Christina Aguilera screws up her national anthem...or does she?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
during the american super bowl, this time around, last night(as of this writing) for 2011, Christina Aguilera messed up the lyrics. but, her voice kicked ass. this adds a layer to a popular topic of discussion..lip synch vs. live.

the point i want to make for this thread is not about hate or love of live performance or lip synching. it's about art. art cannot be put in a box. it's about the end result. what do you feel, when you just have experienced the performance, BEFORE you get total knowledge on how it was conceived.

Christina was live. Whitney Houston was lip synched from a few years ago, but both audiences reacted from the gut..before the intellect took over. both audiences were enthralled...and with Christina, they didn't know how to react. they interrupted her, with noise, when they realized she botched the lyric. but when it was over, men cried, and the audience was enthralled, because if it hadn't been for the fact that there was a lyric, it would have been considered a perfect performance.

i hope people understand where i am coming from's not about whether or not you hate the concept of lip synch, or live that is(subjectively) botched. it's about the end result.

also..this isn't about whether people are right or wrong, about what they witnessed, technically speaking. somebody 'covered' for Christina, by tweeting that she covered for a 'remix'.

it's apparent that Christina doesn't like to lip synch.
there also have been lip synch performances(no particular artist is being targeted for this sentence) that achieved the highest positive visceral reaction.

the conclusion? it's about a case by case basis..and...the end result, and how your VISCERAL reaction goes.

does anyone understand where i am coming from...and do they agree with me? i just would like to see how this discussion goes. if it weren't for her performance tonight..i wouldn't be able to post this. but it's been something i've been wanting to express, all along. i think this is a wide ranging i'm not gonna go and restrict what people want to say about it..aside from..i hope we respect each other...

love yall...
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It was live, but from what I've seen on YouTube it sounded truly horrific. The lyrics being wrong doesn't bother me much, but I'm not a patriotic American. Live singing is almost always better for the audience to experience the song, but in this case it just sounded bad.
I love Christina and So what she made a mistake it is a bit embaressing that she messed the words up got mixed up ( it's not as bad a mess up as I thought from all the media talk) but maybe she was nervous.. she did it LIVE

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I feel sorry for her, because it's really embarrassing. you can mess up lyrics of your own songs, but the anthem... this is the song a performer should know by heart.
In my opinion, the MEDIA has been looking for another Super Bowl "malfunction" ever since that whole thing with Janet.

Although Christina kept all of her clothes on, she was able to provide them with another type of "malfunction."

I'm sure they are ALL delighted that they get ANOTHER story to beat into the ground!
Not only did Christina mess up the lyrics but she sounded horrible. You don't freaking screech the national anthem! That's Christinas problem. She always tries too hard. She tries to make a single syllable a paragraph with all her vocal tricks and it's more annoying than impressive. Just sing! Everyone knows you can sing. You have nothing to prove.
wow..all I can say is she really messed that up....I love Christina..she is so very talented...hey even the best make mistakes.
I'm glad to see she sang the song live but she put way too much mustard on that hot dog. This is the national anthem. No need to belt out every word like that. Honestly, it was painful to listen to at times.
Not only did Christina mess up the lyrics but she sounded horrible. You don't freaking screech the national anthem! That's Christinas problem. She always tries too hard. She tries to make a single syllable a paragraph with all her vocal tricks and it's more annoying than impressive. Just sing! Everyone knows you can sing. You have nothing to prove.

That's basically it! I agree with you on everything you say! She did sound horrible and the way she was singing the anthem was just... unusual to say the least. No need to scream every syllable and make it sound like on of your popular songs, just sing the simply sing the anthem don't sing it like it's the first single of your album... Christina does have a beautiful voice but in this case she was to Christina Aguilera'ish... if that makes any sense.
AndreyZidane™;3234537 said:
That's basically it! I agree with you on everything you say! She did sound horrible and the way she was singing the anthem was just... unusual to say the least. No need to scream every syllable and make it sound like on of your popular songs, just sing the simply sing the anthem don't sing it like it's the first single of your album... Christina does have a beautiful voice but in this case she was to Christina Aguilera'ish... if that makes any sense.

I adore Christina, but yeah I have to agree with you. It was too overdone. Such a shame, because that girl has one heck of a voice.
This is what i think of when i hear Christina's version...:)

You nailed it! That's exactly Christina's problem when performing live. We all know she can sing. Maybe if she wasn't concentrating on wailing, she wouldn't have forgotten the words! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
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She sounded horrible. I'm not bothered by her messing up some words (although it is rather unprofessional, if I was to perform in front of 100 million people I'd make sure to know the lyrics from A to Z) but the fact that she's oversinging it way too much. This is not just Christina's problem though, it happens almost every time an American singer sings the national anthem; they try to make it trendy and original instead of sticking to the classic melody. It's an anthem, not a pop song! :smilerolleyes: I much prefer how it's done it football (soccer), just play the music and let the audience sing the lyrics. To hear 50.000+ people sing as one is much more impressive to me than some pop star who belts out every sentence.



^ Even though there are far less than 50.000 Americans there lol, still sounds great.


^ Just a random pick, but she sounds as bad as Christina.
144,000 - I agree with you, that the reaction you have to the work of art is what's important. I'm definitely guilty of judging art based on the details of how it was created. For instance, I've been disappointed when I found out that a concert was lip-synced, even though I may have really enjoyed it before finding out.

I thought that Christina's performance was great. The mistake didn't affect my reaction to her performance. Similarly, a great concert, even if it's lip-synced, is still a great concert.
Apart from her over-singing.........I don't see much else wrong with it...........but then again I'm British and I don't know every word in American National Anthem!!!!!


.......There's a reason Michael used to practise sooo much!!!!!..........
144,000 - I agree with you, that the reaction you have to the work of art is what's important. I'm definitely guilty of judging art based on the details of how it was created. For instance, I've been disappointed when I found out that a concert was lip-synced, even though I may have really enjoyed it before finding out.

I thought that Christina's performance was great. The mistake didn't affect my reaction to her performance. Similarly, a great concert, even if it's lip-synced, is still a great concert.

thanks :yes:
I thought it was good. The screw-up was minimal--it just amounts to people making more of what things actually are. I do agree that she could have improved it by not screaming as much. All in all, however, very impressive skills, this one has. One of the very few mainstream artists today who can actually sing well live. I'd say, in my humblest of opinions, even the best female mainstream artist right now.
How many people know their National Athem word by word on spot without thought?

I only listen to Christina singing after the fact that it was brought to my attention via MJJC and media/press. By the way everyone was talking and judging I thought it was going to be way worse than it was.

She screams so much that you can't understand a word or connect with her voice.