Christmas in your city/town


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
I think it would be fun for us to post photos of how Christmas and the holidays look in our cities/towns since this board is so global. I have never stepped foot out of the U.S. so it would be fun for me to see all these places without going anywhere. You can post your own photos or ones you find online. They just have to be festive!

For NYC the most beautiful area to visit for Christmas is midtown around Rockefeller Center. There is the enormous Christmas tree with people of all ages skating in the rink below. I mean, it just doesn't get any more Christmassy than that:



Not far from the tree are the giant Christmas ball ornaments. These are so charming:



Across from Rockefeller Center on 5th Avenue there is Saks where giant white snowflakes appear to be falling along side the department store building. They are in motion and it is spectacular:


Then we have the Cartier store dressed up in a bow like a present:


Near Central Park the world's largest Chanukah Menorah stands:


Even the Empire State Building gets into the act:


There is so much more. NYC is a beautiful place to visit for the holidays.
i dont think you want one from here :D but i love new york:wub::wub:ive got to go one day:swoon:
I haven't been into the City in ages around Christmas time but here are two photos I took when I was there 2 years ago a few days before Christmas Day

This Photo Is Outside The Treasury Casino which you also walk pass when your on your way to Southbank which is a popular BBQ and swimming area.


And this photo is world's largest solar powered Christmas tree and feature a sophisticated solar powered lighting system with 16,000 bulbs as well as new foliage and decorations which is shown in King George Square every year till the 26th of December.

okay guys, I was having a look at some of the Christmas lights around our area tonight with my parents and I decided to take a couple of photos to show you.

Some people really go all out and it looks absolutely gorgeous but then some people don't go to as much effort due to the people that walk past and destroy it all.







I'm going again tomorrow in a different area so if I remember to take the camera I will try and get some more and share them with you guys :)
okay guys, I was having a look at some of the Christmas lights around our area tonight with my parents and I decided to take a couple of photos to show you.

Some people really go all out and it looks absolutely gorgeous but then some people don't go to as much effort due to the people that walk past and destroy it all.







I'm going again tomorrow in a different area so if I remember to take the camera I will try and get some more and share them with you guys :)

:eek: i love them all ecspecially the second one up :wub::wub::wub:
Those are some beautiful pics. Here are some of Toronto.


I know this last one isn't strictly Christmas-related, but this is winter in Toronto - snow is amazing (in theory)
Nice pics :) I'll try to take some of my city (Maastricht) soon too, if I find the time. It's not as extravagant as some of the pics on here though ;)

I love Christmas :wub:
:hi: guys I'm back with a few more photos, I won't be going around to see anymore now so these will be the last lot I will be posting up unfortunately unless I get a chance to get some lights around the coast when I'm up there for the weekend....

To everyone else that has posted photos they are all gorgeous and for all of you that get snow I'm extremely jealous *nods.






They are awesome pics mel :) i like the first one on top
Bubbles, those are some amazing pictures! Where do you live?

I live in Australia in a suburb called Ipswich, these pictures that I've taken from surrounding suburbs about 10 - 15 minutes drive from where I live :)

We are heading up to the Sunshine Coast (which is about a 2 hour drive from here) some time next week before Chrissy day I'm going to take the Camera cause its a family get together before Christmas, so if we are still up there come dusk I'll get dad to see if we can get some more photos of that area.
Wow, it always amazes me all the work people put into decorating their home exteriors. I was exhausted decorating my 12 and a half inch tree, lol.

Just curious Bubbles...what is the temperature at Christmas time in your Australian town? I hear it's very warm.
Wow, it always amazes me all the work people put into decorating their home exteriors. I was exhausted decorating my 12 and a half inch tree, lol.

Just curious Bubbles...what is the temperature at Christmas time in your Australian town? I hear it's very warm.

It depends, but it can be anywhere between 35 - 45 degrees... Its summer here unfortunately so its very warm weather unless it rains, but then it becomes very very muggy and the humidity is terrible.

I'm not one for Winter either cause I hate the cold weather, but then again I'm always complaining for Winter to hurry up when it's Summer and Summer to hurry up when its Winter.

I'm very hard to please apparently :giggle:
I'm one of those fall/winter lovers. I've lived in NY my entire life so that's why I asked my question. It would be tough for me to feel christmassy when it's warm outside, lol. But anyway, I have always wanted to visit Australia. Maybe someday.:)
I'm one of those fall/winter lovers. I've lived in NY my entire life so that's why I asked my question. It would be tough for me to feel christmassy when it's warm outside, lol. But anyway, I have always wanted to visit Australia. Maybe someday.:)

If you are one of those Autumn/Winter lovers then you are best to come between April and October as those months are our Autumn and Winter.

Depending where abouts you are wanting to sight see will decide whether or not there will be snow as alot of our areas here in Australia don't get snow because its far to hot.

If you want 4 seasons in the 1 day Melbourne is the best place for that as one minute is can be hot and muggy and the next minute it can be cold and wet.

I've always wanted to head overseas to America one year and see New York and a few other places, I've just about seen all of what my country has to offer that interests me as I've been here my whole life.

Guess I'll just have to pluck up the courage to get on a plane, never been on one before so I'm a little nervous about a 24 hour flight :lol:
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Yeh in australia xmas time is usually warm....but not lately lol

You would think it was winter here or somethin lol
I'd love to live in the Caribbean or somewhere it's always warm, it's freezing cold here, snow everywhere, driving isn't even safe anymore!!