CNN: Body to be at the Staples memorial

u gonna make me cry again :no:

I'm sorry. :( Just trying to help ppl find peace with the idea that his body may be there at the Memorial. I would have respected the family's decision not to do it, but I'm appreciative that they might and possibly will. It's not inappropriate at all, imo, altho I understand how some ppl may find it very upsetting.
This is what the family decided on.. to let the fans who loved him have a chance to say good-bye. Let's not complain about the family trying to do something for us.

I agree. I think Im going to tunr off the tv, not because of the coffin, this is just too heartbreaking
A helicopter just landed near the Liberty Hall and I think it might be the tranportation for his body :(
I'm holding it in.... but I know when the tribute starts Im just going to burst....
Well Iv just seen the, covered in red flowers, looks like they are taking him somewhere in the hurst.
the body is getting moved to the staples centre i think
I think they have their own photographer there too - there was someone with a professional camera taking photos
I'm guessing they'll bring back the body to forest lawn for burial
i cant believe his body in this casket DEAD
jesus christ i gonna die right now. thats just too much.
plz anyone say that this casket is empty :(:(
My own personal view is that it was always the intention to have the body there however they know had that been known in advance there would have been hundres of thousands turning out and without doubt it would have become a circus.
This way the short notice means that the majority of people whether they wanted to or not cannot get there in time.
And i don't for one minute think theres going to be an open casket.
Rightly or wrongly I feel that having the body there is a good thing as it will enable people to come to terms with what has happened because if any one else is like me it all seems a bit of a bad dream at the moment.