Child being beaten - should I report?

i totally understand that things are probably very different in your country. I work w/many immigrant family's here from puerto rico, sudan, ethopia, vietnam, etc. and sometimes the culture here can be a shock where ifs omeone sees u swat ur child on the butt u could get CPS called. However, the laws in the US do allow for spanking but once a visible mark is left it is deemed excessive and becomes against the law

Já aconteceu isso comigo também...Acho que vc deveria ligar para o disque-denúncia,conselho tutelar,mas anonimamente. Eu fiz isso,mas infelizmente,ninguém apareceu.Ela se mudou e nunca mais tive notícias...

In English...Yes!Do it!Report it but in anonymaty...
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100% yes, i could never live with the knowledge of me not helping that child, no matter the threat to me, although i feel for you on that, good luck hunny! If doing it anon is poss then i would go down that route!
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aw well all u can do is try and pray but you know ur culture the best and if u do report it plz do it in a safe way :)