Cloning company, Clonaid, commends Michael Jackson for his 'pioneer vision of human cloning'

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Commending Michael Jackson’s ‘pioneer vision of cloning,’
Clonaid reaffirms its privacy policy

LAS VEGAS, July 8 – After fielding numerous inquiries about the possible cloning of Michael Jackson, Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, head of Clonaid, today reaffirmed the company’s policy of strictly respecting the privacy of each of its patients.

“Clonaid prides itself on never releasing the identity of the numerous individuals who have been cloned in the past six years,” Boisselier said. “Even if that policy has been at the cost of my reputation, it’s important for us that the celebrities and other interested parties contacting us know they won’t be betrayed.”

Boisselier expressed admiration for Michael Jackson as an artist and also commended his courage in expressing support for human cloning at a time when it was getting much negative publicity in the press.

“Michael was a visionary who wasn’t afraid to embrace new technologies,” she said. “I’m glad his interest in cloning is being revealed now, since he was a pioneer in his views about it back in 2002 and his fans ought to know about it.”

“Human cloning is still making headlines six years after the birth of the first clone child,” Boisselier added. “But even if the media still present it as being too controversial, the public is much less afraid of it than it was initially. People have gotten used to the idea to the point where many see it as highly desirable. ”

She said that although the Clonaid team has received cloning requests from around the world, a surprisingly large number come from the Los Angeles/Hollywood area.

“Artists welcome our technology and have given us tremendous encouragement,” Boisselier noted. “Thanks to them, the public is getting more accustomed to the idea and hopefully the bans will soon be removed.”

She said Clonaid’s sister company, Stemaid, has launched an anti-aging program using stem cells derived from clone embryos.

“This development is also getting a good reception in the artists’ community,” she said.
What's this?



Update: July 8, now I remember.
The last time I saw this was in another forum and then we get a "fan" stating for sure he had "contacts" at the FBI and that he knew for sure MJ had cloned himself and he started asking for help to release the poor clone from the FBI, for he would be used almost like a slave to make money....

That is the kind of comments you wish you could erase from your mind, but once read... :mello:
The last time I saw this was in another forum and then we get a "fan" stating for sure he had "contacts" at the FBI and that he knew for sure MJ had cloned himself and he started asking for help to release the poor clone from the FBI, for he would be used almost like a slave to make money....

That is the kind of comments you wish you could erase from your mind, but once read... :mello:

I don't think Michael cloned himself. I do think he was intereted in advancing human knowlege on all fronts, including cloning.
I don't think clones would have a soul so I'm afraid if this ever hapens the subject being cloned(including Michael Jackson) would be a canibal or savage beast for all we know(or at least a robot with no freedom to express it's being).:scared:
did n't michael talk to someone about cloning around 1996 also in vegas i think. i wouldn't be suprised if this was true, i love science so this isn't weird to me at all.
whatever the case..i wish people wouldn't go about ballyhooing about privacy, when they have no intention of keeping it. of course they were going to reveal this info, after he died.
I don't think clones would have a soul so I'm afraid if this ever hapens the subject being cloned(including Michael Jackson) would be a canibal or savage beast for all we know(or at least a robot with no freedom to express it's being).:scared:

you should read up on genetics a little. nothing you talked about has absolutely anything to do with clones, at least real world clones.
If this story had come out last year at this time...i wouldnt have given it a second thought. But got me thinking more about "What if" know?...and IMHO(dont hold it against me ppl.) But it would be easier to think that The person who passed away is really not Mike...But I'm also spiritual and sometimes i have to think twice about it. Cloning is nothing weird for me anymore after looking at the world and what it has become. There are more scary things out there...and cloning is not one of them(IMO).

Thankyou For the News...:)


Errrr..............ok! Now that Michael isnt here to defend himself, everyman and his dog are trying to associate themselves with Michael to make a name for themselves, even if it is only for 15mins.
2 words... Blanket Jackson! haha :lol:

Michael loved anything to do with creation so it wouldn't surprise me if he expressed interest for knowledge sake but I believe that's about all. I also wouldn't believe a single word anyone has to say regarding MJ anymore especially when it involves a "story" or an "article". ;)
2 words... Blanket Jackson! haha :lol:

Michael loved anything to do with creation so it wouldn't surprise me if he expressed interest for knowledge sake but I believe that's about all. I also wouldn't believe a single word anyone has to say regarding MJ anymore especially when it involves a "story" or an "article". ;)
:lol: that's funny, blanket does look like little michael but not clone like cause they have different hair textures and skin color
:lol: ok i work in genetic research and i may say with some authority that the chance of MJ having cloned himself are so tiny its not even worth the energy used to type this out :lol:

That area is still in early infancy and is regulated by some serious authorites.

Of course I don't know what werid stuff governments like to hide but this seems so far fetched.
“But even if the media still present it [Human cloning] as being too controversial, the public is much less afraid of it than it was initially. People have gotten used to the idea to the point where many see it as highly desirable. ”
This seems to be wishful thinking of Dr. Boisselier ...
What's this?



Update: July 8, now I remember.
The last time I saw this was in another forum and then we get a "fan" stating for sure he had "contacts" at the FBI and that he knew for sure MJ had cloned himself and he started asking for help to release the poor clone from the FBI, for he would be used almost like a slave to make money....

That is the kind of comments you wish you could erase from your mind, but once read... :mello:

So, according to this "fan", FBI has a clone of Michael working as a slave for them? Alrighty then, guess I gotta go free that poor clone now :gun2:

Seriosly though, that's crazy. :no:
If this story had come out last year at this time...i wouldnt have given it a second thought. But got me thinking more about "What if" know?...and IMHO(dont hold it against me ppl.) But it would be easier to think that The person who passed away is really not Mike...But I'm also spiritual and sometimes i have to think twice about it. Cloning is nothing weird for me anymore after looking at the world and what it has become. There are more scary things out there...and cloning is not one of them(IMO).

Thankyou For the News...:)


seeing as the technology didn't exist untill the mid 90's the clone would be just a teenager right now at best.
ok I'll better leave this thread and look for the MIB with their little light stick! :wild:
mj is not, and will not be cloned. this is just easy publicity for this company, hoping Mj fans will donate to them as they are not government funded. dont read into it.
yet someone else using mjs name to give their company some publicity. tacky
I've read all your posts, but it seems that nobody is really aware of this ClonAid company. I am just warning you do not ever trust that company as they work hand in hand with an atheist sect called Raelism.

Indeed the only objective of this company is to collect money and pretend to clone people and respect so called anonimity of the clones. In fact, as someone here who works in genetics already said it all, nowdays it is impossible to clone a human being.

As far as this sect is concerned, they actually believe that God does not exist, that the whole Bible and Kur'an are misinterpreted based on the word Elohim (plural of Eloh/Ilah/Allah) - God. They pretend that Elohim means "those who came from the skies", in other words Aliens from another planet with a highly advanced civilization and that they actually created us and all the living beings on earth thanks to the advanced genetics. They believe that cloning is the key to eternal life and that one day we will become just like those "Elohim" i.e. gods and create life on other planets.

What they don't say is that all these ideas come from some science fiction novelists from the 50s and 60s.
I didn't even feel the need take a look at the company's site as I have my opinion about cloning. But reading what you wrote I wiki-ed the name and now I remember the media discussion in 2002 about the alleged clone baby Eve who later was revealed to be a sham. :doh: Yeah, each to their own ... poor Michael, who's name seems to be good for everything.

Thanks for reminding.
This stuff kinda scares me. Maybe this is true, but I can't fathom him supporting this. I'm sure he was into new technologies, but this just doesn't seem like something he'd embrace.
hehe this must be what the chick was talking about in the j5 chat the other day..... she was saying that they shipped Michael's ..... "stuff"... to London after he died... i want Michael back but this sure as hell aint the way to do it lol. Cloning only works on sheep. i hope

Now where did I put the brain bleach?:thinking:
Cloning doesn't work onlmy on sheep. It works on plants, vegetables, fruit and flowers. So theoretically it could work on human beings. However, today technology doesn't allow us to do it as humans ar much more complex than plants and some animals.

But, even though we clone a human being one day, the problem is that you clone only the physical body, not the memory. So even if one day let's say Michael, you or I were cloned, we would be phisically identical, but individually totally a different person, just like twin borthers or sisters.

Cloning a memory is just like saying cloning a dream, impossible.