Chris Brown Banned from the UK

I'm not familiar with these type of laws, but would this happen to the average person found guilty of the same crime? If so then it's good that he's treated equally. If it's not a common occurrence, though, then that sucks that he's singled out.
this is a BLACK thing once again it never fails.
er no. this isnt america. please dont play the race card like that it takes away from real acts of racism. if brown kept his fists to himself he wouldnt have a problem would he. i guess that was someone elses fault aswell

but would this happen to the average person found guilty of the same crime? If so then it's good that he's treated equally
yes its the same for everyone just like in america if u want to come and have a recent conviction theres a good chance you wont get in. things have been tightened up as theres a big issue over immigration etc in the uk at the mo and theres a new goverment incharge. things were tightened up after ppl were given alot of stick for letting in mike tyson years back
Brown got what he deserved. He's a thug who beat up his girlfriend. He's got no one to blame but himself.

It would be no different if it was an average joe blow who was convicted with a crime, and is looking for work. It's alot harder for felons to find work when they have a record.
er no. this isnt america. please dont play the race card like that it takes away from real acts of racism. if brown kept his fists to himself he wouldnt have a problem would he. i guess that was someone elses fault aswell

Racism is Racism. And that can be found anywhere as long as people are living on earth because no one is perfect and no... Im not minimizing Chris Brown actions because in my last post I did say he deserved the slander and all because what he did was wrong but the media like with everything, drags things and makes more than what it is. We dont know the whole situation with the CB/ R situation and I have to many issues in my OWN life to want be interested in trying to figure there problems or issues of celebrities period. So with all that being said if you look at people like:

Kobe, MJ, Tiger, Michael Vick, Chris, Urenus I mean I can really keep going down the list....Im not blaming all there issues JUST on racism alone but anyone must be crazy if they really believe that racism didnt have a part in the media backlash... I understand that is a given but with alot of black figures its taken to another level and it is. There have been alot of scandels where it involves white people and it is never taken to that degree so please dont act like its not there when it is.
u have no clue about the situation and the ppl involved but becasue brown is black you say it was done cause of racism. thats a ridiculous statement to make. and takes away from real acts of racism

Kobe, MJ, Tiger, Michael Vick, Chris, Urenus
sorry but what do they have to do with chris brown having a visa rfeused for the uk becasue of his admitted crimes. u are talking about america and issues there. not other countries and their laws.u are changing the whole topic and going on about issues in the USA with how black celebs are treated there. nothing at all to do with this topic

This isn't America? so only America's racist? LOL, u funny.
it was a comment based americas racist history. not every country is like that or as obsessed with race as the US.hence the comment seeing as the other poster creid racism becasue brown happens to be black and not becasue he assulted his G/F

anyway mike tyson was granted a visa even with his convictions so kinda ruins the theory
Now if only they could get him banned from my radio!
Racism is Racism. And that can be found anywhere as long as people are living on earth because no one is perfect and no... Im not minimizing Chris Brown actions because in my last post I did say he deserved the slander and all because what he did was wrong but the media like with everything, drags things and makes more than what it is. We dont know the whole situation with the CB/ R situation and I have to many issues in my OWN life to want be interested in trying to figure there problems or issues of celebrities period. So with all that being said if you look at people like:

Kobe, MJ, Tiger, Michael Vick, Chris, Urenus I mean I can really keep going down the list....Im not blaming all there issues JUST on racism alone but anyone must be crazy if they really believe that racism didnt have a part in the media backlash... I understand that is a given but with alot of black figures its taken to another level and it is. There have been alot of scandels where it involves white people and it is never taken to that degree so please dont act like its not there when it is.
I agree. You forgot to add one person to the list...Michael Jackson.He was persecuted and tormented by the media because of his race. Face it people, racism still exists.
I agree. You forgot to add one person to the list...Michael Jackson.He was persecuted and tormented by the media because of his race. Face it people, racism still exists.

they did include MJ in their post...they just didn't call him by his full name.