Cloning company, Clonaid, commends Michael Jackson for his 'pioneer vision of human cloning'

I don't believe anything about cloning MJ. What I am most worried is that these cults and companies like Clonaid (and Raelia which is a cult)associating themselves to MJ...I know Scientology wanted MJ point 2.

Clonaid operates from Bahamas...probably cos its so was founded by this cult called Raelians...

And Scientology sending fliers a journalist doing independent. Independent is not a tabloid....

I am seeing a link of some kind here which I do not even want to know more about...
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I feel illegal stuff and something highly questionable stuff going on...
Somehow I know MJ was in trouble...
MJ was probably one of the financial contributors for Cloneaid...
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There is nothing to be scared of. They simply lie and try to get attention and gather more members for their sect. Who says more members, means more money. And what could be better than exploit Michael Jackson's stardom and seduce his fans trying that way to drag them into the sect.

Don't let your mind be fooled by trained people, read as much as you can and in as many as differetn sources possible in order to have your own opinion. Knowledge is the power, and once you have it on a given subject no one can fool you or scare you.
I am not at all Endorsing this company,

But for those of whom are not older enough to remember, back in the day when "Thriller" was still on the charts( MJ is a few years older than me), Michael was being quoted in more than one publication about his interest in the science/technology of Cloning. His comments were that of an excited child with a brand new toy, as I recall.

Around this time, the first cloning ever to be published was of a sheep. I believe scientist named her "Dolly" after country singer Dolly parton. Please correct me if I am wrong. There was media footage of this sheep and it was all over every channel for a while back then. The few talk shows that exhisted did shows about cloning, then there were those awful weekly movies about cloning.

And then, came the information in the media from other scientist to publically state, that the government knew first hand that cloning was more advanced that just of animals, these scientist said, they were ready for human cloning, THEN THE STORY WENT AWAY.

I did not keep up with this story at all but I lived during the hype and remember it was HUGE to say the least. Even on the local nightly news for a longtime.

But this does not mean anything!

It certainly doesn't mean Michael had anything to do with this company or not.
The cloning dream is quite old. It is nothing new. Even Hitler was interested in cloning. Can you imagine cloning soldiers (yeah you get millions of star war troopers like in the movie). The day a government masters the cloning technique, you can be sure that that government will rule the world. Today the masters are those who control the energy sources and ressources.

Anyway, cloning started with flowers, plants fruit, animals. Here are some newspapers articles:

Those are quite reliable sources: CNN, Telepgraph, New York Times, BBC

etc, etc.

Honestly if a human being can be cloned it will be already all over the newspapers, you just can't hide such a big secret, just like people who leak Michael's unreleased songs ;-)
...Thanks for your thoughts...I am old enough (30) but these so called religious groups and companies like Cloneaid getting involved...its madness. And to think they can advertise their "services" like this is just plain scary. I come from a country where this is illegal or against a good conduct (Finland). To think that young people, who do not know how to read the media reads this stuff and believes...this is so bad.

This company (and its not even a company...its a product that has no proven scientific background) is plain criminal and takes advantage of people who are somehow in vulnerable donate money. They can not get official funding cos what they do is against the law and agains the research ethics and all other regulatory they go to Hollywood or operate underground....I just can not believe MJ was involved and if he was, we was in trouble and someone should have stopped this.

My fairly honest, civil and down to earth mind says this is wrong...and probably connected to illegal drugs and organized crime.If you would do some digging around on how these Raelians prey on their victims you would agree...
The cloning dream is quite old. It is nothing new. Even Hitler was interested in cloning. Can you imagine cloning soldiers (yeah you get millions of star war troopers like in the movie). The day a government masters the cloning technique, you can be sure that that government will rule the world. Today the masters are those who control the energy sources and ressources.

Anyway, cloning started with flowers, plants fruit, animals. Here are some newspapers articles:

Those are quite reliable sources: CNN, Telepgraph, New York Times, BBC

etc, etc.

Honestly if a human being can be cloned it will be already all over the newspapers, you just can't hide such a big secret, just like people who leak Michael's unreleased songs ;-)

Thanks. Cloneaid are saying they have cloned many humans...and that they live and are well...They have not provided any scientific proof though and have not disclosed where the clones are living in fear of them being taken into care...

The ethics behind Cloneaid is strange to say the least...They want to achieve eternal life by cloning and that the whole human race was a result of ALIEN clones...they believe 100% in science and do not believe in God in any way apart from saying, humans mistakenly believed God as this creator...when it was actually this Elohom (I don't know, presumably Alien) who created the human race.....

The company does not get quoted anywhere because it is not recognized as a research institution by our ethical and research standards...
The company does not get quoted anywhere because it is not recognized as a research institution by our ethical and research standards...
And because many countries in the meantime are prohibiting human cloning they are registered in the Bahamas.

No, the dream of cloning is nothing new. Remember Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, published 1932. People get cultivated in bottles ... (need to read this again, it's a good read).

I am not at all Endorsing this company,

But for those of whom are not older enough to remember, back in the day when "Thriller" was still on the charts( MJ is a few years older than me), Michael was being quoted in more than one publication about his interest in the science/technology of Cloning. His comments were that of an excited child with a brand new toy, as I recall.

This was about 25 years ago. In the meantime he might have changed his mindset, we don't know. The clone sheep Dolly was presented publicly around 1997. The last heated public discussion in the media and politics about human cloning was in 2002/03 when the company this discussion is about announced birth of the allegedly "first human clone", baby Eve. The company never was able to prove their claim, and later it was revealed as a huge publicity stunt. This is what makes me sure that they now are exploiting Michael's name.

I agree with what was said above, it is very important to read a lot from different sources about what is going on in this world to avoid to get caught easily in somebody's deceitful clutches. Shutting the eyes does not help at all. (I think since MJ's trial at the latest we all know). This is why I went deeper into this topic and "rolled the ball" to see all sides, to find out if there is something that perhaps is not plausible and might falsify some assertions. For me this certain company's claims do not make sense at all.

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Eeeep :bugeyed

A clone?!

This is almost as silly as when people claimed MJ had a secret twin.
No, the dream of cloning is nothing new. Remember Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, published 1932. People get cultivated in bottles ... (need to read this again, it's a good read).

Agree with you my friend. :cheers:

As far as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is concerned, it is an excellent and beautifully written book! In the 50s he already managed to, in a certain way, predict a possible distant future of our society. I highly recommend this book - nothing to be scared of - it's pure jewel in the contemporary Shakespeare-like literature. I also read it in French titled "Le meilleur des mondes", which is an excellent translation and adaptation in the style of Voltaire.