Chris Brown begs fans to help get him radio play

Let's just forgive and forget, I don't care it's his personal life and not mine to judge.

But please don't let me listen to his crappy f+%$d up music on the radio, it's just terrible!!!!!!!!
my mom was talking to me about this and she ask me do he really want to be forgiven b/c he wants people to know he's an sincere person or he wants just wants to sell and shot back of time b/c he don't want to be irrelevlant, i think people got a bad impression of him when he starts doing interviews right before his ne album came out

He actually was doin interviews apologizing in August, his album ddnt come out until December. It was Rihanna who did the 20/20 interview two weeks before an album release.
so why are you guys such haters?



Its up there with being a murderer, paedophile and rapist etc. Its unforgivable.
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I think saying it's up there with murder is pushing it a lot.

Out of curiosity, at what point has a person in Chris Brown's shoes done enough to be worthy of forgiveness (I personally am not going to forgive or not forgive him because it's not for me to forgive.)? Even if he went through all the therapy, completely rehabilitated himself and never hit a woman again, would it be enough for you, or did the point that he assaulted Rihanna render the rest of his life and everything he does in it totally worthless? If so, then that's one hell of a price to pay at 18 or however old he was at the time. I tend to think that people who go this route in their thinking are either stuck up their self-righteous asses or have been abused themselves.

And my God does Chris Brown sound desperate in this request, lol. Really don't think it did him any favors at all.
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Looking up to Michael, he has taught me to forgive.

And fans don't know this, but Michael Jackson actually hung out with Chris Brown after the incident. He was giving Chris secret dance lessons.

Fans don't know this, because again, Michael was giving him the dance lessons secretly.

I found out by my uncle in the music industry who has connections with Chris. And it was after the 25th that I found out. :(

Michael was still able to forgive Chris and hang with him, help him with his dancing. I will look up to Michael and follow his example.
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I think saying it's up there with murder is pushing it a lot.

Out of curiosity, at what point has a person in Chris Brown's shoes done enough to be worthy of forgiveness (I personally am not going to forgive or not forgive him because it's not for me to forgive.)? Even if he went through all the therapy, completely rehabilitated himself and never hit a woman again, would it be enough for you, or did the point that he assaulted Rihanna render the rest of his life and everything he does in it totally worthless? If so, then that's one hell of a price to pay at 18 or however old he was at the time. I tend to think that people who go this route in their thinking are either stuck up their self-righteous asses or have been abused themselves.

And my God does Chris Brown sound desperate in this request, lol. Really don't think it did him any favors at all.
I like the way you said it. Makes one think.
Naa I just think its so unbeliveably wrong that a man abuses the fact they are stronger than women. Its so out of order. I have not been a part/a victim of domestic violence lol. I dunno what a self righteous arse is either....

Say I was in a job that was very well paid, we'll say £40,000 a year. I did that to a woman. To that extent. Me being "not a celebrity". Would go down for it. Spend around a month or two in prison. Id come out unemployed with that mark or on my record that Id done that to a woman. What are the chances of me EVER getting a job with that wage straight away. I wouldnt. I couldnt go ohhhh Ive changed for the better and then Id get the job back with the same wage. But that is exactly what hes doing. Hes no different to me.

But people will say to him oh its time to forgive. Just because its him. No its not time to forgive.
Say I was in a job that was very well paid, we'll say £40,000 a year. I did that to a woman. To that extent. Me being "not a celebrity". Would go down for it. Spend around a month or two in prison. Id come out unemployed with that mark or on my record that Id done that to a woman. What are the chances of me EVER getting a job with that wage straight away. I wouldnt. I couldnt go ohhhh Ive changed for the better and then Id get the job back with the same wage. But that is exactly what hes doing. Hes no different to me.

Are you saying hypothetically that you would have done this at the workplace to a co-worker or in private to your girlfriend? Because that would probably make it extremely different. Lots of people go back to their jobs for doing this kind of thing after their punishment is over or get a similar job elsewhere. Of course it depends on what kind of job it was. You probably couldn't go on being a women's rights activist.

.. who even gives a fuck what the guy singing on the radio did as long as the song sounds good? I don't. I don't really listen to Chris Brown's music, but the idea that there are people who liked his music before and don't anymore is funny to me. It's not enough for a performer to be good at his job as an entertainer. They have to be upstanding citizens too?
Real talk No body really knows the truth OK so his ex spoke out and I don't condone any man laying hands on a woman but I respect Chris Brown and I listen to his music the music industry is very corrupted if he just would told the real deal then people would of understand the whole thing. He is a corn muffing for begging his fans to request his music on the radio. What kills me R.Kelly had a tape people claim it was a teenage girl in that video with him and his music still was played on the radio. Their is a lot i understand people can't forgive a man beating a woman but look how many celebrates got a way with doing it. How many times Chris has to say sorry to the public? What he really needs is to become a mentor for all these young dudes who are abusing women and address the issues of abuse and tell his mother's story. hopefully he can over come this and this won't course him to get into a deep depression
I disagree with some of you who said he could change. Tell that to the countless women who have taken back their abuser and are now dead, because they thought they would "change!"

People like that don't change. It's a control issue, and only insecure men do this crap. He needs help and even if I were single, I would run from any man who had a history of beating women.
I disagree with some of you who said he could change. Tell that to the countless women who have taken back their abuser and are now dead, because they thought they would "change!"

People like that don't change. It's a control issue, and only insecure men do this crap. He needs help and even if I were single, I would run from any man who had a history of beating women.

yes he needs help...and thats why hes getting it. People who get counseling are far more likely to not be repeat offenders. He's owned up to it, is doing everything required of him and more and is paying for it everyday. Also those abusers you speak of are not in the same position as Chris, they don't have the whole world watching them and hating on them. I'm not saying he's never ever gonna do it again, but he is taking the steps to make sure it doesn't and is doing everything in his power. The judge has raved about his progress thus far, and I think that deserves recognition. But there's just no convincing people.

Oh and whoever says he doesn't have talent is absolutely absurd and obviously have not watched a Chris Brown performance haha. He's one of the best entertainers we have IMO.
^^ Well, I hope he changes. Time will tell. Even those who get help back slide.
chris needs to keep recording and have a lil break from the spotlight, that way he will have lots of music for his "comeback" project. having more to choose from will hopefully yield a better album, because he does have some good material. another way he can fix his PR problem is to make his music more mature. He needs to show that he has grown.
chris needs to keep recording and have a lil break from the spotlight, that way he will have lots of music for his "comeback" project. having more to choose from will hopefully yield a better album, because he does have some good material. another way he can fix his PR problem is to make his music more mature. He needs to show that he has grown.

There's his answer. His material will get fans clamoring for him. He was a star before he hit 20. And he can be a star again. But now, he is going to have to work harder for it.

He should be taking a time out, and getting with the best producers, paying close attention to what's happening in his industry, and putting everything he can into his craft. LIke the industry pros say, all it takes is one hit. And if radio stations won't play his record, then take that great new material on the road to small clubs, shopping malls...get out there, and do what needs to be done to get good notices.

The fact is we are a fickle publilc. We'll forgive you, but easily forget about you if you don't give us something new and memorable. (Unless of course you're someone like magical MJ who has FOUR DECADES of memorable material)
chris needs to keep recording and have a lil break from the spotlight

That would be the smart thing to do in my opinion. The fact that he was asking his fans to support him because he refuses to be a mixtape artist is what rubbed me the wrong way. In fact, that little act was enough to break the delicate ice surface around him, he's been trying to build up.
I understand his career is at stake. I am a believer in change. Don't get me wrong. And I do forgive. But if you ask me, I think its too soon to expect total reconciliation just because he says hes all ok now.

If this guy can stay down low, work on his craft and perhaps slightly test the waters out in the future, things may be able to be put in the past and allowed a fresh start.
The worst thing here is the picture. That is going to be there forever. 5 years from now, 20 years from now. And domestic violence can be a very touchy thing for some people, fans or no. Including myself.

I don't hate Chris and I haven't stopped thinking he was talented and all. I just firmly believe, too soon. Give it some time. And stay away from the camera.
Listen the most of all hated Chris Brown fans in the world. Even though when he 1st hit the sceen in '05, I was like who's is that teeange hearthorb can really sing like that? & then in 2008 I was like really go a little carzy over him when went out with Rihanna & listen to his music :lol: o :yes: but now that he cam himslef down. I still loved Chris Brown today because it don't matter what his music is racey or not? 'cause music is just music! :)