Christina Aguilera screws up her national anthem...or does she?

I thought it was good. The screw-up was minimal--it just amounts to people making more of what things actually are. I do agree that she could have improved it by not screaming as much. All in all, however, very impressive skills, this one has. One of the very few mainstream artists today who can actually sing well live. I'd say, in my humblest of opinions, even the best female mainstream artist right now.

Well, tastes differ I guess but I don't think she is a good singer at all. She has a good voice, I'll give you that, but she doesn't know how to use it. She screeches and screams and oversings nearly every song she sings. I just can't connect to her voice. It's just a lot of... loudness to me and no soul. I can barely hear the lyrics when she sings :mello: There are many better female singers out there imo. Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis, Adele, Lady Gaga, Beyonce (although she oversings too, but not as much as CA) and Jennifer Hudson are all superiour to Christina imo.

Christina sounds good on record though, that's true. As I said, she has a good voice and it esp. comes out in ballads. But somehow when she sings live, she belts out every sentence and it's just not appealing to me (and I've noticed I'm not the only one).

No way she lip synched. That was live

No, I heard that all artists used to lip synch during the Super Bowl because the acoustic in the stadium couldn't handle live performances.
Well, tastes differ I guess but I don't think she is a good singer at all. She has a good voice, I'll give you that, but she doesn't know how to use it. She screeches and screams and oversings nearly every song she sings. I just can't connect to her voice. It's just a lot of... loudness to me and no soul. I can barely hear the lyrics when she sings :mello: There are many better female singers out there imo. Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis, Adele, Lady Gaga, Beyonce (although she oversings too, but not as much as CA) and Jennifer Hudson are all superiour to Christina imo.

Christina sounds good on record though, that's true. As I said, she has a good voice and it esp. comes out in ballads. But somehow when she sings live, she belts out every sentence and it's just not appealing to me (and I've noticed I'm not the only one).

No, I heard that all artists used to lip synch during the Super Bowl because the acoustic in the stadium couldn't handle live performances.

My opinion on Lady Gaga's videos and clothes change all the time but my opinion on her voice is set. I LOVE IT! It reaches me. I love the tonality. It's like husky with a girly undertone and I think she uses it greatly. One of my favourite voices. :wub:
My opinion on Lady Gaga's videos and clothes change all the time but my opinion on her voice is set. I LOVE IT! It reaches me. I love the tonality. It's like husky with a girly undertone and I think she uses it greatly. One of my favourite voices. :wub:

I don't like Lady Gaga too much, she seems a bit fake and attention-seeking to me and all her songs sound the same. I used to be skeptical of her vocal abilities cause they don't really come out in her songs, but then somebody showed me this:


Seeing that, it is undeniable that she has a great voice (and songwriting skills), one of the best in the industry right now imo. I personally find it much more pleasant to listen to than Christina Aguilera's voice. Still, I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga's current style, I wish she would go back to how she was before she became famous. But I guess she wouldn't be as big as she is now if she did that :mello:
I'm seriously getting so sick of hearing about this. So she screwed up a few words, big deal. That's all I heard on the news, radios, etc. this whole week. She's human, there's way worse things she could have done than screw up a few words. No one's perfect. Hell, I don't even know all the words to the national anthem and yes, I'm American...