child fan letters for sale? (ebay)

Why don't we all report it to eBay?
They and their legal department will be able to assess whether these letters can be legally sold.
If as you say, it's like in the UK, and you cannot simply claim ownership of undelivered mail, then this seller surely cannot be the legal owner of these items, and therefore in breach of eBay's terms?

also here in the US it is against the law to open some oneelse s if the person is from the US..then they have already committed a crime.
I just reported them...maybe if we all do..these items will be removed.
2 words
Henry Vaccaro
he won a settlement with the Jackson family over some items stored in a storage locker
they rented from vaccaro_becuase they owed him money. Many MJ items were among them
Vaccaro had an auction of some of the items in 2007 He has 100's of MJ and Jackson5 items
including costumes jackets and a pair of MJs underwear that was taken for DNA evidence from
Vaccaros collection during the trial and he put them up for aution on ebay .. He is slime

He was also suppose to return some items to the estate - and when the estete went to claim them - he claimed
they were stolen _ they were found and the buyer said he purchaed them legally from a reputable seller _ I believe
a investigation is still going on.

Henery Vaccaro also has a Youtube channel where he displays on video many of the items he has
Ill try and find that channel link

Here is a link to part of the story
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2 words
Henry Vaccaro
he won a settlement with the Jackson family over some items stored in a storage locker
they rented from vaccaro_becuase they owed him money. Many MJ items were among them
Vaccaro had an auction of some of the items in 2007 He has 100's of MJ and Jackson5 items
including costumes jackets and a pair of MJs underwear that was taken for DNA evidence from
Vaccaros collection during the trial and he put them up for aution on ebay .. He is slime

He was also suppose to return some items to the estate - and when the estete went to claim them - he claimed
they were stolen _ they were found and the buyer said he purchaed them legally from a reputable seller _ I believe
a investigation is still going on.

Henery Vaccaro also has a Youtube channel where he displays on video many of the items he has
Ill try and find that channel link

Here is a link to part of the story

good work QBee!!!.....keep digging...
OMG I can't believe someone does this. I wrote letters to Michael from when I was 7 years old untill around 12 (which is from 87 to 92). AT first they were in Dutch and mainly drawings as my mother said he wouldn't understand Dutch. So I should make a drawing hahaha. Later on I learned a bit of english.

This is just sick. Did they ever think how someone would feel if they all of a sudden saw their own letter or drawing in there....
It's ended now, so I hope that person got the message.
This is a little complicated.

Actually I believe in US it's illegal when you get the letter before delivery with the goal of obstruction of correspondence, learn the secrets and use information to hurt / embezzle people. You can actually open a letter that was delivered to you (put in your mailbox by the postman) but wasn't sent to you.. However the expected behavior is to return those letters to the post office without opening them (however it's not a crime), it's seen unethical and immoral to open such correspondence. However like I said "It is not a crime to open any mail sent to your address in the US, no matter what name is on it. It is a crime to open another persons mailbox and remove mail though (or get/steal someone else's mail in any other way)". Post office is also expected to destroy any mail that they weren't able to deliver after a certain time period.

Then there's the storage facility thing. If these items were in a storage facility and the fee of the facility is not paid after a certain time the owner of the storage facility becomes the owner of the items and can sell the items in order to cover the not payed storage facility fees.

Depending on how this items are acquired it could be perfectly legal or totally illegal to have and sell them.. We simply do not know.
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Greed, that's all it is, all it ever was about when it came to Michael in some peoples eyes.....

Unfortunately, as low as this seems, I am prepared for people to go even lower, especially as June 25th approaches!
This is a little complicated.

Actually I believe in US it's illegal when you get the letter before delivery with the goal of obstruction of correspondence, learn the secrets and use information to hurt / embezzle people. You can actually open a letter that was delivered to you (put in your mailbox by the postman) but wasn't sent to you.. However the expected behavior is to return those letters to the post office without opening them (however it's not a crime), it's seen unethical and immoral to open such correspondence. However like I said "It is not a crime to open any mail sent to your address in the US, no matter what name is on it. It is a crime to open another persons mailbox and remove mail though (or get/steal someone else's mail in any other way)". Post office is also expected to destroy any mail that they weren't able to deliver after a certain time period.

Then there's the storage facility thing. If these items were in a storage facility and the fee of the facility is not paid after a certain time the owner of the storage facility becomes the owner of the items and can sell the items in order to cover the not payed storage facility fees.

Depending on how this items are acquired it could be perfectly legal or totally illegal to have and sell them.. We simply do not know.

Thank You Ivy..:)....All I know mother taught me NEVER to open someone elses mail..:lmao:.....I guess she never covered all the details...I am a grown woman myself and I always taught my almost grown kids ....dont open other peoples mail. I think it is better to just leave it alone and not touch it anyway...:)
It says they sold -

Sold For:US $399.99Approximately £276.64


No words except.. 'why??'.

2 words
Henry Vaccaro
he won a settlement with the Jackson family over some items stored in a storage locker
they rented from vaccaro_becuase they owed him money. Many MJ items were among them
Vaccaro had an auction of some of the items in 2007 He has 100's of MJ and Jackson5 items
including costumes jackets and a pair of MJs underwear that was taken for DNA evidence from
Vaccaros collection during the trial and he put them up for aution on ebay .. He is slime

He was also suppose to return some items to the estate - and when the estete went to claim them - he claimed
they were stolen _ they were found and the buyer said he purchaed them legally from a reputable seller _ I believe
a investigation is still going on.

Henery Vaccaro also has a Youtube channel where he displays on video many of the items he has
Ill try and find that channel link

Here is a link to part of the story

Hell no

I really hope I do not see those for sale.

Thanks for that info qbee.
Why does people keep complaining about things that are being sold? WE CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!
Thank You Ivy..:)....All I know mother taught me NEVER to open someone elses mail..:lmao:.....I guess she never covered all the details...I am a grown woman myself and I always taught my almost grown kids ....dont open other peoples mail. I think it is better to just leave it alone and not touch it anyway...:)

both your mom and you're showing the ethical and moral behavior. Legally speaking for example I could open a letter that was addressed to the previous resident but I never open them either it just doesn't feel right, I take it to the post office and tell them that person moved.

a pair of MJs underwear that was taken for DNA evidence from
Vaccaros collection during the trial and he put them up for aution on ebay

I thought that you can't sell used underwear on eBay. Didn't they just stopped an auction of Anna Nicole's undies as they were used?
And to think Michael went through stuff like that half his life. People photographing his stuff. I just thought of that Neverland Lost book where the contents of exactly those crates were being photographed etc. Imagine what Michael felt like with his most personal belongings being thrown in front of the world to see. Yikes.

Very, very sad. Who buys fanmail??

I wrote a letter at the end of 1993 through a youth magazine who actually delivered the mountains of fan mail to him with the next 15 second interview they got. I wouldn't necessarily feel incredibly humiliated, just very, very sad that people stoop so low to steal someone else belongings in the first place.

Think of his pants and mask being sold. That sort of thing seems to happen on an almost daily basis. Pretty sick.
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E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is for sale now. (shaking head)
Seriously? How is this even allowed... selling people's PERSONAL letters to Michael. :no: People keep reaching new lows... you'd think it was a competition.
Just want to say that a fan called the police and they will check it out. ... We tried to bid but it was not accepted he/she sold it to someone else. We just wanted to see if he/she would email so we could see who it was. The police said they are probably fake but the all the stamps are real so they are going to see if there is something they can do. Probably nothing but we did what we could.
And to think Michael went through stuff like that half his life. People photographing his stuff. I just thought of that Neverland Lost book where the contents of exactly those crates were being photographed etc. Imagine what Michael felt like with his most personal belongings being thrown in front of the world to see. Yikes.

:cry: It hurts so much to even imagine all that he went through in life. A total invasion of privacy.

Just want to say that a fan called the police and they will check it out. ... We tried to bid but it was not accepted he/she sold it to someone else. We just wanted to see if he/she would email so we could see who it was. The police said they are probably fake but the all the stamps are real so they are going to see if there is something they can do. Probably nothing but we did what we could.
Well thats not fair... I wrote so many letters to Michael as a young gradeschool girl I often wonder if they actually got to him. I'd be crushed if someone was selling my letters..
Just want to say that a fan called the police and they will check it out. ... We tried to bid but it was not accepted he/she sold it to someone else. We just wanted to see if he/she would email so we could see who it was. The police said they are probably fake but the all the stamps are real so they are going to see if there is something they can do. Probably nothing but we did what we could.
Reallyis very strange that mountain of letters have been found by that person. I hope the police make a serious investigation.

Okay, I know that the whole world know who is MJ, but is it really possible to be a letter delivered to the recipient with incomplete address?

Stunning and Unbelievable - the United States Postal Service delivered the letters to Michael Jackson even if the address said only:
To Michael Jackson USA America
To Michael Jackson Hollywood
To Michael Jackson near Los Angeles

Even if it's the wrong address It should not be legal to sell it since it's not that persons letters its for MJ and only MJ. It could be private things about fans and its all over the net now. :( The biggest problem here was that they sold something that was not theirs to begin with. unless the sellers name is also MJ and he could say I thought it was for me :D

This is just sooooo stupid It really hurts so much to even imagine all that he went through :cry:
I thought this was a bit unsettling: Surely there are privacy issues here:

For Sale today:

If there is one Legacy to be proud of that stands above all others, it is to have made one child happy.

This Lot is irrefutable testimony from the past, that
Michael Jackson made not just one Child but thousands OF CHILDREN HAPPY.

A RARE Michael Jackson Find from the 1990s.

Recently found in a Hollywood, California Storage Locker.
Hundreds of Letters to Michael Jackson dating from the 1990s.
This is a virtual Michael Jackson Time capsule from the early 1990s.

Today Michael Jackson collectibles today are produced in large numbers.
This is a ONE OF A KIND unique original Collection, there is no other collection like it.

This collection contains 100 items.
There are 50 stamped Envelopes with Letters to Michael Jackson that come from around the World coming from more than 20 countries.
There are 20 original envelopes/covers with stampsthat are uniquely addressed to Michael Jackson. No two are alike. Adresses are to Neverland, Hollywood, New York and other places.
(Stunning and Unbelievable - the United States Postal Service delivered the letters to Michael Jackson even if the address said only:
To Michael Jackson USA America
To Michael Jackson Hollywood
To Michael Jackson near Los Angeles)

There are 30 wonderful letters without cover written to Michael.
There is one wonderfully detailed Children's work of Art for Michael.

Please view the attached pictures for details.

The letters to Michael are from children and adults. The letters show love, adoration, some share their life and problems with Michael.

Hearwarming, uplifting and inspiring letters.
Through these voices of children from the Past
from almost two decades ago
the Goodness and Greatness of Michael Jackson comes back to life.

A fine Michael Jackson historical Lot.

I hope the letters I wrote to Michael as a child and as an adult are not in there.
Even if it's the wrong address It should not be legal to sell it since it's not that persons letters its for MJ and only MJ. It could be private things about fans and its all over the net now. :( The biggest problem here was that they sold something that was not theirs to begin with. unless the sellers name is also MJ and he could say I thought it was for me :D

This is just sooooo stupid It really hurts so much to even imagine all that he went through :cry:

Sad...... :cry:
So SAD. I can't even go to the link and look at the pictures. Thanks for making calls and contacting the police. If a campaign is started let me know.
This is so wrong and very upsetting indeed :(. I cried when i seen the letters and I as thinking about the fans who sent them they thought that there letter got to Michael now they will relaise its been sold online for over $300. People will do anything for Money makes me very angry.