to television.

There was not a specific reason I was not into them. I just wasn't. I didn't hate them, but I sure as heck was sick of seeing and hearing about them.

This is how I relate some of the dislike to MJ. Some people just are not into him and resent the mass love that they don't feel he is deserving of (allegations or no allegations).

However, I don't think the hate for MJ was ever as widespread as thought. Just look at the reaction in the U.S. since his death.

The media slant toward him was generally negative because that gets ratings and sells papers. That negativity just fueled the dislike others already had for him and gave them a sense of satisfaction. And haters often are vocal, making their opinions as loudly known as they can.

Michael was certainly controversial, but on the whole, I think as a public figure, he had more love than not.
I do not think we should judge the "no" vote to hard. Many people are still grieving and they are not ready to see this movie.

Yep you're right, there are some people who voted no, either because they want to wait to see the DVD or as you say terrell, they are still sad to see or probably won't have the time to see it. So I'm not gonna judge it too hard either.
America is jacked and on the down low. Cause some of the people that voted no will in fact go to the movie. But some will not go because they are not open enough to accept MJ's beauty. People in the USA very closed minded. not everyone but alot are. it sucks.

I couldn't have said it Better. I'm not saying all the ppl. in the US...but some Ignorant ppl. who want to believe the worst in ppl. It's sooo Amazingly Idiotic that I dont even focuse on them anymore...

God help them see the truth...
