Chris Brown 'This Generation's Michael Jackson,' Duo Say

Michael Joesph Jackson was inventive and a tireless campaigner for make the earth a better place Heal The World(Sorry just couldn't not do that) alot of the moves that chris brown and many of the other copycats has chosen to use as their own are moves that Michael was working out the kinks for throughout the jackson 5 up until his solo years, but what many are forgetting is it was just the music it was his tireless efforts with thriller that made it possible for black artist to get on mtv he changed things what has chris brown done to make changes in the music industry.
My big problem with the stories like these is that they only look at the Dancing and the singing. They don't look at anything else that made Michael the King. They are only comparing the dancing nothing else. Michael is king for more then his ability to dance and sing. Michael is King because he cared about other people/children. Chris Brown i have yet to see him care about anything or anyone other then himself. Justin Timberlake i know does do things for charity and the others but nothing near what Michael was able to achieve.

That's true, but even when we talk about just singing and dancing, it's not enough to be a good dancer and singer to be MJ. Michael's art was so multi-layered and he was so creative that someone like Chris Brown will never be able to touch him, even if he danced his a** off. He doesn't have the charisma either.
Michael Jackson was more than just a singer and dancer to me. His love and kindness has forever touched my soul and encourages me to try and be my best in every moment. I think his appeal crosses all ages,sexes and cultures.
I took my 84 year old grandmother with me to TII and she cried during Earth Song. She went with me to the Immortal show in Detroit and we both didn't want it to end!!
If I took my grandma to a Chris Brown show she would look at me like I was crazy

It is too big a burden to put on somebody to ask them to replace Michael or be the next Michael because it can't be done.

Michael is like Motzart...only one ever
When you hear the name Chris Brown, do the words, 'philantropist, ground breaking, exceptional, magical, genius, prodigy, greatest of all time.......' pop in your head? these individuals know not what they speak of.

MJ was once in a life time......Chris Brown is not.
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This may sound silly and no offense to anyone but it kind of hurts that people want to replace Michael so much. Like to forget him or something. It started as soon as he died. You don't see this with Elvis, Frank and Lennon etc.
This article is unfair towards Chris Brown for a number of reasons. The manor Michael achieved his success was in the day of NO Social media websites, No instant downloads. This generations artists such as Chris Brown, Usher & Beiber have the digital age behind them and can get famous quicker. If an article like this was written in a newspaper 40 years ago imagine how long it'll take for millions upon millions of people around the world to even notice that it was written?!

^^But, even with all that advantage, they still have not reached a 1/4 of the popularity he had not to mention his talents and production skills.
I've always found it interesting how this gets said about MJ constantly, while it's a crime to compare anyone to Elvis and The Beatles.

So True. This is because the media has no respect for MJ, so they see no problem with constantly comparing and deeming every new artist "The New MJ". They want to replace him so badly. Unfortunately, that'll never happen. There will never be another MJ.

MJ is in his own league.
No offence to people who like Chris (i have nothing against him and i know MJ inspired him!)but there will be loads of singers just like him but there will only be one MJ.....even in a hundred years time!! the name Michael Jackson will go down in history just like Elvis,The Beatles,Johnny Cash,The Rolling Stones..etc
I lol'd.

Both Elvis and the Beatles are more replaceable than Michael is, by the way. Elvis' and The Beatles' 'specialness' was just due to their time. Both are criminally overrated.

But Michael Jackson was the whole package, plus some. There will be another Elvis and another set of Beatles before there is ever anyone who comes even close to being "the next" Michael Jackson.