CNN news anchor singing MJ

I think CNN's American coverage is skewed more negatively because they probably think that's what the American public wants. I think they are out of touch in that regard.

Exactly. I really do think that's why they're constantly all up in Michael's turf trying to dog him out on everything. They started all this mess, got people believing it and now they keep it up because they think everybody who heard it before still wants to hear it now. That's really what this is about IMO.
You guys, don't worry about that mess. See, in order for the media to continue doing what they have been doing, they have to also accept what they are really doing.

What they are really doing is saying they totally support Evan Chandler because he used his son as a means for attempting to destroy the life of a man that has done nice things for the world. They are especially proud of Evan Chandler for hitting his son in the back of his head with a 12 pound weight. They are proud of Evan Chandler for failing to pay child support when his son was a kid. They are proud of Evan Chandler no matter how much he shows he is a manipulator and that he is heartless. They love Evan Chandler.

Each and every time they down Michael Jackson, they are showing their support for Evan. Even former prosecutor, Nancy Grace, is showing support for Evan each time she talks negative about Michael Jackson.

This is how they all are blowing their credibility to smithereens! Since this is what they are working so hard to do, sit back and enjoy the show! Let them keep doing it. Why should we care if they are blowing their credibility into tiny pieces? Why should we care that in order for them to lie about Michael Jackson, they have to lie to themselves and show their love for Evan who is clearly an awful person.

It's a strange way to go about getting high ratings, but if that's what they want to do to themselves, let them. Let them all get up every day, get dressed, go to work and destroy away. Obviously, they all feel destroying themselves is worth the pay.
The American Media doesn't seem interested at all in reporting the Good stuff about Michael.
It wasn't anywhere but on these online fanbased forums about ALL the Thousands of fans that showed up. I even read somewhere the total went up to 7,000? Even if it was 1500 or so (as earlier reported), It could have been said on the american news shows. And what about ALL the hits, his newsite are getting per minute, The world doesn't know about that, unless they come online and read about it on one of these forums. This is news worthy! Why aren't they reporting that!!!!!!!If they did, it would surely generate more hype for him here(usa)!
they never report the positive things. They nit pick him to death on SMALL little stupid things. The commentators only say evil nasty things about michael for no good reason. I do think most of them do it cuz they think it's to be expected. I hate all of those tabloidie access hollywood shows and the regular cnn's, msnbc's, and don't get me started on FOX. UGH! whenever anything close to a news show comes on, i either get up and leave or turn the tv off.

I can kinda understand NOW why michael didn't come to america to perform in these past few years, because the media is truely EVIL to him. It sucks for the american fans tho'.

I honestly don't understand why they just can report what happen and move on to the next story. This is the news. NOBODY ASKED you what you thought. Report the story, show the footage, and then SHUT UP.

They even had my momma (when I told her about the concerts) saying: "I thought michael jackson had fold up somewhere":mello: *cricket cricket*
I'm like oooohkay to myself.:scratch: when ever she say some like that I just act like I didn't hear it or change the subject. :doh: now mind you, I already told her he wasn't sick. ugh! *sigh* But that's momma. lol
I understand your post Mikejoefan, fully. The Media are really wrong in thinking people will expect ,(so therefore, Want) negative spins on a Michael story.

Many people we know are just sick of the nastiness and bias reporting on him and want the media to just leave him alone! I was shocked when 2 people (one in their 30's, other in their 50's) said this year alone; "why don't they just leave that boy alone". Yep, they called him a boy, lol. This was during the week when it was being reported of the Neverland "selling" issue and alot of the media were talking about his finances (again).

It's getting noticed by many in different walks of life how Michael; A living legend is being treated by Media in his own Country, even after being found not guilty on ALL counts.

What elese do they want from him?
Some media folks are very excited about MJ's announcement and some are acting up. The ones that are acting up will miss out. The ones that are not, will have fun like us.

Sticks in the mud are supposed to be left behind.
I honestly don't understand why they just can report what happen and move on to the next story. This is the news. NOBODY ASKED you what you thought. Report the story, show the footage, and then SHUT UP.

I agree all the way. These people are not called on to make sideswipe comments about anybody regardless of how much they think they have the right. They also need to learn how to report BOTH sides of the story and cut out the biased crap. It's tired and old at this point.
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I agree all the way. These people are not called on to make sideswipe comments about anybody regardless of how much they think they have the right. They also need to learn how to report BOTH sides of the story and cut out the biased crap. It's tired and old at this point.

I agree, it's TIRED and OLD!!!!!!!!!
Well. How are they going to spin a negative version of 50 sould out concerts....?
That would be interesting to see.......Can`t exactly say he is a washed up has been, and has to pay people to show up at a press conference etc..

The way I see it, its sort of a relief to see that so many people can see beyond the media crap, and ignore it. In a way, it makes me belive in the positive side of people in general.
Michael recieved positive press yesterday! For the most part it scrolled at bottom of about 3 different national news orginazations about the Sold out Concerts in 4 hours. I even saw a segment about the fans who gotten tickets, CNN showed this and they had "Billie Jean" playing. They also featured a female fan who was moved to tears with her ticket in hand. It was soooo sweet, but I couldn't see all of it.

Anyone see it?