Chris Brown begs fans to help get him radio play


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Chris Brown begs fans to help get him radio play
March 11, 2010, 2:59 PM EST
WENN -- Chris Brown is begging fans to help put his music back on the radio, insisting stations across America are denying him airplay.
Brown has been working to rebuild his image ever since his infamous fight with Rihanna last year, issuing a public apology for his behavior and carrying out community service for the attack.
But the "Kiss Kiss" hitmaker admits he's struggling to make his comeback -- and feels there's "nothing else" he can do to atone for the incident.
In a message uploaded to, Brown says, "I ain't (sic) never really did this but right now I need all of my fans' help. It's crazy because a lot of radio stations aren't playing my records. They're not being that supportive and I wouldn't expect them to. It's on the fans and what you guys do in your power to bring me back because that's all I need. Nothing else will do that except for the fans.
"There's nothing else that I can do. I'm doing everything that I need to do. I'm doing me as a person and I'm a better guy.
"My singing and my music I do it for you guys and everything else but it won't be possible if I'm not relevant on the radio and it wouldn't be possible for me to be an artist if I don't have any support. I can't be an underground mixtape artist. That's where we are. I just want all my fans to help me. I love y'all. Peace."


hmmm..this is one of those times one wishes they had the Michael Jackson magic, whereas a song doesn't need radio airplay, to be bought.
Er-... honestly Chris just lay low for a while...

No one wants to hear you right now...

Then when the time is right, come back.
i guess his mixtape that came out on valentine's day didn't do to well, i've listen to it and it's kind of explicit and offensive to women in some ways, but he should stick to his orginal singing style
He should threaten them instead because they already know that he's not ****ing around.
Forget the fight.

He has no talent and for that reason alone, he shouldn't get airplay.
I think he should be given a second chance as well. i really do. We all live and learn. As long as he has actually learned, then why not?
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He needs to lay off for 5 years. Then he can comeback, People don't forgive/forget or give second chances so quickly. CB is just rushing it, & it's obviously not working.
I'm sorry... but while this image still lingers in my thoughts....


....I don't even want to acknowledge his existence at least at this very moment.
Begging fans to support his album...already?
No Mr.Brown... you still have a ways to go big man. I still can't believe he did this to her.
Does anyone know the details of this craziness? I never bothered to look into it. It just made me sick when i heard and saw the pics. :doh:
When they want you out, thats it. His career is over.

Jack Nicholson doesn't get bad press for domestic violence nor does Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen and Christian Bale...why is Chris Brown suddenly the only monster of a celeb that should be boycotted?

Go figure.
When they want you out, thats it. His career is over.

Jack Nicholson doesn't get bad press for domestic violence nor does Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen and Christian Bale...why is Chris Brown suddenly the only monster of a celeb that should be boycotted?

Go figure.
But for the record there was no proof in christian bale's case.
When they want you out, thats it. His career is over.

Jack Nicholson doesn't get bad press for domestic violence nor does Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen and Christian Bale...why is Chris Brown suddenly the only monster of a celeb that should be boycotted?

Go figure.

As far as I can remember, friend, way back, Jack and Sean did get bad press. In fact, a whole lot of it when it was put out in the open. Sean couldn't get work for a long time also because of his drug problems too. Jack was an a$$ since day one in his acting career, so it honestly came to no ones surprise he blows fuses (although I dont think he was ever charged for domestic violence either). It doesn't make it right or any better but he really played it down to a low key and stood away from any cameras/interviews/press for a long time.
People eventually forgot or didn't even care. I mean... he's not exactly the new hot topic anymore since many many years ago.

Charlie Sheen is like a complete mess too. But he's another one that's no stranger to marital break downs or substance abuse and humiliations. And no one cares about him either.

And while what Jack, Sean and Charlie did was wrong, they also didn't beat their wives to a bloody pulp either. (note picture above of punching bag Rhianna). I mean look at it. That's hardcore. Looks as if she jumped in a UFC match or something.
I can't help but imagine how Chris went off on her or why even. Imagine if there were footage of it?
He's really lucky there isn't. Because then it would REALLY be over for him. He wouldn't even get work at a burger joint.

And for him to BEG his fans to support him because hes not making much sales these days just goes to show he's got little to no shame. I dont care how many years of community service he is doing or how many MJ tributes he performed.
Hes lucky he got community service and not stuck in prison where he could of gotten raped.

But, going back to Jack, Sean, Christian Bale and Charlie Sheen, they did get bad press for their wrong doings, some dating back to the late 80s. Plenty of it. Its just that no one cares about them. And theres no pictures floating around of bloodied beaten female victims of domestic violence like in the case of Chris. And Chris is or was the hot topic. Especially amongst teens. And now Rhianna pretty much took his thunder.

Sort of reminds me of the after effects of the Kanye West/ Taylor Swift incident. I didn't know who that girl was until Kanye did what he did.
Same with Rhianna. I didn't know who she was until this news came up back when it happened. Now she's everywhere. Probably a new model for women's rights and stuff. You know how the media works.

You know, I have hope for people who really want to change. But...its not going to take a few months. He's going to have to put his anger/patience to the test many times before he's cured of this craziness.
And about being boycotted... thats really the fans decision too. Thats why record companies or radio hosts don't want to play his stuff now.
But who knows in the next 5 years or less.
This stuff is still a fresh wound. He's gotta let it heal before he can ask of anything. Seriously.
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As far as I can remember, friend, way back, Jack and Sean did get bad press. In fact, a whole lot of it when it was put out in the open. Sean couldn't get work for a long time also because of his drug problems too. Jack was an a$$ since day one in his acting career, so it honestly came to no ones surprise he eventually was charged with domestic violence. It doesn't make it right or any better but he really played it down to a low key and stood away from any cameras/interviews/press for a long time.
People eventually forgot or didn't even care. I mean... he's not exactly the new hot topic anymore since many many years ago.

Charlie Sheen is like a complete mess too. But he's another one that's no stranger to marital break downs or substance abuse and humiliations. And no one cares about him either.

And while what Jack, Sean and Charlie did was wrong, they also didn't beat their wives to a bloody pulp either. (note picture above of punching bag Rhianna). I mean look at it. That's hardcore. Looks as if she jumped in a UFC match or something.
I can't help but imagine how Chris went off on her or why even. Imagine if there were footage of it?
He's really lucky there isn't. Because then it would REALLY be over for him. He wouldn't even get work at a burger joint.

And for him to BEG his fans to support him because hes not making much sales these days just goes to show he's got little to no shame. I dont care how many years of community service he is doing or how many MJ tributes he performed.
Hes lucky he got community service and not stuck in prison where he could of gotten raped.

But, going back to Jack, Sean, Christian Bale and Charlie Sheen, they did get bad press. Plenty of it. Its just that no one cares about them. And theres no pictures floating around of bloodied beaten female victims of domestic violence like in the case of Chris. And Chris is or was the hot topic. Especially amongst teens. And now Rhianna pretty much took his thunder.

Sort of reminds me of the after effects of the Kanye West/ Taylor Swift incident. I didn't know who that girl was until Kanye did what he did.
Same with Rhianna. I didn't know who she was until this news came up back when it happened. Now she's everywhere. Probably a new model for women's rights and stuff. You know how the media works.

You know, I have hope for people who really want to change. But...its not going to take a few months. He's going to have to put his anger/patience to the test many times before he's cured of this craziness.
And about being boycotted... thats really the fans decision too. Thats why record companies or radio hosts don't want to play his stuff now.
But who knows in the next 5 years or less.
This stuff is still a fresh wound. He's gotta let it heal before he can ask of anything. Seriously.

Time will tell. I sort of noticed how you gave excuses for the names I mentioned such as " ohhhhh they were wrecks already, so this was no big deal" whereas you gave Chris Brown no free pass.
Whats so different between them and him?
Do you think he will be well received as these other celebrities who have done the same mistakes as himself a couple of years down the road?
I mean Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn are among the top A-listers now...who would have known?

And another do YOU know they didn't beat their wives to a bloody pulp? Sometimes, What you don't see is worst than what you do see.
There is no lesser degree of domestic violence. Its all DOMESTIC VIOLENCE @ the end of the day. And everyone should get equal punishment. But thats not the world we live in and I'm just highlighting that.
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^^Agree totally. Also, it is not the fans decision many times to boycott records. Radio stations will choose not to play someone that they feel is not morally upstanding, when that idea is a complete joke in that industry. It really will take his fans standing up to make them play his records. But that is for them to undertake. I personally said I would not support any radio station that chose to boycott him. I am only one, but they will not get my ratings.

At the end of the day, all will have to deicde for themselves how they would like to view him. But I think many people are being so hypocritical. They excuse one and condemn the other. You have people in the industry all the time who beat their wives or girlfriends. James Brown used to beat Tammi Terrell. He beat his other wives. These are grown men making these decisions. i feel Chris is still very young as has a lot of growing to do. Some of the same people fussing at him are the same ones who go home and beat their own significant others.

And I know this may not be the most popular view, but I do not think men are super human. I do not believe in pushing people to the edge of sanity and then claiming you have to have self control but I do not because I am a woman and you can not touch me. Some men will have a problem with anger and need help. If you know this, why do it. We all have to be accountable for our actions and have to take responsibility for them. Chris and Rihanna included.

I grew up in an abusive household and my father would totally fly off of the handle. But I also saw my mother do things to purposely make my father angry. On purpose. But I also saw my father later on mellow out so much. I could not imagine him being the same person as the one I remembered. people do change, but it is more difficult to do when you have the whole world sticking their noses up at you as if they just descended from the clouds with their halos and harps. And people refuse to even give you the benefit of the doubt.

But I guess as was mentioned some people just need more time.
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So glad he gets refused airplay. Nothing more than he deserves for what he did to Rihanna. The guy is a joke. He even took the piss when he was doing his community service, showing off his body. Wow, way to take a punishment.
Begging his fans? lmao what an idiot. Also a slap in the face to the underground artists. Saying he cant be one. Pretty much means he has to stay in the mainstream crap.
He needs to grow up and walks his sorry arse down to the job centre.
Time will tell. I sort of noticed how you gave excuses for the names I mentioned such as " ohhhhh they were wrecks already, so this was no big deal" whereas you gave Chris Brown no free pass.
Whats so different between them and him?
Do you think he will be well received as these other celebrities who have done the same mistakes as himself a couple of years down the road?
I mean Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn are among the top A-listers now...who would have known?

And another do YOU know they didn't beat their wives to a bloody pulp? Sometimes, What you don't see is worst than what you do see.
There is no lesser degree of domestic violence. Its all DOMESTIC VIOLENCE @ the end of the day. And everyone should get equal punishment. But thats not the world we live in and I'm just highlighting that.

No im not saying I'm giving Jack or any of them any passes for their crimes. And I certainly didnt say I felt what they did was no big deal. You took it that way because I try to give reason to your observations on past reactions to Sean, Jack and the rest you named, as I recall different.

First off, Jack was accused of rage attacks. He pretty much tore up a place.
So he was known for blowing fuses. I couldn't find anywhere that he was ever actually charged with domestic violence. But if whether or not he did commit them behind closed doors, is irrelevant here because the question is not if he did committed the crime, but why hasn't he been black listed like ol' Chrissy here.

And I'm just letting you know that time and generations are a factor as to why Chris is getting the heat today vs how Jack and the ones you named, got heat back then in the late 80s.... there was no internet for casual people. That's what I'm trying to say here.

If you're trying to rope in another thing here, (perhaps racism??) then just do it. If not, then know what i'm saying is that time and generations is the key factor. Me saying that Jack was always and a$$, is actually me saying that when someone sees the devil coming, they're not expecting him to do nice. So when something bad finally does happen, its like no surprise, where what Christopher here did, really was.
Sure as heck surprised me. Especially after seeing all those cool MJ tributes he did. I was like wtf?!

Sure enough domestic violence is wrong. You dont have to sing that to me. My mom was a victim of domestic violence when i was a kid and i got to see it first hand at the very least 3 times a week (being real here). And all I wanted to do was to kill the man.

But, again, I'm only stating something here and of course, though its my opinion, I strongly believe the "Reason" why Chris is getting it hard now, is because hes more popular then "a" list actors you listed and we are living in a time where anyone can say what they feel and be heard through the internet. And yes, that is a huge factor as fan votes DO make a difference in my opinion. Many actors actually also believe that fan opinion has enough power to make changes.

Disneyland brought back Captain EO. No one thought it would happen. But it did by popular demand. And by popular demand, that could mean big money.
And that big money, will come from fans. Fans who wanted to see it.

If Chris Brown got air time on the radio months after what he did.... do you think people would jump up and buy his stuff? He's begging fans to support him again. What does that say? Fans are no longer supporting him. So why should the radio waves bother.

Maybe later. You know... a year or two. Maybe. He's going to have to get people to love him again. And that means more than just community service.

That's all I'm saying. I'm not taking sides with Jack, Sean, Charlie and especially Christian Bale.

Its just my observation. Next time I wont share it. Not looking to get into a debate. :better:
Chris' career is dead he should be glad it's only his career. They guy is pretty desperate tho :lol:
theres no excuse for ever beating a woman.. its not like he even just pushed her over ... he beat the crap out of the girl.

Hes a wanker.
my mom was talking to me about this and she ask me do he really want to be forgiven b/c he wants people to know he's an sincere person or he wants just wants to sell and shot back of time b/c he don't want to be irrelevlant, i think people got a bad impression of him when he starts doing interviews right before his ne album came out
OK, you know what? I love you all, but shut the puck up. We need to forgive. He said sorry. What else do you want. He's a good artist and a good dancer. This is what he likes to do, and he's good at it, so why are you guys such haters?