Christina Aguilera doesn't like Lady Gaga?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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^ I love it when people say wack.

That aside, without being poncy about the music you like or don't like. In a bland, anodyne, colourless music world out there, I appreciate Gaga as a breath of fresh air. That's my point, she's done what no-one else has over the last 10, 15 or even 20 years.

She's come in and shaken things up, put all other pop artists on their toes - made people sit up & take notice, and for that she deserves credit.

Whether people will be listening to 'The Fame' in 10 years time only time will tell, I think they will.

I'd rather see an artist like Gaga get big than talentless products like Britney or Miley Cyrus.
^ I love it when people say wack.

That aside, without being poncy about the music you like or don't like. In a bland, anodyne, colourless music world out there, I appreciate Gaga as a breath of fresh air. That's my point, she's done what no-one else has over the last 10, 15 or even 20 years.

She's come in and shaken things up, put all other pop artists on their toes - made people sit up & take notice, and for that she deserves credit.

Whether people will be listening to 'The Fame' in 10 years time only time will tell, I think they will.

I'd rather see an artist like Gaga get big than talentless products like Britney or Miley Cyrus.

Wow... its never hard to tell the music range and taste of a person based on the conversation.. Now the simple fact that you made that terrible false statement about Gaga reveals alot about your music taste and the fact that its needs to be broaden... What Gaga is doing now has been done countless of times over the past 20 years. And since you claim to be a Madonna fan I would think you would already know this lol There is nothing "new" about what Gaga is doing... She is doing the old image over music trick and it seems to be working since her music is bad anyway. If you think the music industry is so bad then stop listening to the radio and find good music. There IS good music out there if you turn off the radio and there is other music besides pop music. People kill me how they praise these pop artists like there the only artists in the world when half of the time its overrated.

She hasnt came in and shaken anything. If that be the case I guess Brittany Spears shook things up when she was hot... I guess Mily Cyrus is shaking up things as well as welll as that Bieber kid... its just POP music which hasnt really change over the last 25 years It seriously isnt all of that..... Once one fad is over with another one comes up. Thats how the pop industry works.Its not about talent... its about who can stay hype and on top..thats all its really been about to be honest but it just so happen forty years back it was alot more descent than what it is today.

Leave it at that then.

For info, I presume these types of discussions are enjoyable, rather than I hope, being argumentative. For I'd much rather discuss music/music artists than the gossip du jour.

Leave it at that then.

For info, I presume these types of discussions are enjoyable, rather than I hope, being argumentative. For I'd much rather discuss music/music artists than the gossip du jour.

I agree.

But I personally like to discuss DIFFERENT/ good types of music and artists not the same bland of artists because its boring and no better than the gossip talk.
Gaga has no lyrical depth. And you were moved by Speechless? What ever floats your boat. :sigh:

Maybe not much lyrical depth but she means what she sings. You can actually feel her tone of voice! Xtina just screams and oversings.

she cant even sing.

:mello: :mello:

Did she just say that? Ummm....nevermind. My desired response will get me banned.
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Maybe not much lyrical depth but she means what she sings. You can actually feel her tone of voice! Xtina just screams and oversings.

:mello: :mello:

Did she just say that? Ummm....nevermind. My desired response will get me banned.

Well I guess this shows it is all in the eye of the beholder (or the ear in this case ;) )

I don't feel emotion (or feel what she sings) in Lady Gaga's songs. In fact I think she is the one that screames to try and make it seem like she is passionate about what she sings. And with not much lyrical depth what is there to sing passionate about anyway? Her Telephone?

No offense, to each there own as they say. I just don't hear it. ( Trust me I've tried too)
Well I guess this shows it is all in the eye of the beholder (or the ear in this case ;) )

I don't feel emotion (or feel what she sings) in Lady Gaga's songs. In fact I think she is the one that screames to try and make it seem like she is passionate about what she sings. And with not much lyrical depth what is there to sing passionate about anyway? Her Telephone?

No offense, to each there own as they say. I just don't hear it. ( Trust me I've tried too)

I don't hear it in her lyrics; I feel it in her tone. One artist whose depth I feel in the voice and in the lyrics is Shakira. Her beautiful ballads (mostly Spanish ones) are full of amazing poetry.
Honestly, in my opinion, both artists copy Madonna so I'm not impressed by either of their styles in their music videos or clothes (reason why I must say I am extremely annoyed by how people are saying Christina's latest music video copies Lady Gaga's or whatever). Between the two, I prefer Christina (been a fan since the late 90's). Lady Gaga does have some catchy songs. I'm not denying that, but I'm just not a fan of her, though back in '08 when she first came out with "Just Dance" (the only Gaga song on my iTunes by the way) I started to like her, but not so much now. I guess she isn't my cup of tea, or the cup of tea I was expecting. No disrespect to Gaga fans (I know alot of friends who are). :)
in the toni braxtion interview that i agree with is that the majority of the public is fascinated with the different costumes that she present on stage than her raw talent ability and its sad you know its not about the image its the music the artist create for people to hear
We appreciate everyone has different tastes in music but what has happened in here must not happen again. There is no need for the insults, the arguing, and the bad nature just because someone doesn't agree with you. Agree to disagree and move on. Its sad how threads like these have to be cleaned as people cant seem to be able to act like adults and have a discussion, not an argument.

I am re-opening this thread and if there is any more arguing then it will be closed for good. We only close threads as a last resort to listen to our warnings.
I used to really like Christina. I just don't anymore - especially because of the following reasons :

A. Her bad teenage "F-YOU" attitude. Sigh.
B. Her voice just doesn't reach me. Huge range. No emotion.

totally agree with emotion at all! I heard her sing It's a Man's World...thought it would be amazing...but did absolutely nothing for me...
totally agree with emotion at all! I heard her sing It's a Man's World...thought it would be amazing...but did absolutely nothing for me...

That scream she did in it was ... abysmal.

This comment lets me know you haven't heard much of Chrissy material.

No. Why?

I know Christina's vocal range and ability is amazing but she's so concerned with "look at how well I can sing" that she totally disconnects with the music. It's like, when she's singing, she's thinking of HERSELF and not what she's singing. And that comes through - audiences are sensitive. She's also bad at picking hit singles, she doesn't have very many of them and that's because she doesn't make catchy music. Yeah, it's good but not catchy. And this might come across as my music knowledge is limited but no, I love classical, Jazz, Blues etc. but in pop, things are different.

When I look at Lady Gaga, I see someone who is connected with their music and uses it as a tool for love and a tool to connect people because that's what she believes in. It's about the music to her as much as the image. People think she's all about the look but the look is a part of it, it shows her creativity.

Those photos that everyone has of comparing Gaga to Kelis (she's 20x bigger than Kelis, why would she copy her?) and Christina to Madonna don't prove much. Lady Gaga has done tons Kelis and others haven't and I bet she didn't realise that she was "copying her" and the same goes with other artists. It's hard to do everything differently as the likes of Madonna and Janet have done it all before.
Personally I love Christina, I think her voice is amazing. Although I'd much rather listen to her recorded music than her live. I really do think she oversings live, which is toned down on her recordings. I love the Stripped album though, that is her best by far. I wish her all the luck in the world, not sure why she's being slagged off so much in here.
Personally I love Christina, I think her voice is amazing. Although I'd much rather listen to her recorded music than her live. I really do think she oversings live, which is toned down on her recordings. I love the Stripped album though, that is her best by far. I wish her all the luck in the world, not sure why she's being slagged off so much in here.

the stripped is my favorite too, i love the voice within and fighter
Regardless of me thinking Christina has a strong singing voice (although she overdoes it sometimes)...

I don't care if she is talking about Lady Gaga or my next door neighbour, saying this:

"I'm not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don't know if it is a man or a woman."

about anyone is nasty and uncool.

It's not the first time she has made a bitchy comment like that about someone though is it.
Regardless of me thinking Christina has a strong singing voice (although she overdoes it sometimes)...

I don't care if she is talking about Lady Gaga or my next door neighbour, saying this:

about anyone is nasty and uncool.

It's not the first time she has made a bitchy comment like that about someone though is it.

How do you know she really said that though? How many times have things been taken out of context for MJ for example?

Also just months a go there was this whole hoopla going around about Lady Gaga, if she was a man or female, she even played along with it and it got her a lot of attention, so if she did say that she wasn't the only one talking about that.
GaGa's better than Christina anyway. Yeah, Christina is a better vocalist but Lady GaGa is much more creative. She's only been out since 2008 but I think she's much better than Britney, Beyonce and Christina.

And one of her outfits from her new video is such a rip off of Lady GaGa. It looked like something from Paparazzi.

I'm not sure if you know this but it is the people behind the scenes that created Lady Gaga. They decide how she looks and what she wears and how she portrays herself.
Also i think that Lady Gaga is just a second Madonna.
I'm not sure if you know this but it is the people behind the scenes that created Lady Gaga. They decide how she looks and what she wears and how she portrays herself.
Also i think that Lady Gaga is just a second Madonna.

Every artist has that kinda team behind the scenes. Lady Gaga knows what she's doing. Yeah, Madonna's done it 10x better but GaGa's the best thing today.
No one is pulling Gaga's strings. She is self made and is doing exactly what she wants to do. Gaga was in New York clubs pushing her music just as Madonna did before she made it big. And those pics of Gaga vs Christina are a rather desperate comparison. Most of them aren't even similar. It's like, omg Gaga is wearing high heels in that photo and so is Christina! OMG!!!! She is da copiez CAt! *dies* LOL!
No one is pulling Gaga's strings. She is self made and is doing exactly what she wants to do. Gaga was in New York clubs pushing her music just as Madonna did before she made it big. And those pics of Gaga vs Christina are a rather desperate comparison. Most of them aren't even similar. It's like, omg Gaga is wearing high heels in that photo and so is Christina! OMG!!!! She is da copiez CAt! *dies* LOL!

Look for the pic of Lady Gaga before she was famous then, you will see.
Artists always copy each other and take elements from each other all the time, it's just something that will always happen. Lady Gaga makes dancey stuff therefore at the moment we have all these artists coming out with really disco sounding stuff. I find it all hilarious to be honest, the worst one is Gabriella Cilmi, remember her first song? It was all indie sounding, not really pop at all and certainly not disco. Then came her second song 'Woman on a mission' which is basically just cashing in on the disco sound at the moment, it's pathetic and makes me laugh as you can tell that wasn't her original sound at all. Now Kelis has just released an album which is disco and dance, I really am getting tired of it all. Why are artists ditching their sounds to become all disco and futuristic sounding? It's okay to try new things as an artist but it just looks pathetic when someone comes out with a disco song when they're clearly not a disco or dance artist.
idk but to me being differnt in videos is the new normal nowadays you see lots of singers being experitmental in their fashion, hairstyles, and videos so its not as suprising when you see someone do something out of the ordinary
Look for the pic of Lady Gaga before she was famous then, you will see.

So she decided to start pursuing more unusual looks when she got some mainstream attention and that makes her a puppet? Gaga was sporting the different hair and clothes before she ever made it big. Hell, Gaga was out a full year before her music ever caught on. "The Fame" and "Just Dance" both debuted in '08.
he kinda discovered her in a way b/c she was a songwriters for artists and was previously signed to another record label then she was dropped and akon heard a demo and signed her to to a record deal the same with t pain