Chris Brown 'This Generation's Michael Jackson,' Duo Say


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Jul 25, 2011
no strangers to hitmaking. For the production/songwriting duo of Harvey Mason Jr. and Damon Thomas — who have crafted songs for Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Mary J. Blige — their latest, Chris Brown's "Turn Up the Music," could be their biggest hit yet.

It isn't their first song with Breezy — the duo worked on his 2007 ballad "Take You Down" and his Jordin Sparks duet "No Air" — but on "Turn Up the Music," the first single from his fifth solo album, Fortune, they take things to new sonic heights.

"He's so well-rounded, so versatile, he can really cover anything. He kills the uptempos, he can do the urban uptempo records, he could do the ballads, he could do the pop songs. You can really come to him with any record that you think is that hot," Mason told MTV News. "He is, for me right now and for many people, the ultimate artist. He's kinda this generation's Michael Jackson, if you will."

On "Turn Up the Music," which will be on sale digitally February 14 on iTunes, the Underdogs laced Breezy with a super-charged dance groove in a similar vein to last year's hit "Yeah 3x." For Mason and Thomas, the inspiration for this record came from Brown's moves on the dance floor. "The inspiration was really him as an artist, visualizing how he dances and how he performs, and giving him something to match that energy," Mason said.

This is the first taste we get from Breezy's upcoming Fortune, a companion album to 2011's F.A.M.E., and based on what they've already heard, the Underdogs expect some big things for the new album. "The Fortune record is F.A.M.E to the next level," Mason described. "Similar material, but he's really being innovative with some of the music that you haven't heard before, taking pieces of other genres and integrating them into pop and R&B, which I think is really cool. Vocally, he sounds amazing; he's really, really coming into his own as a singer."

Thomas added: "The only way I can describe Chris and what he's doin' with this record that he's making is that he's this generation's Michael [Jackson]."
Not meaning to sound mean or anything but Chris Brown couldn't even qualify as the Tesco value version of MJ. He tries to hard to be like MJ if you ask me.
He is an incredible dancer in his own right but he's certainly no MJ in any capacity. Errbody always trying to place the crown on someone else. When will they ever learn?
Jan 31 2012 12:12 PM EST 5,745

Chris Brown 'This Generation's Michael Jackson,' Duo Say

'Turn Up the Music' producers the Underdogs say Breezy is 'the ultimate artist' on upcoming Fortune album.

By Rob Markman


The Underdogs are no strangers to hitmaking. For the production/songwriting duo of Harvey Mason Jr. and Damon Thomas — who have crafted songs for Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Mary J. Blige — their latest, Chris Brown's "Turn Up the Music," could be their biggest hit yet.

It isn't their first song with Breezy — the duo worked on his 2007 ballad "Take You Down" and his Jordin Sparks duet "No Air" — but on "Turn Up the Music," the first single from his fifth solo album, Fortune, they take things to new sonic heights.

"He's so well-rounded, so versatile, he can really cover anything. He kills the uptempos, he can do the urban uptempo records, he could do the ballads, he could do the pop songs. You can really come to him with any record that you think is that hot," Mason told MTV News. "He is, for me right now and for many people, the ultimate artist. He's kinda this generation's Michael Jackson, if you will."

On "Turn Up the Music," which will be on sale digitally February 14 on iTunes, the Underdogs laced Breezy with a super-charged dance groove in a similar vein to last year's hit "Yeah 3x." For Mason and Thomas, the inspiration for this record came from Brown's moves on the dance floor. "The inspiration was really him as an artist, visualizing how he dances and how he performs, and giving him something to match that energy," Mason said.

This is the first taste we get from Breezy's upcoming Fortune, a companion album to 2011's F.A.M.E., and based on what they've already heard, the Underdogs expect some big things for the new album. "The Fortune record is F.A.M.E to the next level," Mason described. "Similar material, but he's really being innovative with some of the music that you haven't heard before, taking pieces of other genres and integrating them into pop and R&B, which I think is really cool. Vocally, he sounds amazing; he's really, really coming into his own as a singer."

Thomas added: "The only way I can describe Chris and what he's doin' with this record that he's making is that he's this generation's Michael [Jackson]."

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Chris is very talented but I think even he would disagree with that assertion. There will never be a generational equivalent to Michael Jackson, he's one of those artists that only come along once. People really do a disservice to these current artists by making these Michael comparisons, let them carve out their own niche instead of making these absurd claims.
Chris is very talented but I think even he would disagree with that assertion. There will never be a generational equivalent to Michael Jackson, he's one of those artists that only come along once. People really do a disservice to these current artists by making these Michael comparisons, let them carve out their own niche instead of making these absurd claims.
100% agreed.
It takes much more than being talented at dancing & singing to even come close to all Michael accomplished in hsi life and career. I agree they need to stop with the ridiculas comparisons. No one will effect this generation or any other generation the the way Michael did. He is the first and last of his kind. I truly believe that
Chris is a great dancer and good singer but the gap between him and MJ is way to huge to call him the MJ this generation. The person like MJ only appear once for a very long long long long long long time.
It takes much more than being talented at dancing & singing to even come close to all Michael accomplished in hsi life and career. I agree they need to stop with the ridiculas comparisons. No one will effect this generation or any other generation the the way Michael did. He is the first and last of his kind. I truly believe

Well said and so true!
Even kids i know who LOVE CB tell me he's not even close to MJ.
Chris Brown is just like anyone else...
What would you do when you see him on the street, uhmmm I would just walk straight ahead.
Well what about if Michael Jackson would walk in the street... Everyone I mean everyone will try to make a pic or to shake hands or only want to receive a glimps of him.
Michael Jackson is Legend, no one on earth got so much attention like Michael did.
If Michael Jackson was in the neighberhood then every photographer had his camera ready to shoot.
I won't even mention the album sales Michael had.
Or the fanbase...which is huge!

So...they can talk shit they want, it's all bullshit.
And they know it is.
LOL after reading the headline.what about timberlake and usher and bieber and....... if hes this generations mj than this generation is in abit of a state then! anything to belittle mj
*sigh* Yet another "Artist X is the new Michael Jackson!!" comparison. It used to be Usher, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, and now it's Chris Brown. I always feel a little sorry for the other artist when someone makes a comparison like this, because I think it only highlights the ways in which they really, really are nothing like Michael Jackson at all.

Chris Brown is a talented singer and dancer, but he's not on Michael's level by any stretch of the imagination. None of the people compared to Michael have his talent, charisma, originality, uniqueness, worldwide popularity and cultural influence. They are talented artists, and I wish people would just let them be themselves, do their own thing and not make these comparisons that only make them look bad.
This type of article would once be upsetting to me. Now I just LOL!

That being said, somebody better tell Usher, Timberlake, and Bieber that Chris Brown is "this generations" Michael Jackson, because once upon a time they had this same exact article written about themselves.

Oh and that goes for Beyonce too. Even though she's a female, she too has had an article written about her along these same exact lines.
When Chris Brown,Timberlake, Usher or i don't know who else is able to recreate something like this again....

... then we can talk about it.
Every artist of the moment who dances or even attempts to will be labelled the new MJ, or this generations MJ. These artists will never stand the test of time and the media will move on to another artist they label the new MJ, none of them will have the longevity to be placed in the same ocean let alone boat as MJ.
This article is unfair towards Chris Brown for a number of reasons. The manor Michael achieved his success was in the day of NO Social media websites, No instant downloads. This generations artists such as Chris Brown, Usher & Beiber have the digital age behind them and can get famous quicker. If an article like this was written in a newspaper 40 years ago imagine how long it'll take for millions upon millions of people around the world to even notice that it was written?!
I think Chris can sing and I think he is a great dancer. However, most times when these comparisons are made, they are by people who did not know Michael, did not work with him, and who fully did not understand him, his appeal, his methodology, and how important he was in the equation to his success.
I agree with all of you.

Sure Chris is talented and knows how to create and spectacle,but I don't think he,and on a larger extent anyone that's "hot" in the music industry now,can be compared with the miraculous genius that is Michael Jackson.

It's just no use even trying to compare.
This guy is only known for his MJ impersonations he does and severely beating Rihanna...So..just no. I don't get why people want to compare completely boring 'artists' to Michael.
Chris Brown? Oh please. Ever since Michael passed away, they've tried to pass his title to every flavor of the month.

The next Michael Jackson?

Steven Spielberg said it best, "Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson."
My big problem with the stories like these is that they only look at the Dancing and the singing. They don't look at anything else that made Michael the King. They are only comparing the dancing nothing else. Michael is king for more then his ability to dance and sing. Michael is King because he cared about other people/children. Chris Brown i have yet to see him care about anything or anyone other then himself. Justin Timberlake i know does do things for charity and the others but nothing near what Michael was able to achieve.

I don't worry about them because i know in my heart the there is no way in hell Michael could ever be replaced. He is and forever will be the one and only TRUE King of Pop. No matter how many come no one will ever replace him.
I've always found it interesting how this gets said about MJ constantly, while it's a crime to compare anyone to Elvis and The Beatles.