I believe in the Bible and I try to follow the Bible. I know I’m an imperfect person, I’m not
making myself out to be an angel. Because I’m not an angel & I’m not a devil either. I try
to be the best I can and I try to do what I think is right. It’s that simple." ~ Michael Jackson
Ill never stop loving people the way Jesus said to ~ MJ
My real goal is to fulfill God’s purpose." ~ MJ
"And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive:
the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance" ~ MJ
One who is in in devine union with God is one in nature, but diversified in manifestation.
He " weeps with those who weep, and rejoices with those who rejoice." Under the unerring impulses of the life which is from God, he becomes " all things to all men," but without losing the identity of his character as one united with God, and as being the "temple of the Holy Spirit." Instructed by the teachings of love, which is the best of all teachers, he is a man of smiles or of tears, of action or of rest.
He rests when it is the time to rest, because rest in its time is better than toil out of time; but he labors when Providence calls him to labor, and love makes his labor sweet.
He has a heart for humanity, and a heart for nature. More than a mere amateur of the outward world, he loves the rocks and the mountains for their own beauty and sublimity, and for the God that dwells in them.
His heart warms and melts in the summer sunshine; but the thunder is his also, and the lightning. Nothing is out of place, because place is subordinated to the eternity and ubiquity of the life within. He is a citizen of his country, and serves her well, without losing the evidence of his citizenship in heaven; a subject of the powers that are ordained of God, without ceasing to be the subject of Him who has ordained them.
He sings praises with the devoted Christian, and his heart yearns and melts over the impenitent sinner.
In his simplicity, he is the companion of children; and in his wisdom, the counsellor of age.
He can sit at meat with the " publican and sinner," or receive the hospitality of the unhumbled Pharisee; and, in both cases, he unites the proprieties of love with the faithfulness of duty.
And all this, which seems to imply contradiction, and to require effort, is what it is, in all its ease and all its promptness, because it is not the result of worldly calculation, but the infallible working of a divine nature.
The man who rests in God, by having the principles of his nature brought into harmony with the divine nature, cannot be restricted by the limitations of name or country; but has a spirit which belongs to the world.
It is true his speculative beliefs may harmonize in certain directions more than in others; but, bearing Christ's image at the centre, he belongs to God rather than a party, and all mankind are his brethren. The turbulence of nature has given place to the pacifications of grace, in order that he may extend the right hand of fellowship to those of every name and every climate.