Christian Members

Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?


Not a problem. I was calling Christians in the thread. That's why I put any believers in here so they would come in.

You didn't annoy me. Thanks for responding. :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

I have Christan friends who know I'm Gay and don't treat me any differently because of it I'm not saying you do treat people differently based on sexual orientation but I've came under ALOT of attack from religious groups based on my sexuality my sexuality is my business not theirs,if God does exist then why would he create Gay people? if there a Sin wouldn't he send a Plague to wipe us all out?​

I'm sorry you've been treated differently because of being gay. That's just totally wrong. My former Vaisnava church was anti-gay and I could never square their stance in my heart.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

First of all, return good wishes for this day to Earth Song, and Happy Sunday to Everyone!! :D

Thank you for the wishes!!

My story is a bit what I think of as, "unique" and not very easy to convey via written text because of the spiritual nature of it all being in the realm of the 'unseen' ... but I'll try and make this difficult to explain thing, brief as possible. . .

I know what you mean. It can be hard to convey these things so deeply experienced. You did a lovely job. :)

I feel a bit of background is important for context, and that is the fact that I was born with a spiritual inclination from my earliest memory, life began in an enchanted way, with a kind of a "Wonderland" feeling of excited kind of peace living with mommy, daddy and older brother. After being here on the planet 3 years snuggled in the nest of home a divorce occurred, so by age 4 life changed and I'm now living with my Grands ..but it was still Wonderful and all the more so in many ways to include visits to the country church my grand daddy had pastored for many years. I found it very intriguing how the Holy Spirit would cause the church members to all sing in unison a song that would spontaneously create itself right there on the spot as the church members prayed in song and although there was lots of great worship going on, I never saw very much study of the bible, exept the fact that each night, on the front porch, after the sun had just gone down, my grand mother and daddy would read bible scriptures to eachother out loud. That was my favorite moment in life, just sitting there listening.

This is BEAUTIFUL. I love this. What beautiful imagery, magnificient, I feel like I am there, too!

By age 5 I moved with my mother to the other side of town and that turn of events caused a shocking and eye opening experience - I was violently attacked by a 19 year old. It was a rude awakening that life is not going to be a Wonderland afterall. The years of childhood after that was a kind of a 'torture' feeling for me because the devil had stolen my joy and I could not understand the gleefulness of other kids, running and playing during things like Easter egg hunts .... ugh it was truly torture sometimes, but not all the time. There was so much joy in many ways hard to explain, but it mostly was when I was alone. I didn't trust anyone any more and I no longer understood the world children around me seemed to have been living in.

I am so, so sorry. I'm so sorry you experienced this. It's understandable how your trust was shaken. I'm glad there were still moments of joy for you, even if solitary ones.

By age 6 (1967) and up I was afraid all the time. My first consolation came through music when someone left Diana Ross and The Supremes Greatest Hits at our apartment and I became stuck on Baby Love. It was the portal that showed me that Entertainment could be the key back to joy again. By the time the Jackson 5 came out in 1969, I was spiritually predisposed to finding the maximum amount of joy in song and can't tell you what a joy it was to see those kids in my age group giving us all that positivity. OK, so, that's entertainment and life goes on. By 18, even though life had been very rough because that experience at 5 created an avalanche of "victimizations" which challenged my self image constantly but I still had the inborn optimism and found expression through Theatre in school. After graduation I went to go to school and accepted an invitation to live with relatives in a whole new world - a wonderous place I never knew - suddenly I had a "new fantastic point of view" where I could see life very differently and nothing I had perceived in the past was perceived the same way now.

This is such a journey! I relate to taking refuge in song, oh my gosh, I relate! How sweet you were into the Jackson's since the beginning! You had so much inner strength, I can tell, to get through these difficult periods and bad experiences. See, God and music maybe lit the way to better places? It was God's light and love!!

That's when I gave myself permission to give myself the one thing I hadn't known fully ... the joy and blissfulness of innocent trust throughout childhood... so in fall of 1979 I embarked upon "re-living" my childhood which for me was working out great except for the fact that the people in this "new world" didn't understand why an 18 year old wasn't interested in all the things an 18 year old was supposed to be. What they didn't know was that I had lived all of it already and needed to reach 'back' much more than I needed to do those things.

Good for you, reaching back and healing! Reading this part made me cry! I completely understand what you are saying here.

So, now to the bible ..

I was so alone in this place, although it was amazing in many ways. The loneliness was killing me. And although I had always maintained the "spiritual" inclinations that kept my optimism alive, I turned 19 feeling dreadfully alone, lost and misunderstood with no clue how to find true direction.


So I was sitting on a bed praying and afterward I idly sat there and opened a magazine, thumbing through ... then I got to the Michael Jackson article, I believe it was the 1980 issue of Ebony, where Michael was talking about God, His creation, and how we can talk to God at any time throughout the day and how he believes in the bible. That moment that I saw the word, "bible" I got up and went and located a bible a guy had given me in high school and opened it. The first scripture I saw that had meaning for me spoke directly into my dilemma - it was in the book of Proverbs. I fell in love with the bible and began to carry it with me everywhere. There is more to that story but that is the long and short of it for me. Mostly long :giggle: sorry again but yeh, I just wanted to give some background because when I found the bible I was on a much needed quest for guidance and direction. I also realized from reading about Michael that I wasn't alone in knowing the value of the state of being that is ideal which comes from living in the realm of innocence as in childhood (in my case re-living it) and even though I had serious doubts that Michael would ever understand me nearly the way I understood him, since I had admired him very much for using his fame to share God's word with people, I felt to just do what Michael said, and stuck with God's word in my life as my anchor.

Okay, now I am really in tears! This is so beautiful!!

God's wisdom, counsel, peace and power ... despite many challenges, has been the guiding Source, but even more than that, it deepened a relationship with God that I learned begins with listening to God speak, through His creation and His Word. It gave balance to what was already a spiritual inclination and put a foundation underneath my faith. From then on, I'd have God's Word to support that spiritual inclination and that would become something nobody would ever be able to take away.

I like that- putting foundation under your faith. Wow- love that!!

Thank you so much for sharing your story. What a journey you had! And as I am seing it, music and God saw you through it. No matter what, and how Michael brought you to the bible... this is so amazing. I wonder now how many lives he has touched this way? I wonder if he knew how important he was in this process of spreading God's love and word?

It's like Michael and God, hand in hand with you, healing your life. Thanks so much for sharing!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Lorraine, I am so inspired to see that Michael brought you back to Jesus!!! We need to discuss inspirational Bible verses and have our own personal study!!! I can't wait to hear your story!!
God is so good!!!! Michael would be so happy to hear this!

I'd love that!!! :D

I would love to hear more about this.

Especially how Michael brought you to Jesus!! Please share!! :D will ya :flowers: huh will ya :flowers:

LOL! Sure I'll share! :D

My spiritual journey begins with being born into a Catholic family. It was a *very* Catholic family, strict, and a dynamic family! I always struggle thinking how to explain my family and young life properly. My eldest brother once said you really had to be there to understand, it was the best as well as the worst. This Dickens quote always seemed appropriate~ "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it ws the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way." lol... That sums up my childhood! :)

Mostly, I was really devout. I became even more serious about my Catholic faith when I was about 10. Then, when I was about Paris' age, I lost my Dad. My Dad passed away from... a Dr who gave him too much sleeping drugs ... and was not watching him. :( My Dad was in the hospital for just a simple test when this happened, so I was not remotely prepared... not that one ever is. My world turned upside down, and of course I was old enough to ask, "why?" My Mom was very preoccupied with going back to work to support us and what not. She told me, as church told me, "it is a mystery" and "it was God's will." My neighbor (he went to our church, too) told me my Dad passed away because I did not pray hard enough.

I was alone a lot. I was shy by nature, and like Michael has also said, I was so lonely. My cousin, who was like a best friend to me, stopped hanging out with me because it made her sad. She had really thought the world of my Dad.

So, in my room alone mostly, I listened to music constantly. I listened to a variety, really, but I particularly favored George Harrison and the Beatles. I began listening even more carefully to George's lyrics. At 12, I began buying Eastern philosophy books, trying to answer the "why" question. George and these books introduced me to the concepts of karma and yoga and everything began to fall into place. I read so much! My family had really fractured apart, and really in life it was mostly me, my books, and George.

My Mom was pretty cool about my Eastern interests, really. She even went to the Krishna temple with me and sat on the floor and ate prasadam. :) I couldn't ask for a better Mom. :) I wanted to join (ISKCON- "the Krishna's") when I was 16, 17, 18... but my Mom begged me to wait until after schooling. She continued to want me to return to Catholicism, of course, and was delaying I suspect. So, long story short... I did not join then, but my path wound around and led me through all kinds of Eastern thought. I read and read. I got really involved with hatha yoga. Like Michael, still, I was often feeling very alone though.

Some schools of Eastern thought I studied really did not sit well with me. One school of thought was that Jesus was a prophet or Guru, and that with meditation and effort we could develop into being Christ like. I do not mean, Christ like as in being kind, compassionate, caring... I mean the thought was.. we could be REALLY Christ like... as in, preform miracles! I simply do not agree with this. I respect those that feel differently, but must honor what I feel in my own heart and experience.

So, that led me back to the Krishna's who believe Krishna is - very much the same concept as God the Father. He is seen as the one true God, but it is said he also took other incarnations as Buddha, etc, and in the Krishna's you can even believe Jesus is God's Son. So that was good.

Still, the focus was not per se ON Christ.

.... now enter in Michael. :wub:

I had always loved Michael, defended him in the trial period, all that. But it was when I sat down and listened to interview after interview after interview that I became totally transfixed. It was like he spoke to every molecule of my entire being. I have never in life felt so entirely connective to any public person, to someone who I have not met in real life. We had many similar childhood experiences, for certain. He would explain his feelings and reactions to things, and they would be just as I would feel, too, or had felt. Then, I heard Michael quoting the bible and speaking of Jesus. I just cannot put into words what happened....

Definitely Michael is my archangel. I have picked back up my bible and turned towards Christ. My hairpin turn has somewhat surprised even me! But I just have to follow my heart. :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Well the thread did start with a question i simply posted my answer :).​
hi Thriller_MJ and welcome to the thread. :)

I do have a question. :) Is it not kind of like you starting a thread that said, "Any Homosexuals Here?" and then someone comes in your thread saying, Absolutely no i don't believe in homosexuality" :giggle: just asking

I guess you chose to answer no because of the way some Christians have responded to you being homosexual, but keep in mind that's just them. Whether homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes or not (and let's assume for the moment that it could be), the indisputable, unequivical truth of the matter is that God is the only judge. When you read the Word for yourself, its up to your spirit to perceive/receive that information from God, for yourself, regardless to what any man says or thinks or does.

Personally, I feel that many Christians can be very difficult people - stubborn, self-righteous, judgemental ... but that has nothing to do with being a Christian. That has more to do with being "religious". Even Jesus himself was constantly admonishing the "religious" people ... those who did everything to the letter of the law but who would not lift one finger to help someone who was not in their own religion, nor did those "religious" people have any True compassion to realize that "there but by the Grace of God could be them".

Jesus was not like them. Jesus was not - nor was Jesus ever intended to be a "religion" and is not supposed to be one now.

Jesus Christ is, "the Life-giving SPIRIT".

A Christian imho is not so much a member of a "religion" as it is a member of the spiritual body of Christ. It is a person who has called on the name of the Lord Jesus and experienced the Reality of Christ in and of itself as a reality.

Many religios people go to church, stay there all day long, going through "religious rituals" of one kind or another, only to have it to feed their "self righteousness".

To "sin" simply means to "miss the mark".

I feel that when God talks about sin, He is simply saying that some of the things that we have learned to do, to think, to feel (or to marinate our feelings in), to value, things that come from the influences of this wretched, evil, difficult world - are just things that threaten to take us away from the persons He created us as and if you feel He created you as a homosexual, imho that's between you and your Maker.

imho, He just wants us to return to our original state of being which we had when we first came from Heaven. Do you remember when we were babies and all we knew was JOY? That's all God wants for us. And God knew we would our joy would be challenged once here on earth, so He gave us a coping mechanism - a way to overcome the world.

Our "overcoming" is God's glory, which imho can only be accomplished by the power we get from Jesus Christ - our example - the only perfect man.

Our Creator just wants us to be our True Selves ... the persons He created - not the manufactured "self-image" that life's experiences have invited us to adopt.

Not to beat a dead horse, (or write a book!) but I do want to make sure I'm understood, so, to use a rather stark example - a girl born in a crack house, from a father she does not know and a mother who is a crack whore could easily grow up on the streets and become a prostitute and that may be all she knows, so surely she is challenged to become "restored" to her original state she was in as the person she was when she first arrived on the planet, but God's way isn't to send a plague to wipe out all prostitutes.

God's way is to send His Son Jesus Christ, the Life Giving Spirit, shown to us by His Word, the bible, shared with us by those who's gift/calling/job it is to share it with us (preach).

If that girl never gives Jesus a chance by calling upon His invisible, powerful, miraculous Name, she will never give herself a chance to heal.

And sure enough, people calling themselves Christians may "judge" her (which all persons are expressly unqualified to do) but they would be more wrong than she because her only fault would be in not giving Jesus a chance to heal her -

their fault however imho, would be in using the name of Jesus in vain, meaning .... to say with their lips that they believe in Him, while their hearts are far removed from The Truth of who God truly is. GOD IS LOVE. All that God can do is love us. His love for us wants us to be pure, even as unpure as we all truly are. Our striving is God's desire. He is after those who are after Him. That's all. Not "self righteousness". There really is no such thing.

Don't listen to them. Listen to Jesus. His amazing Holy Spirit really does speak to our human spirits :) and it is through this unique organ within us (our spirits) that we hear can "hear" Him. For most of us, the greatest challenge is to 'listen'. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to us from deep within.

Im sorry if my post has annoyed you but you did say " Any believers in Jesus Christ?" i just simply answered :) again sorry if i annoyed you
Personally, I didn't find it annoying at all. I found it sweet that you were attracted to this thread. :) Imho, that is for a very good reason.

You just keep reading and don't be posting negative comments about our Lord or you will be asked to leave :D :giggle: but I'm sure you won't.

I found your post to be honest and precious. I can see some people in the name of the Lord have caused you great pain. :(

:hug: I'm sorry that happened to you. They had no right.

Jesus wouldn't want that. Read about Him in the bible for yourself and you will see. :yes:

I'd love that!!! :D

LOL! Sure I'll share! :D
woo hoo!!

My spiritual journey begins with being born into a Catholic family. It was a *very* Catholic family, strict, and a dynamic family! I always struggle thinking how to explain my family and young life properly. My eldest brother once said you really had to be there to understand, it was the best as well as the worst. This Dickens quote always seemed appropriate~ "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it ws the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way." lol... That sums up my childhood! :)

Its both :( and :D


I know that "best of times/worst of times" dichotomy very well. Thank you by the way for your responses to my story. I can see that we both have had some deep experiences and instinctively drew upon inner strength from Above.

Mostly, I was really devout. I became even more serious about my Catholic faith when I was about 10. Then, when I was about Paris' age, I lost my Dad. My Dad passed away from... a Dr who gave him too much sleeping drugs ... and was not watching him. :( My Dad was in the hospital for just a simple test when this happened, so I was not remotely prepared... not that one ever is. My world turned upside down,
You are kidding! Your heart must truly go out to this entire situation with Michael. Special condolences to you in losing Michael in the same way you lost your dad :heart:

and of course I was old enough to ask, "why?" My Mom was very preoccupied with going back to work to support us and what not. She told me, as church told me, "it is a mystery" and "it was God's will." My neighbor (he went to our church, too) told me my Dad passed away because I did not pray hard enough.

I was alone a lot. I was shy by nature, and like Michael has also said, I was so lonely. My cousin, who was like a best friend to me, stopped hanging out with me because it made her sad. She had really thought the world of my Dad.
Oh my goodness. That is truly dreadful. You must've felt so abandoned by what to me seems like a pretty selfish response to someone losing their dad. I guess she just wasn't strong enough though. Aw bless your heart. That is so sad.
So, in my room alone mostly, I listened to music constantly. I listened to a variety, really, but I particularly favored George Harrison and the Beatles. I began listening even more carefully to George's lyrics. At 12, I began buying Eastern philosophy books, trying to answer the "why" question. George and these books introduced me to the concepts of karma and yoga and everything began to fall into place. I read so much! My family had really fractured apart, and really in life it was mostly me, my books, and George.

My Mom was pretty cool about my Eastern interests, really. She even went to the Krishna temple with me and sat on the floor and ate prasadam. :) I couldn't ask for a better Mom. :) I wanted to join (ISKCON- "the Krishna's") when I was 16, 17, 18... but my Mom begged me to wait until after schooling. She continued to want me to return to Catholicism, of course, and was delaying I suspect. So, long story short... I did not join then, but my path wound around and led me through all kinds of Eastern thought. I read and read. I got really involved with hatha yoga. Like Michael, still, I was often feeling very alone though.
Your mother is very special. It shows just how much this Catholic woman loved her baby :wub: aww this is so touching. Your story reminds me of mine - how you sought solice through music. I love a variety too.

Some schools of Eastern thought I studied really did not sit well with me. One school of thought was that Jesus was a prophet or Guru, and that with meditation and effort we could develop into being Christ like. I do not mean, Christ like as in being kind, compassionate, caring... I mean the thought was.. we could be REALLY Christ like... as in, preform miracles! I simply do not agree with this. I respect those that feel differently, but must honor what I feel in my own heart and experience.

So, that led me back to the Krishna's who believe Krishna is - very much the same concept as God the Father. He is seen as the one true God, but it is said he also took other incarnations as Buddha, etc, and in the Krishna's you can even believe Jesus is God's Son. So that was good.

Still, the focus was not per se ON Christ.
So interesting! So your Catholic roots told you Christ was the way - and yet the specific answers you needed were found in the Eastern teachings - and yet - your heart was still longing for Christ. Aww that is so touching. Your entire story is.

.... now enter in Michael. :wub:

I had always loved Michael, defended him in the trial period, all that. But it was when I sat down and listened to interview after interview after interview that I became totally transfixed. It was like he spoke to every molecule of my entire being. I have never in life felt so entirely connective to any public person, to someone who I have not met in real life. We had many similar childhood experiences, for certain. He would explain his feelings and reactions to things, and they would be just as I would feel, too, or had felt. Then, I heard Michael quoting the bible and speaking of Jesus. I just cannot put into words what happened....
That was the first thing I loved about Michael. That he used his fame to let the world know he was always all about following Jesus' example. It was the one thing he knew had the most potential to change the world. I know what you mean about being able to relate to his experiences too. The one thing I feel made/makes Michael such a great artist is his universality. He is like the 'poster child' for every human being's experience of being human in this age we live in. He lived his humanness in front of the entire world, and even as much as he guarded his privacy, he also shared so much of his true self with us.

Definitely Michael is my archangel. I have picked back up my bible and turned towards Christ. My hairpin turn has somewhat surprised even me! But I just have to follow my heart. :)
aww :wub:

Thank you so much for sharing that very touching story. Very touching. I loved reading that. :wub: Thank you again!!
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

hi Thriller_MJ and welcome to the thread. :)

I do have a question. :) Is it not kind of like you starting a thread that said, "Any Homosexuals Here?" and then someone comes in your thread saying, Absolutely no i don't believe in homosexuality" :giggle: just asking

I guess you chose to answer no because of the way some Christians have responded to you being homosexual, but keep in mind that's just them. Whether homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes or not (and let's assume for the moment that it could be), the indisputable, unequivical truth of the matter is that God is the only judge. When you read the Word for yourself, its up to your spirit to perceive/receive that information from God, for yourself, regardless to what any man says or thinks or does.

Personally, I feel that many Christians can be very difficult people - stubborn, self-righteous, judgemental ... but that has nothing to do with being a Christian. That has more to do with being "religious". Even Jesus himself was constantly admonishing the "religious" people ... those who did everything to the letter of the law but who would not lift one finger to help someone who was not in their own religion, nor did those "religious" people have any True compassion to realize that "there but by the Grace of God could be them".

Jesus was not like them. Jesus was not - nor was Jesus ever intended to be a "religion" and is not supposed to be one now.

Jesus Christ is, "the Life-giving SPIRIT".

A Christian imho is not so much a member of a "religion" as it is a member of the spiritual body of Christ. It is a person who has called on the name of the Lord Jesus and experienced the Reality of Christ in and of itself as a reality.

Many religios people go to church, stay there all day long, going through "religious rituals" of one kind or another, only to have it to feed their "self righteousness".

My understanding of the scripture is that homosexuality is one among many, many many, many "sins" (a word humans like to use to beat up other humans when they have no right to) but even if it is; by far you are not the only sinner and homosexuality is not the only sin. The bible says that "ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". The bible says, and I quote, "there is NONE righteous, no, not even one"

To "sin" simply means to "miss the mark".

I feel that when God talks about sin, He is simply saying that some of the things that we have learned to do, to think, to feel (or to marinate our feelings in), many things we've learned to value, things that come from the influences of this wretched, evil, difficult world - are just things that threaten to take us away from the persons He created us as and He just wants us to know that so we can return to our original state of being we had when we first came from Heaven. Our "overcoming" is God's glory, which imho can only be accomplished by the power we have from Jesus Christ - our example - the only perfect man.

Our Creator just wants us to be our True Selves ... the persons He created - not the manufactured "self-image" that life's experiences have invited us to adopt.

To use a rather stark example - a girl born in a crack house, from a father she does not know and a mother who is a crack whore could easily grow up on the streets and become a prostitute and that may be all she knows, so surely she is challenged to become "restored" to her original state she was in as the person she was when she first arrived on the planet, but God's way isn't to send a plague to wipe out all prostitutes.

God's way is to send His Son Jesus Christ, the Life Giving Spirit, shown to us by His Word, the bible, shared with us by those who's gift/calling/job it is to share it with us (preach).

If that girl never gives Jesus a chance by calling upon His invisible, powerful, miraculous Name, she will never give herself a chance to heal.

And sure enough, people calling themselves Christians may "judge" her (which all persons are expressly unqualified to do) but they would be more wrong than she because her only fault would be in not giving Jesus a chance to heal her -

their fault however imho, would be in using the name of Jesus in vain, meaning .... to say with their lips that they believe in Him, while their hearts are far removed from The Truth of who God truly is. GOD IS LOVE. All that God can do is love us. His love for us wants us to be pure, even as unpure as we all truly are. Our striving is God's desire. He is after those who are after Him. That's all. Not "self righteousness". There really is no such thing.

Don't listen to them. Listen to Jesus. His amazing Holy Spirit really does speak to our human spirits :) and it through this unique organ within us (our spirits) that we hear Him.

Personally, I didn't find it annoying at all. I found it sweet that you were attracted to this thread. :) Imho, that is for a very good reason.

You just keep reading and don't be posting negative comments about our Lord or you will be asked to leave :D :giggle: but I'm sure you won't.

I found your post to be honest and precious. I can see some people in the name of the Lord have caused you great pain. :(

:hug: I'm sorry that happened to you. They had no right.

Jesus wouldn't want that. Read about Him in the bible for yourself and you will see. :yes:

Thank you for your post :) although it was long i enjoyed reading it i know there are many different interpretations of The Bible which i find abit weird like its been rewritten in away and i also find it weird The Vatican have keep hidden pages of The Bible out of Public Eye.

I am interested in religion but I'm not a believer i would recommend all the believers to look at this Link, its extremely interesting from my point of view :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Thank you for your post :) although it was long i enjoyed reading it i know there are many different interpretations of The Bible which i find abit weird like its been rewritten in away and i also find it weird The Vatican have keep hidden pages of The Bible out of Public Eye.

I am interested in religion but I'm not a believer i would recommend all the believers to look at this Link, its extremely interesting from my point of view :) __________________

aw thanks for your response to that long post .. I went back and edited it for easier reading and you're welcome.

Thanks for that link too! Interesting indeed!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

i believe in the limited human mind and its creativity to cope with the limitations.

anything religious comes out of human minds.
there were some great human minds throughout human history,
(such as Jesus Christ ...or Buddha who was Jesus' inspiration)
but i don't need any collective holy fantasy trash to learn and believe in greatness.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

i believe in the limited human mind and its creativity to cope with the limitations.

anything religious comes out of human minds.
there were some great human minds throughout human history,
(such as Jesus Christ ...or Buddha who was Jesus' inspiration)
but i don't need any collective holy fantasy trash to learn and believe in greatness.

Did you mean that to be offensive? It certainly comes across as. Please don't tell me that I believe in 'fantasy trash'. I am entitled to my own beliefs as much as you are to yours, but please don't bash me publicly...
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Did you mean that to be offensive? It certainly comes across as. Please don't tell me that I believe in 'fantasy trash'. I am entitled to my own beliefs as much as you are to yours, but please don't bash me publicly...

sorry, i didnt mean it offensive to anyone.
its just how i feel about IT (not the people believing IT).
fantasy for one ...the ultimate believe to the other.
its all only in our little limited minds... and within the limits we are free. :)

some people are happy with certain long grown collective
easy religious concepts to find their peace in time and space...
some like me prefer to live with open questions instead of easy answers. :)
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

i believe in the limited human mind and its creativity to cope with the limitations.

anything religious comes out of human minds.
there were some great human minds throughout human history,
(such as Jesus Christ ...or Buddha who was Jesus' inspiration)
but i don't need any collective holy fantasy trash to learn and believe in greatness.

Your limited evaluation and misuse of Jesus' name within it are off topic.

However, I will add to your comment that the greatest of human minds throughout human history, have always acknowledged a Source, not themselves.

The lesser of the "great minds" as you call them, are imho "wise" in their own eyes, and apparently in yours :cheeky: as it seems you are, as well.

The human mind (and especially the most evolved of them) can distinguish between two very distinctly different things:



If you have the first one, you might would use that experience to begin to explore the road to freedom on a journey all your own, as everyone has their path.

Spirituality however, is an awareness that a person either has, or they do not.

The Spirit within man is an functional organ, which man is either aware of or he is not.

Everyone has a spleen, but are not always aware of it, if ever. Everyone has a spirit, but are not always aware of it, if ever.

Not everyone has a religion and those who do, sometimes find it to be a portal leading them be able to access their spirts within. Religion has begun many on that road just as education has begun many on the road to learning but is not a complete learning experience within itself.

Some have been fortunate enough to, not only be aware of their spirits, but to also have exercised their spirit sufficiently so as to have the glorious experience of Christ, Who is The Life Giving Spirit.

Christ is not an intellectual argument. Christ is an experience. An experience is what gives a person reality.

If you do not have that experience or that reality God bless you.

For you to come in here and call the Nature of this thread trash though, will get the mods called on you.

Please don't do that again. If you don't believe and you can't keep that to yourself, a simple no would do.
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

I ask all non believers to please stay out of this thread. It is for Christians WHO believe!! We do have an atheist thead here. That one would suit you more, I think. Thank you!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

you didnt understand one bit of what i wrote.
i distinguish very much between religion and spirituality.
thats the reason for my input.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

yippie, the non believers are coming:smilerolleyes:
I got a Private Message from a non believer a couple of days ago on MJJC and it looked like he was trying to convert me to become athiest. WTH, I think people need to be loyal to each other, he said I wanted to die because I could be with Jesus Christ. Man I corrected him, but never got a reply back.
Can't there be peace in these threads???
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

yippie, the non believers are coming:smilerolleyes:
I got a Private Message from a non believer a couple of days ago on MJJC and it looked like he was trying to convert me to become athiest. WTH, I think people need to be loyal to each other, he said I wanted to die because I could be with Jesus Christ. Man I corrected him, but never got a reply back.
Can't there be peace in these threads???

maybe he was just worried about your life and religious beliefs possibly going all wrong?

i'm all for peace, not believing in someone's theory doesnt automaticly mean war.
the one saying there IS, speaks first... so be prepared for replies, when it concerns
general matters. ;)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

maybe he was just worried about your life and religious beliefs possibly going all wrong?

i'm all for peace, not believing in someone's theory doesnt automaticly mean war.
the one saying there IS, speaks first... so be prepared for replies, when it concerns
general matters. ;)

Nah that wasn't the case, because I never said anything like I wanted to be at Christ and I don't posts anything that would look like that.
The guy just think Christians are stupid and that's all.
He said I would have to look at the athiest thread, but I won't because I believe in Christ. It was one of the most rudest things you could write in a PM in my ipinion.
But enough about him, because I can forgive, just like Jesus and God can.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

some people are happy with certain long grown collective
easy religious concepts to find their peace in time and space...
some like me prefer to live with open questions instead of easy answers. :)

I think there are as many types of Christians as there are atheists or Buddhists or or... we are all individuals, which is a beautiful thing. God loves variety as reflected in all nature. And I don't think it can be assumed that all Christians arrive at collective, easy responses in order to find peace. Chrisitans can also prefer open questions, and no easy answers.

For instance, maybe read Ecclesiastes if you would be open to it. There are absolutely no easy answers given. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it, actually. Qoheleth's critique of conventional thought is similar to Lao-tzu, which is similar to Zen. If Buddhism appeals to you, perhaps this part of the bible will as well, given a chance.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

hi Thriller_MJ and welcome to the thread. :)

Wow! I loved your whole post to Thriller_MJ!!!!

woo hoo!!


Its both :( and :D


I know that "best of times/worst of times" dichotomy very well. Thank you by the way for your responses to my story. I can see that we both have had some deep experiences and instinctively drew upon inner strength from Above.


[You are kidding! Your heart must truly go out to this entire situation with Michael. Special condolences to you in losing Michael in the same way you lost your dad :heart:

Thank you so much. I cannot tell you the tears I cried after seeing Paris at the memorial. I know in my heart how she (and Prince and Blanket) feel in those certain ways. I pray for them every day.

Oh my goodness. That is truly dreadful. You must've felt so abandoned by what to me seems like a pretty selfish response to someone losing their dad. I guess she just wasn't strong enough though. Aw bless your heart. That is so sad.
Your mother is very special. It shows just how much this Catholic woman loved her baby :wub: aww this is so touching. Your story reminds me of mine - how you sought solice through music. I love a variety too.

Oh, music is SO healing!!! And also dancing is, too! Even now with Michael, I can be so sad and in tears and sometimes put on "Enjoy Yourself" and I will be smiling, even dancing.. as I am in tears! Music is like God's touchstone, it can be anyway (not all music, lol!).

[ So interesting! So your Catholic roots told you Christ was the way - and yet the specific answers you needed were found in the Eastern teachings - and yet - your heart was still longing for Christ. Aww that is so touching. Your entire story is.

Thank you... (((((((((HUGS))))))))

[That was the first thing I loved about Michael. That he used his fame to let the world know he was always all about following Jesus' example. It was the one thing he knew had the most potential to change the world. I know what you mean about being able to relate to his experiences too. The one thing I feel made/makes Michael such a great artist is his universality. He is like the 'poster child' for every human being's experience of being human in this age we live in. He lived his humanness in front of the entire world, and even as much as he guarded his privacy, he also shared so much of his true self with us.

Yes!!! Exactly!!! When I was watch interviews I am so deeply honored he spoke as candidly as he did. In letting us into his world, and also of course his GORGEOUS lyrics convey the same... in letting us into his world that way he makes us all so much less alone. I am still in awe of all he chose to share, and how loving it was... just LOVING... to share so much of himself with us. I am so grateful to Michael and always will be.

[ aww :wub:

Thank you so much for sharing that very touching story. Very touching. I loved reading that. :wub: Thank you again!!

You, too!! It meant so much to connect this way- both of us finding our way by Michael's torchlight! Thanks so much for sharing your story, too!!! :D :wub:​
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Up with Jesus, down with the devil!! I believe!!

God bless you all!!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Who Was Jesus - peace be upon him
called "Essa" in Arabic

Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of Allah's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.

No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Quran is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation. The Quran describes Jesus' birth as follows:

"Behold!' the Angel said, God has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations. Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and he shall be of the righteous. She said: "My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: "Even so; God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, 'Be!' and it is." [3:42-47]

Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother.

"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was." [3:59]

During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles. The Quran tells us that he said:

"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by God's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by God's leave." [3:49]

Muhammad and Jesus, as well as the other prophets, were sent to confirm
the belief in one God. This is referred to in the Quran where Jesus is reported as saying that he came:

"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me." [3:50]

Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of Jesus by saying: "Whoever believes there is no god but Allah, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is a servant and messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven. [Bukhari]

A servant of God does not live to please self but to please only God, as Jesus Christ did (Rom. 15:1-3; Phil. 2:7-8; Matt. 20:26-28). A servant of God is one who serves others in need, for God, and in so doing, imitates God daily (Matt. 19:21; Col. 3:17; 1 John 3:17-18; Luke 6:36; Eph. 5:1).
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Maybe we can include some thoughts or posts to help us through the events tomorrow?

"And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; nor shall anyone snatch them out of My hand." ~John 10:28

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." ~John 14:27

God gave Michael to us.... what an amazing gift. :wub:
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 18:2

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

Psalm 55:22
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

Thank you, Earth_Song! Those are beautiful! *hugs*
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

I'm not narrow minded in the slightest.

So you don't believe in religion because you don't like the way it makes people behave in an evil manner?

Well, religion doesn't make them do it. Its the person, not the religion.

Those who commit evil in the name of their religion are not true followers of their religion, because at the heart of religion is pure Love.

So those who commit evil are not following their religion they are extremists who are using it as an excuse.

Absolutely no i don't believe in any form of religion i don't like how it makes people narrow minded how it makes people treat others differently its not right. heres a quote i like

"Man never commit Evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions"
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

I'm not narrow minded in the slightest.

So you don't believe in religion because you don't like the way it makes people behave in an evil manner?

Well, religion doesn't make them do it. Its the person, not the religion.

Those who commit evil in the name of their religion are not true followers of their religion, because at the heart of religion is pure Love.

So those who commit evil are not following their religion they are extremists who are using it as an excuse.

Glad you stepped in here, Rockin! As you, I am not narrow minded either. I have asked non Christians to stay out of this thread. I hope they oblige, as their is an athiest thread here they can post in.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here?

God has blessed this beautiful day! I thank the Lord for my wonderful family and amazing friends! Thank You, Lord!!! May You be praised!!