Christina Aguilera doesn't like Lady Gaga?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated


So Christina Aguilera has seemed a bit testy lately. Maybe it's because no one's been all that into to her big Bionic comeback or maybe it's because not enough focus is put on doing good stuff. Who knows? In any case, she didn't have nice things to say about Lady Gaga and now has to backtrack.

It all started when Out magazine asked Xtina about Gaga, really a sort of mandatory question at this point, and this was the response: "'Oh, the newcomer?' Aguilera chuckles. 'I think she's really fun to look at.'"

Well, that's better than her 2008 response of, "I'm not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don't know if it is a man or a woman." But a lot has changed in those two years and you don't hate on the Gaga nowadays, otherwise you have to issue special notes.

And so, get ready for A Very Special Note From Christina Aguilera...

"I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that. There is room for all of us on everyone's iPods," she writes in part.

So is that clear enough for you? Xtina thinks Lady Gaga "is great." Let this be the end of this feud. Well, at least until the next interviewer asks X about her pop rival. Hope that one's on video!

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I'm not sure I understand this thread..?
She already denied saying those things about Lady Gaga on her official website, so there is no hate.

I don't understand why there are people out there that want to start trouble between female singers when they both say there is no problem. ( not directed at the OP, I'm just talking in general)
They are both different artists so why compare? Can't people just stop and enjoy the music (either Christina's or Lady Gaga's or both)
Christina could only hope for a fued with Lady Gaga or some kind of controversy being that there is about as much hype for her new album as Heidi Montag's. Her new single failed and so now it will be interesting to see how her album performs.
It's funny because when Gaga first came out I just thought she was a rip-off of Christina Aguilera. It looked as though she'd ripped off her style and her style of vocals (I still think Gaga sounds very similar to Christina) and I still also think she took a huge slab of inspiration from Christina. No one is unique anymore these days, every artist just rips off of other artists and combines elements from various artists to make up their own music, videos, dance routines etc.
what would christina be jealous of? gaga is ripping madonna...shes nothing new.
when people say christina copied gaga i dont get it...from what? christina had the platinum hair and had did ''gaga'' bangs before gaga. but anyway this all to pit two women against each other as usual which is getting sad. why do we have to make it seem like women cant get along its so dumb.
Christina stated on her website that she has nothing but respect for Gaga and Gaga has nothing but love for Christina. This whole drama is so stupid. this is not the 1st time Christina has been said to have a fued with another female singer. It was like this in 97, 98 with her and Britney Spears. which was also stupid. I have to say though that whatever anyone is saying about her new album is just dumb. they should at least listen to the songs before passing judgment and also Christina is a is a WAY Better singer then Lady Gaga. Ive seen Christina in concert and that girl can sing anyone under the table! she's amazing. Lady gaga is ok but she truly is ripping both Madonna and Christina and she knows it but doesnt seem to care and anyone who thinks that Gaga is not coppying anyone is crazy.
I don't understand why there are people out there that want to start trouble between female singers when they both say there is no problem. ( not directed at the OP, I'm just talking in general)
They are both different artists so why compare? Can't people just stop and enjoy the music (either Christina's or Lady Gaga's or both)

Kinda like how the media & fans play up the rivalry of Prince & MJ back in the 80s. Or Monica and Brandy. Or Xtina and Britney. Happens all the time.
If Christina said that comment about she doesn't know if GaGa is a man or a woman then I've lost respect for her. What the hell is her problem? Why would you say that about someone?

GaGa's better than Christina anyway. Yeah, Christina is a better vocalist but Lady GaGa is much more creative. She's only been out since 2008 but I think she's much better than Britney, Beyonce and Christina.

And one of her outfits from her new video is such a rip off of Lady GaGa. It looked like something from Paparazzi.
If Christina said that comment about she doesn't know if GaGa is a man or a woman then I've lost respect for her. What the hell is her problem? Why would you say that about someone?

GaGa's better than Christina anyway. Yeah, Christina is a better vocalist but Lady GaGa is much more creative. She's only been out since 2008 but I think she's much better than Britney, Beyonce and Christina.

And one of her outfits from her new video is such a rip off of Lady GaGa. It looked like something from Paparazzi.

She already denied saying it.

"A Note From Christina Aguilera
Dear Fans,

I would like to take a moment to clarify something that has been brought to my attention this morning. It is very easy for comments to be taken out of context and create unnecessary drama-especially between us women. So I would like to tell you all directly so my words can not be misconstrued to sell someone else’s story…I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that.
There is room for all of us on everyone’s iPods.

This is not the first time I have been unfairly pitted against another female artist but it will be the last time I comment on the matter.

“Can’t hold us down….”

With love,
C/X "

I don't really understand the comparison of her video to any of Lady Gaga's, if anything it looks like a combination Madonna's Human Nature video and Express Yourself. Two great video's that beat any video Lady Gaga has done imo.
For some reason it's fine when Lady Gaga "pays homage" to almost every artist out there but when someone else does something that reminds people of another artist in the past people scream "she's copied that from so and so".

Let's not get it twisted almost everything that Lady Gaga has done, has been done before as well.
Kinda like how the media & fans play up the rivalry of Prince & MJ back in the 80s. Or Monica and Brandy. Or Xtina and Britney. Happens all the time.
Kool Moe Dee & LL Cool J had several battle records back in the 1980's and early 90's like Let's Go and Jack The Ripper. John Lennon put out a song about Paul McCartney called How Do You Sleep?. Paul's Silly Love Songs was a reply to that.
Christiana dont like Gaga? is that why she jacked her swag/style on not myself tonight?, Jealousy is a!!
It's funny because when Gaga first came out I just thought she was a rip-off of Christina Aguilera. It looked as though she'd ripped off her style and her style of vocals (I still think Gaga sounds very similar to Christina) and I still also think she took a huge slab of inspiration from Christina. No one is unique anymore these days, every artist just rips off of other artists and combines elements from various artists to make up their own music, videos, dance routines etc.

No no no no no. Gaga isn't inspired at all by Christina. That's silly. What has Christina done to be inspired by? Her antics, image, and music are all byproducts of someone else. That's why her biggest critics say she has no image, sound, or personality of her own.

Gaga is clearly inspired by many different artists but most notably Madonna, Grace Jones, David Bowie, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, etc. She's indeed talented and has more drive than Christina. No, not as vocally gifted but still a talented singer.

Christina's new video was obviously very much inspired by Gaga's over the top style and videos. Yes, it is also heavily influenced by Madonna's "Express Yourself" and "Human Nature". It would be VERY hard to deny that Christina is trying to capitalize on Gaga's sound and style. Of course she is! We all have eyes and ears.

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I used to really like Christina. I just don't anymore - especially because of the following reasons :

A. Her bad teenage "F-YOU" attitude. Sigh.
B. Her voice just doesn't reach me. Huge range. No emotion.
No no no no no. Gaga isn't inspired at all by Christina. That's silly. What has Christina done to be inspired by? Her antics, image, and music are all byproducts of someone else. That's why her biggest critics say she has no image, sound, or personality of her own.

Gaga is clearly inspired by many different artists but most notably Madonna, Grace Jones, David Bowie, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, etc. She's indeed talented and has more drive than Christina. No, not as vocally gifted but still a talented singer.

Christina's new video was obviously very much inspired by Gaga's over the top style and videos. Yes, it is also heavily influenced by Madonna's "Express Yourself" and "Human Nature". It would be VERY hard to deny that Christina is trying to capitalize on Gaga's sound and style. Of course she is! We all have eyes and ears.


Well appariantly Lady Gaga herself has said that Christina inspired her as well. ( She has a whole laundry list of artists that have "inspired" her I guess. Including even Britney Spears who she was at one time a fan of)
Also what exactly qualifies as a Lady Gaga sound? Is it the electro pop? Cause that was around ( and popular) in many places around the world before Lady Gaga was even making music.
A quick search on Youtube and you will find many videos that show exactly where Lady Gaga got her whole look from. (It shows she didn't invent any of it)

Which doesn't really matter, but if people are gonna jump on any other artist about similarities then they should be honest about Lady gaga as well and say the same things about her. Why does she get a pass for some reason?

Also the over the top style is something Christina has done in the past several times.
In fact at the time she was called names for doing those over the top styles. And now that it's "cool" she is supposedly copying someone?

Remember "Fighter"? (2003)

( I can't put the video on here sorry)

You know, I've never been her biggest fan but I think she deserves more credit than she is getting now. People aren't even giving her a chance for some reason.
I think her last two albums were different from what you heard on the radio and she always puts her heart and soul into every album. I don't see anything wrong with that.
I'm looking forward to her album (unpopulair thing to say appariantly ;)), her past two albums were certainly very good.

Also just one question, how can you see that she is inspired by Freddie Mercury? I'm honestly just wondering, 'cause I'm a Huge Freddie fan and I don't see anything of him in her at all.
Not trying to start trouble. No disrespect intented. :)
Well appariantly Lady Gaga herself has said that Christina inspired her as well. ( She has a whole laundry list of artists that have "inspired" her I guess. Including even Britney Spears who she was at one time a fan of)
Also what exactly qualifies as a Lady Gaga sound? Is it the electro pop? Cause that was around ( and popular) in many places around the world before Lady Gaga was even making music.
A quick search on Youtube and you will find many videos that show exactly where Lady Gaga got her whole look from. (It shows she didn't invent any of it)

Which doesn't really matter, but if people are gonna jump on any other artist about similarities then they should be honest about Lady gaga as well and say the same things about her. Why does she get a pass for some reason?

Also the over the top style is something Christina has done in the past several times.
In fact at the time she was called names for doing those over the top styles. And now that it's "cool" she is supposedly copying someone?

Remember "Fighter"? (2003)

( I can't put the video on here sorry)

You know, I've never been her biggest fan but I think she deserves more credit than she is getting now. People aren't even giving her a chance for some reason.
I think her last two albums were different from what you heard on the radio and she always puts her heart and soul into every album. I don't see anything wrong with that.
I'm looking forward to her album (unpopulair thing to say appariantly ;)), her past two albums were certainly very good.

Also just one question, how can you see that she is inspired by Freddie Mercury? I'm honestly just wondering, 'cause I'm a Huge Freddie fan and I don't see anything of him in her at all.
Not trying to start trouble. No disrespect intented. :)

I respect your opinion. I don't think Christina deserves any more credit than she gets. She has an arrogant attitude and goes on in interviews about how long she's been in the game and how she is different and doing her own thing blah blah blah but there isn't any soul to the music she makes. No heart. I just can't feel it. I don't know how to explain it.

As for Gaga's influences- To me it's obvious that she was inspired by greats like Mercury with her flamboyant performances and songs like "Speechless". Queen is all over that. Maybe that's just me but that's while they're called opinions. ;)
I respect your opinion. I don't think Christina deserves any more credit than she gets. She has an arrogant attitude and goes on in interviews about how long she's been in the game and how she is different and doing her own thing blah blah blah but there isn't any soul to the music she makes. No heart. I just can't feel it. I don't know how to explain it.

As for Gaga's influences- To me it's obvious that she was inspired by greats like Mercury with her flamboyant performances and songs like "Speechless". Queen is all over that. Maybe that's just me but that's while they're called opinions. ;)

Christina Aguilera has one of the most incredible voices of this generation. If anything she is very underrated. Her vocals are out of this world. Gaga is just plain overrated.
people do like to battle. then they do what they can to save face. we can't pretend they don't. it's human nature.
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Christina Aguilera has one of the most incredible voices of this generation. If anything she is very underrated. Her vocals are out of this world. Gaga is just plain overrated.

CA most certainly has the vocals. I said that myself and would never deny it. Unfortunately, that's all she has and a great artist that does not make. She could literally sing the phone book and sound wonderful but then again she might as well be singing the phone book because of the lack of emotion and connection in her vocals. Then again, that is just my opinion.

Lady Gaga has struck a cord with the world and has everyone either loving her or bickering and I for one am loving it. That means she has something. And yes that something is debatable as to what it is but she does have "it".

The girl has got talent and hustle and that's a combo I adore.
I for one do not like either of them. I actually cannot think of which of them I like less. Actaully I think Gaga makes me like CA more. Or rather she makes me appreciate her more. I do not like overblown drama. Or the article acting as if Gaga is untouchable and noone had better say anything about her. Oh please!

This is just something overblown. And both sides are probably loving it as it keeps their name in the news and gives CA a reasonto mention her new album.
Her comments do seem kinda bitchy. They could easily be taken out of context and mean nothing, though. And if she did this for attention, it worked.
I respect your opinion. I don't think Christina deserves any more credit than she gets. She has an arrogant attitude and goes on in interviews about how long she's been in the game and how she is different and doing her own thing blah blah blah but there isn't any soul to the music she makes. No heart. I just can't feel it. I don't know how to explain it.

As for Gaga's influences- To me it's obvious that she was inspired by greats like Mercury with her flamboyant performances and songs like "Speechless". Queen is all over that. Maybe that's just me but that's while they're called opinions. ;)

Thank you! That's EXACTLY how I feel. She keeps acting as if she DESERVES all the victory in the world (especially since she had a difficult childhood).

Now I know why Britney Spears is a pop icon and was the youngest person to get a star on walk of fame...Christina ain't touching on that with THAT attitude.

And about GaGa, she always used to feel like she might not be pretty enough to be a popstar. So everyone should back off with their "she's ugly" and "is she a man?" comments. It's not nice AT ALL.
but there isn't any soul to the music she makes. No heart. I just can't feel it. I don't know how to explain it.

WTH are you listening to? :mellow: Walk Away? Loving Me 4 Me? Mercy On Me? Makes Me Wanna Pray? Lyrically, she has some of the best stuff out there. :ermm:
I don't care about the photos. Lady GaGa wins for me...and for the majority of pop fans.

I've heard every single song on Stripped and Back To Basics...nope, no soul, no feeling.

Try listening to Speechless on The Fame Monster. AMAZING.
Gaga has no lyrical depth. And you were moved by Speechless? What ever floats your boat. :sigh:
CA most certainly has the vocals. I said that myself and would never deny it. Unfortunately, that's all she has and a great artist that does not make. She could literally sing the phone book and sound wonderful but then again she might as well be singing the phone book because of the lack of emotion and connection in her vocals. Then again, that is just my opinion.

Lady Gaga has struck a cord with the world and has everyone either loving her or bickering and I for one am loving it. That means she has something. And yes that something is debatable as to what it is but she does have "it".

The girl has got talent and hustle and that's a combo I adore.

Of All People I dont know why you would care for Gaga when all she does is rips off Madonna David Bowie, Boy George etc... nothing about her is original and that image crap is getting very old. There is nothing about her MUSIC that is innovative or appealing and not to mention she cant even sing.

I dont see how you can seat here and say that you respect Gaga more when Christina EXACTLY has talent and way more. Im not even a big fan of Christina Aguilera but out of all the singers today (mainstream) she is the most talented vocally.
^ As a huge Madonna fan myself, i see where Travis is coming from. I'm no huge fan, but she has made music interesting in the last 12 months. How many threads on here alone has she got people talking, discussing, arguing.

She's always interesting to watch and it's unfair to say she can't sing.

I'm not sure at this stage if she will pass the test of time, but she's certainly made some great pop songs already (not necessarily on the MJ, Madonna scale - but still good).

I have a lot of time for Aguilera, she has made some class tunes, notably Dirrty, Beautiful, Candyman.

As every other thread on here, not everything has to be a competition.