child fan letters for sale? (ebay)


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
I thought this was a bit unsettling: Surely there are privacy issues here:

For Sale today:

If there is one Legacy to be proud of that stands above all others, it is to have made one child happy.

This Lot is irrefutable testimony from the past, that
Michael Jackson made not just one Child but thousands OF CHILDREN HAPPY.

A RARE Michael Jackson Find from the 1990s.

Recently found in a Hollywood, California Storage Locker.
Hundreds of Letters to Michael Jackson dating from the 1990s.
This is a virtual Michael Jackson Time capsule from the early 1990s.

Today Michael Jackson collectibles today are produced in large numbers.
This is a ONE OF A KIND unique original Collection, there is no other collection like it.

This collection contains 100 items.
There are 50 stamped Envelopes with Letters to Michael Jackson that come from around the World coming from more than 20 countries.
There are 20 original envelopes/covers with stampsthat are uniquely addressed to Michael Jackson. No two are alike. Adresses are to Neverland, Hollywood, New York and other places.
(Stunning and Unbelievable - the United States Postal Service delivered the letters to Michael Jackson even if the address said only:
To Michael Jackson USA America
To Michael Jackson Hollywood
To Michael Jackson near Los Angeles)

There are 30 wonderful letters without cover written to Michael.
There is one wonderfully detailed Children's work of Art for Michael.

Please view the attached pictures for details.

The letters to Michael are from children and adults. The letters show love, adoration, some share their life and problems with Michael.

Hearwarming, uplifting and inspiring letters.
Through these voices of children from the Past
from almost two decades ago
the Goodness and Greatness of Michael Jackson comes back to life.

A fine Michael Jackson historical Lot.
omg, this is sick, sounds like an ex employee who had a stash of fan mail which never made it to Michael and was forgotten about. Now either that person or someone who found them when going though junk stored by a previous owner found them and has put them on ebay :( Can you image the pain of those poor fans when they find out about this? That the letters which were ment only for Michael are now on ebay? Makes me wonder what happened to all the fanmail sent to Ms Bain in Washington? Did it ever get to Michael, or will it all eventually end up on ebay too?

reported the listing as stolen property
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omg, it is such a private thing. I wrote letters to MJ too, I would HATE for my letters to be sold to some collectors. I think these items should be given to the family or if the family doesn't want them they should be burned
OMG It's so disrespectful to sell these letters :doh: How did they get them? If I send a private letter to a celebrity or anyone I do not want the whole world to read it. If so, I would write it in the newspaper and not send it as a private letter. This is soooo stupid and wrong they should give it to his children.
Well I think Michael read everything he said it himself that he read everything that fans sent. I think they just took it now like everything else .... why would MJ give his pants, mask, or letters to someone? Sounds like an employee who just saw dollars. :no:
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Well I think Michael read everything he said it him self that he read everything that fans sent. I think they just took it now like everything ealse .... why whould MJ give his pants, mask, or letters to someone. sounds like an employee who just saw dollars. :no:

Michael DID read everything he recieved, I know this for certain :) these letters are different, he NEVER RECIEVED THEM! I'm sure they were just forgotten about, and now someone has found them and just thought $$$$! I had to go to the listing to report it and seeing photos of the all the letters just turned my stomach and I burst into tears.
I just hope that this isnt the start. Over the years Im sure various staff members were employed to collect and sort fan mail from various address. Just think of all the fan mail sent to places like the real Heal The World office, MJJ Productions office, the PO BOX at Los Olivos, the PO BOX Ms Bain set up in Washington and many other places. Michael wouldnt have had access to the fanmail directly. Due to security reasons, someone would have to open and sort every bit of fan mail, just to make sure it really was fan mail and not stuff like bombs or anthrex or anything illegal. He would then be give the real fan mail, either in person or it would be shipped to Neverland.

I just hope that we dont see more of this on ebay, fanmail which never got to Michael for various reasons.
Michael DID read everything he recieved, I know this for certain :) these letters are different, he NEVER RECIEVED THEM! I'm sure they were just forgotten about, and now someone has found them and just thought $$$$! I had to go to the listing to report it and seeing photos of the all the letters just turned my stomach and I burst into tears.

I just sent the link to someone I know has contact with the family... we have to stop This Nonsense... If I would see my letter there I would go crazy... I just can’t believe this…. Just imagine the pain, how much it would hurt to see your own drawing from your childhood with a private message to Michael :cry:... OMG this is sooooo sick.
Michael DID read everything he recieved, I know this for certain :) these letters are different, he NEVER RECIEVED THEM! I'm sure they were just forgotten about, and now someone has found them and just thought $$$$! I had to go to the listing to report it and seeing photos of the all the letters just turned my stomach and I burst into tears.

Really do you think he had the time to do that?

I wrote him a letter, but I don't remember what I wrote, all I know is that it began with: You're wonderful, you're beautiful, I love you so..

But really I wouldn't want it to be on ebay.
:O A child fan letter? It's just cruel.. If I wrote a letter to Michael and it had been sold out... I will be like... pissed out, sad, angry... It's so private!
And they are only out for money.. You will do anything for money :no: It's all about money
i think we need to inform estate,family is not going to do anything some of them are auctioning their stuff so better report this to estate ,so when they have plan for museum they can use it.
And I can't believe he still had them :O :wub: that's so sweet of him.. the letters mean everything for him I see
Who on earth would want to buy them? That's awful. :( I feel for the fans whose letters are there.
This is just disgusting...I cannot even imagine being one fo those fans that wrote one of these letters to Michael....and seeing them appear on e-bay with photo's ....this is just despicable....the person doing this should ba ashamed of themselves. This is a new low for all those trying to make money off of the name Michael Jackson..
omg, it is such a private thing. I wrote letters to MJ too, I would HATE for my letters to be sold to some collectors. I think these items should be given to the family or if the family doesn't want them they should be burned

I also wrote letters to Michael as a child in the beginning of the 90´s. They were letters written from the heart and meant for only him to read. :heart:
As you said I would also HATE to see my letters there sold on ebay. It´s disrespectful and sick. :angry:
And I can't believe he still had them :O :wub: that's so sweet of him.. the letters mean everything for him I see

No, dear, the point in this is that Michael didn't have these. They were "found" at a storing facility:

"Recently found in a Hollywood, California Storage Locker. Hundreds of Letters to Michael Jackson dating from the 1990s. This is a virtual Michael Jackson Time capsule from the early 1990s."

That is why Moonstreet says these were not given to him. Who knows for sure, but these were not at Michael's. So this is not really and item "of" Michael, but "for" Michael and it's so wrong in so many ways.

Terrible thing is people are actually bidding on this. I know someone is doing this in an effort to get the items and give them back to MJ3, but well... this will just make things worst, I'm afraid :doh:

I can't help but think of that guy Thome, who said he kept Michael's belonging at some kind of storing place :mat:
I just sent the link to someone I know has contact with the family... we have to stop This Nonsense... If I would see my letter there I would go crazy... I just can’t believe this…. Just imagine the pain, how much it would hurt to see your own drawing from your childhood with a private message to Michael :cry:... OMG this is sooooo sick.

Thank you for picking this up. The e-bay description does say hundreds of letters and this lot is 'only' I anticipate more to follow.

I wonder what the legal position the UK the mail is 'The Queen's' until it is delivered, you cannot just take ownership of it because it happens to be in a a locker somewhere. I can't believe this is legal ie that the person with the locker has legal title to personal mail meant for someone else..
You can even see the name of one of the 'children' ..(who will be grown up now) on one of the pictures, and I expect lthe etters have home addresses in them too.

This is wrong on so many levels I've stopped counting. I really hope it can be stopped.
"Recently found in a Hollywood, California Storage Locker. Hundreds of Letters to Michael Jackson dating from the 1990s. This is a virtual Michael Jackson Time capsule from the early 1990s."

Who had the key to the locker?
Thank you for picking this up. The e-bay description does say hundreds of letters and this lot is 'only' I anticipate more to follow.

I wonder what the legal position the UK the mail is 'The Queen's' until it is delivered, you cannot just take ownership of it because it happens to be in a a locker somewhere. I can't believe this is legal ie that the person with the locker has legal title to personal mail meant for someone else..
You can even see the name of one of the 'children' ..(who will be grown up now) on one of the pictures, and I expect lthe etters have home addresses in them too.

This is wrong on so many levels I've stopped counting. I really hope it can be stopped.
I'm wondering about this too :scratch:
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Who on earth thought it would be ok to sell letters that fans have written to Michael? That's just so desperate for money its insane. Its just disturbing the lengths people will go to to use Michael's name for money.
From description.

Stunning and Unbelievable - the United States Postal Service delivered the letters to Michael Jackson even if the address said only:
To Michael Jackson USA America
To Michael Jackson Hollywood
To Michael Jackson near Los Angeles

Really? I thought perhaps this were the undeliverable mail.

"Recently found in a Hollywood, California Storage Locker. Hundreds of Letters to Michael Jackson dating from the 1990s. This is a virtual Michael Jackson Time capsule from the early 1990s."
If it were me that had found those letters, I sure would deliver to the Mrs. Katherine. But it is strange he said that "found" because I'm sure Michael has kept it in a safe place where only he could know. This person is desperate for money! :bugeyed Very sad.... :( :sigh:
Who on earth would want to buy them? That's awful. :( I feel for the fans whose letters are there.

I so agree with you.

I just saw those pictures and I just started to cry when I saw. I feel so bad for those poor fans who's letters are there. I remember writing a letter to Michael once back then. And after seeing those pictures it makes me glad that I had never sent it to him. It will hurt and anger me so much to see my letter ended up on Ebay like those other fans letters did.
Why don't we all report it to eBay?
They and their legal department will be able to assess whether these letters can be legally sold.
If as you say, it's like in the UK, and you cannot simply claim ownership of undelivered mail, then this seller surely cannot be the legal owner of these items, and therefore in breach of eBay's terms?
i think we need to inform estate,family is not going to do anything some of them are auctioning their stuff so better report this to estate ,so when they have plan for museum they can use it.


Why don't we all report it to eBay?
They and their legal department will be able to assess whether these letters can be legally sold.
If as you say, it's like in the UK, and you cannot simply claim ownership of undelivered mail, then this seller surely cannot be the legal owner of these items, and therefore in breach of eBay's terms?

Greedy world we live in