Child being beaten - should I report?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Vitoria, Brazil
For quite a while I noticed that a neighbor from the building besides mine, a girl of probably 12 years old-ish, is getting beaten by a man who I think is her father or older brother almost EVERYDAY. Its getting constant and wild, since I can hear from my home her screaming every time he slaps her...a few moments ago, they were fighting and she locked herself in her bedroom and he was furious punching the door and asking her to open it and that he would not beat her, then I dont know if she openned and then closed it, but after a while I heard him kick (or punch) the door open, and I think it broke into pieces, and slapped her some more, she was screaming...and he (believe it or not) was "demanding respect" from her...
Ive never seen this kid, but from her voice and her tone, I can feel the fear and she doesnt sound like such a troublemaker...but even if she was, no one deserves such punishment,....

I've been thinking for a while if I should call the social welfare...and of course I'm willing to do it for the sake of the girl, but everyone, my mom, my boyf and a friend, told me not to get involved in a family affair...cause its none of my business...and there are other aspects to think of before I do it...they can take the girl away from her home, and that would be hard for her... if the man finds out who reported...i dont know what he's capable of doing to me....he can think it was her who called and beat her some more for that...
my mom always tells me to not get involved in something so delicate like that that has nothing to do with me, so if they call me to testify against him or something, or if they want any further information from me or about me, I'm not willing to give it to them =/

Im really concerned...what should I do, folks?? (please consider my own safety too)
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I am sorry, but i was very concerned while reading this, it made me sad, I hate when children get beat by their family members :( I really think you should call child servies, i think its the right thing to do, esp. if this girl is getting beat a lot. I really don't think they would give your name out to this man, I think you would be safe... it would be awful if this girl dies because of these beatings. so i would say that you should just warn child services about this man.. I feel sad :(...... But i hope everything works out.. poor girl :(
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report it. nobody deserves that..especially almost every day! it is a delicate issue but chances are, it'll be better if the person beating her is punished, and sees he can't do things like that without punishment. also, it seems like the victim either doesn't know that what he's doing is wrong (being the reason she hasn't done something significant to stop it), or she's scared what would happen to her if she did report it. So just be sure to make it clear that you saw it, and it wasn't the girl who reported it, since the man could easily hurt her again. please do report it
ya.i think that all that matters is that this is reported.chances are it could get worse if it went ya.
If you live in the States, and you know about this - it is your duty to report this. You can do this anonymously....several times if you need to. That child's life may be in jeopardy....please, do this right away okay? Call your city's Department of Social Services....Go ahead, you may save a child's life...please do it for me....if you want, I can call to report this. Just give me the number...and the address. Oh My God. Please. Do this.
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I just talked to another neighbour here, she said that the girl is indeed a troublemaker, that she does anything she wants and when her parents find out, she gets beaten big time...another neighbour here already threatened to call the child services if that went on...but then she moved so nothing was done...
we're thinking of talking to the responsible for the building who should handle these stuff, and warn them that if it persists we should call someone...because shes getting beaten not only buy her father, but also her mother and her older she probably doesnt feel safe at home, but still she goes around doing things and getting beaten for them...
thing is, I dont think her parents realize shes growing up and discovering some things, and they clearly dont know how to handle this, but beating the crap out of her...thats not a way to deal with things....
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If you live in the States, and you know about this - it is your duty to report this. You can do this anonymously....several times if you need to. That child's life may be in jeopardy....please, do this right away okay? Call your city's Department of Social Services....Go ahead, you may save a child's life...please do it for me....if you want, I can call to report this. Just give me the number...and the address. Oh My God. Please. Do this.

Linda, I live in Brazil, and unfortunetly, justice is not always practiced here...Im afraid to call anonymously and they take it as a prank phone call or just dont do anything for not having any proof since i didnt see it, i just heard it...they might not believe me...
Linda, I live in Brazil, and unfortunetly, justice is not always practiced here...Im afraid to call anonymously and they take it as a prank phone call or just dont do anything for not having any proof since i didnt see it, i just heard it...they might not believe me...
If you have a tape recorder yu can record it as evidence for the social worker.
Linda, I live in Brazil, and unfortunetly, justice is not always practiced here...Im afraid to call anonymously and they take it as a prank phone call or just dont do anything for not having any proof since i didnt see it, i just heard it...they might not believe me...

man that really sucks!!!!:( even if she is a troublemaker she doesn't deserve you think they won't do anything about it?????
i dont know if you have 911 service in Brazil but that is what i would do. well, actually I would be over there knocking on the door if it was my nieghbor,,, that is me though. Child abuse I take extremely serious and to heart. Call the police is the best answer, they can determine what other social services need to be involved but the urgent need is for the welfare of the child.

my kids can get my blood boiling but screaming loud enough for nieghbors to hear... crashing, banging and sounds of things being violently broken in the home ... that is out of hand, regardless of what the child might have done to provoke such a reaction. There are services in place to deal with family issues, that parent is taking things out on the child at the moment but that type of violent behaviour reaches other areas of the community.

My advice is to contact the police.
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i dont know if you have 911 service in Brazil but that is what i would do. well, actually I would be over there knocking on the door if it was my nieghbor,,, that is me though. Child abuse I take extremely serious and to heart. Call the police is the best answer, they can determine what other social services need to be involved but the urgent need is for the welfare of the child.

My advice is to contact the police.

maybe ur right...if I call them, they can tell me what to do, and who to call for that...
Linda, I live in Brazil, and unfortunetly, justice is not always practiced here...Im afraid to call anonymously and they take it as a prank phone call or just dont do anything for not having any proof since i didnt see it, i just heard it...they might not believe me...

Oh My God...can you get someone to go over there?? A big strong STRAPPING GUY to BEAT THE **** out of the man beating that child up?? Sorry for the language - I get SO ANGRY when I hear this stuff happening...maybe a friend of a friend of a friend?? You know, just to get the MESSAGE ACROSS??
Im sorry Linda, thats out of question...I believe violence can only bring more violence...and it wont help the problem...I will check with other neighbours on what we all should do...if only one person calls and nothing is done, then maybe we should have many neighbours calling to report the same thing, then they would wake up....
I know what you where saying by the MJ comment, and everyone that had something to say it, did not catch it at all, but to the real reason why you posted, plz call the law, b/c no child needs to have this to happen to them.
Report it. It's never right to hit a child or hurt someone weaker then yourself. The fact that this girl is acting out is probably more a result of the beatings then anything else.
Please report it! U would never forgive yourself if someday the beatings got out of hand and you knew you sat yourself down and did nothing about it. It IS your business when you can actually hear it inside YOUR own home! Please, PLEASE, no child deserves to live in fear like that. It sounds to me like whe would be better off elsewhere.

I reported somone 2 years ago for neglect. The case was investigated and the child was taken away from the situation. The child comes to my work with her caregivers every now and then and gives me a huge hug, even though, she was very upset with me at the time. Obviously now, she understand and appreciates what I did.

I have no time for child abusers. There is NO excuse. A child is a child and deserves to be loved not beaten down.
Hey guys I've removed all ths posts that went off topic to discuss MJ's childhood etc, has nothing to do with this topic thanks ;)

as for my two cents, if it's going on everyday maybe call the right people as mentioned above.

Getting involved is risky business though and could backfire in your own face, especially if the man fingers you as the person who made the call. Also you could aggrevate the situation more. So please be careful. If it sounds deadly serious and if the child is looking downright miserable everyday you see her maybe an anonymous call is needed.
i think you should take action. if u were in the states, the law for me would be that you just TELLING me that your neighbor was beatin his kid would mandate me to contact Child protective services. I no how frustrating it is b/c u feel like sometimes nothing is done but it also makes a permenant record that this has happened before should someone else call.
i think you should take action. if u were in the states, the law for me would be that you just TELLING me that your neighbor was beatin his kid would mandate me to contact Child protective services. I no how frustrating it is b/c u feel like sometimes nothing is done but it also makes a permenant record that this has happened before should someone else call.
I think it may be worth her taking a recording of what is happening in order to protect the child and herself, otherwise ,as some say, she might leave herself open for personal attack. She says this is in Brazil. In many countries around the world, including Britain, 'beating kids' is not illegal, so her complaining might not be taken seriously, or might be seen as meddling in domestic affairs. However, if she has a recording of the event it might help hem to see the severity of the case and prompt them to act. It would also give her a record for any future problems, should harm come to the child.
Yes, you should do your best so that girl doesn't need to get beaten anymore.
Do the report..
This is one of the most serious issue I have ever read on a forum. If you are in Brazil or not, you should report this matter to the appropriate authorities. If no one is willing to listen then record whatever you can as proof take it to the police.
The girl is only 12. Misbehaving is not an excuse for that kind of violence to be acceptable. I don't think there is any good reason for that level of violence.
Talk to other neighbours or other members of her family or even her school friends and staff.
I think it may be worth her taking a recording of what is happening in order to protect the child and herself, otherwise ,as some say, she might leave herself open for personal attack. She says this is in Brazil. In many countries around the world, including Britain, 'beating kids' is not illegal, so her complaining might not be taken seriously, or might be seen as meddling in domestic affairs. However, if she has a recording of the event it might help hem to see the severity of the case and prompt them to act. It would also give her a record for any future problems, should harm come to the child., it actually is illegal cause parents get in serious sh!t for it and i read a few years back that parents could be jailed if they left a mark on their child when spanking them. Jail for up to 5 years., it actually is illegal cause parents get in serious sh!t for it and i read a few years back that parents could be jailed if they left a mark on their child when spanking them. Jail for up to 5 years.
No, Zenab. Parliament voted on whether to abolish corporal punishment and the pro corporal punishment lobby won the vote. That was when Tony Blair admitted that he chastised his kids. The law states that excessive use of force will be deemed child abuse which is what we are addressing here. Let us not stray from the subject here., it actually is illegal cause parents get in serious sh!t for it and i read a few years back that parents could be jailed if they left a mark on their child when spanking them. Jail for up to 5 years.

unfortunately, that doesnt happen here...
I dont know if anyone here heard on the news, about 2 months ago, about a 5 year old girl who were killed by her father and her stepmother... says the police that the stepmother choked her when they were fighting and when her father saw she was dead (although she wasnt yet), he cut the net on her window and threw her off the 6th floor, and she died instantly...the story shocked the whole country and I think beyond the borders too...they are in jail now, of course. So dont think I live in a horrible country, but here some things are taken from granted until the authorities actually see it getting worse.

But I dont think that this case here would end up like that at all... I think you guys are going too far thinking that shes gonna get beaten to death...I just think its a case of a bad way of dealing with her growing up, maybe they felt she was getting outta control and this is how they feel that they are in charge, THEY ARE WRONG, and beating will not help...but I think all they need is a guidance, an orientation...maybe a family councillor would help.
If I report, and I intend too, but with the help of others around here, Im afraid it gets too serious, cause they know that some of the neighbours are willing to call the child service..

I will get informed on who to call and what to say, so they wont overreact or take it for granted...
All we can say "Little Susie" by Michael Jackson the rest is up to you...

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You should call just for the sake of the girl. Child Protective Services should at least be informed so they can drop in and check on her. Especially if it's happening every day. I highly doubt your name will be given out in any capacity.
i wouldn't imagine police in Brazil would offer any solution to such a problem - especially not from a third party. but i'm sure there must be some child protection service or tutelary council, if not private groups, you can contact. i'd definitely report such a thing.
there has got to be an anonymous way to report it. the authorities should know the potential reporter's safety is important by now. so..i do hope u report it.

i don't mind saying that i would find an anonymous way if i was in that position.
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