Check this out guys (Morphine)

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After listening to this song today, I interpretate it completely different.

He got flat baby
Kick in the back baby
A heart attack baby
I need your body

Is this just a coincidence? Or did he know what will happen if he won't get off drugs? What do you think?

Ok, now the saddest part is coming:

This won't hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don't cry
I won't convert you
There's no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away

Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh God he's taking demerol

I always thought that this part was about his drug addiction in past.
But is it posible that he was still addicted when he recorded this song?

And the most misterious part of the song:

He's tried
Hard to convince her
To be over what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don't cry
I won't resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he's taking twice as much

Who is she? After reading thread about Lisa yesterday, i have the feeling that many members think it's about her. I really don't understand that part of the lyrics...

Ps: I hope that this thread will not get closed. I really want to her opinion from other people.

Ps 2: For those who can still listen to his music, here is a great mix of Morphine:
oh God, the first chorus really scared me. Doesnt anyone who takes Demerol/Morphine get a hearttattack because of it? cause I dont have a clue.
This is why I wont listen to it anymore. The lyrics are to eerie.
My mother was given demerol to help with the pain after she had an operation on her hand because some nerve was causing her much pain. It's a lot like morphine I believe...

The lyrics are quite spooky..
I am not gonna comment on this.
The maker of this video is a true artist I salute him...
this has always been spot on..

right now it is very very painful
I have been listening and remixing this song for a while, it seems apparent Michael wrote this song about himself, using a "her" or fictional person in the song to represent himself.

Also the song goes deeper I will be doinga write-up on the samples used in this song and also in the song Dangerous
oh God, the first chorus really scared me. Doesnt anyone who takes Demerol/Morphine get a hearttattack because of it? cause I dont have a clue.

Too high a dose of Demerol and/or taking it with certain other drugs, carries a danger of depressed breathing, breathing gets shallower and shallower so that the heart isn't getting sufficient oxygen and goes into arrest. It seems MJ was well aware of this, hence the lyrics.
^^ Monroe? How'd you know?

Sue@ aware of it? Thats why I believe it aint no overdosis no injections.
You can keep guessing who the "she" is guys but it's pointless. MJ knew who it meant. I mean why wouldn't it be Elizabeth, who was the one that talked him into going to rehab in 1993. Or Lisa Marie , who was trying to get him to sort himself out but he just couldn't break his habits.
Possibly there's some significance in the fact that Dr Murray, who was living with Michael, is a cardiologist not a GP, so that makes it look as though MJ was concerned enough about the potential effect on his heart (of the drugs he was taking) to have a specialist on site.
This song is so so poignant now..I Think its all about the stuggle michael had in his mind with the drug and what is said to him...all the lyrics represent the methaphorical conversation he had in his mind with the the drug telling his mind he wont hurt etc...This song i think explains all his emotions and feelings towards the drugs..

The bit where he is singing a completely different song when he mentions demerol is very interesting/tragoic now .The lyrics and the way he sings ''demoral o god hes taking demoral ''could suggest that he knows the dangers of it and how serious it is or it does also sound as if he is singing it like '' people are over reacting, he is incontrol of the drug and people should just not be so worried.

But those moments in the song are completely different in every way to the most part of the rest of the song that talks about morphine.It like morphine and demoral were two different addictions and therefore two different aspects to the song.Its also as if it represents another side to his state of mind when on the drug and then it goes back into the orignal violent lyrics and his other persona when on morphine perhaps...Im talking about the bit when you think the song is going to end and then he goes oooh and its goes back into that powerful base...

If he wrote this when he was with lisa marie i think the second and third verse could hae been how lisa saw him in regards to the drugs and his denial etc..this really is one of the songs in his catalogue that was a self critical , analytical account of his dark side and his unfortunate demons he never got true control or help with.He never adminstered these drugs throughout the addiction period and so probaly went through different doctors to do it for him..relying and putting his trust in them..naivley because i feel a huge error of judgment was made either intentionally or by mistake by this doctor murray..its desperately sad
You only just worked this out? 'lol All this made sense to me when i first heard it in 1997.

Don't take offence to what i just said. But did you not know MJ has been addicted to pain meds for decades? i thought everyone knew
You only just worked this out? 'lol All this made sense to me when i first heard it in 1997.

Don't take offence to what i just said. But did you not know MJ has been addicted to pain meds for decades? i thought everyone knew

I didn't know. I've never read the lyrics before now either, and some of it I didn't know what he was saying until now. I can't believe it. That many years ago, and I wish someone could have helped him. OMG, I'm so sad. :cry:
You know, this song has always been my favourite MJ song and it's the only song that's ever made me cry when I listened to it. There's just so much anger, pain and resentment in his voice, and then all the crazyness stops with "relax, this won't hurt you. Before I put it in, close your eyes and count to ten."

There's something so incredibly sad and painful about this song, and I've felt that way for years. Now that you've pointed out the "heart attack" reference, I'm really starting to feel eerie about it too.

I've been avoiding bringing this up but.........

Barbara: How did you hear of her [Princess Diana] death?
Michael: Um...I woke up (in a quiet and reflective voice) and my doctor gave me the news. And I fell back down in grief, and I started to cry. The pain...I felt inner pain, in my stomach, and in my chest. (his voice starts to break slightly) So, I said, "I can't handle's too much." Just the message and the fact that I knew her personally. Then on top of that one I said, "There's another one...real soon...I feel it coming...there's another's another one coming and I pray it's not me...please don't let it be me." And then Mother Theresa came...
Barbara: Are you that what you're saying?
Michael: I don't want to say that, but I've done it before.
Barbara: And you thought it might be you?
Michael: Yes.
he was more angel than human...

and i do believe he had some special God-given power, other than the reams of talent.

he was a beautiful myth made out of misery.

still is...
People don't forget that he had serious back problemas after his fall in Munich 1999, I am sure he had to take painkillers since then, that's why he needed a cardiologist as a doctor because of the risk. Well, it didn't help at the end...
COould someone please explain an addiction to painkillers...with regard to michael was he addicted because he was in pain every single day and therefore needed the drugs to get on with things in the day? Or did he take them even when he wzasnt in pain and just wanted to get that buzz everytime...I dont understand what it means for him to be addicted..if he needed it to get over pain that is so sad to think he was in pain every day...i understand addictions to drugs like majauana or heroin etc..but prescription drugs? is it because the pain is so intense each day?
it seems apparent Michael wrote this song about himself, using a "her" or fictional person in the song to represent himself.

That's what I thought too, when I read this thread. I don't know why, and can't remember where else I've seen it, but I'm sure Michael talked about either himself from his higher self's point of view, or about his higher self from his own point of view, using "she" or "her". I think it was in Dancing the Dream. His higher self is how he channels the words "from above".

Before reading this thread, I just thought it was going to mention the Demerol bit.... I totally forgot about the first verse! :bugeyed And the sounds of breathing..... I don't know what to say. xxx
^ I thought it started when he got burned during the commercial?

I only thought he got dependant (I would rather use the word dependant) on painkillers in the early 90's. Because he seemed to be taking them a lot during the Mexico Deposition. I thought he had recovered from that dependancy though. Although I knew he was taking some form of painkillers now and then, especially when he broke his foot that time in 2001. I always thought he was in full control of it though, as in it never went too far.

It's possible that the extreme pressure on him to come up with creative material in such a short space of time for albums could have led to him taking the pills, just to be in a different state of mind so he would be more inspired. I wouldn't recommend anyone doing this on purpose. And I'm not saying he DID, I'm saying I wouldn't blame him, he was under so much pressure.
COould someone please explain an addiction to painkillers...with regard to michael was he addicted because he was in pain every single day and therefore needed the drugs to get on with things in the day? Or did he take them even when he wzasnt in pain and just wanted to get that buzz everytime...I dont understand what it means for him to be addicted..if he needed it to get over pain that is so sad to think he was in pain every day...i understand addictions to drugs like majauana or heroin etc..but prescription drugs? is it because the pain is so intense each day?

It is something that is very easy to get into by mistake, and can be extremely hard to break free from.

It is to do with the pills telling your brain there is no pain (endorphins or something they're called?) and your brain then adjusts according to this. The problem is, the effect of these endorphins can wear off, get less effective. To the point where the pills don't work at all. So the patient sometimes takes a higher dosage, which may work. In the short term.

It can get serious, and I have heard of some people having huge battles trying to get out of the dependency. You can look up some stories or info on the net.
oh God, the first chorus really scared me. Doesnt anyone who takes Demerol/Morphine get a hearttattack because of it? cause I dont have a clue.
Overdose of such drugs usually results in a suppression of the breathing reflex, which can obviously lead to a cardiac arrest.

Let's not forget a heart attack and a cardiac arrest aren't the same thing too.
COould someone please explain an addiction to painkillers...with regard to michael was he addicted because he was in pain every single day and therefore needed the drugs to get on with things in the day? Or did he take them even when he wzasnt in pain and just wanted to get that buzz everytime...I dont understand what it means for him to be addicted..if he needed it to get over pain that is so sad to think he was in pain every day...i understand addictions to drugs like majauana or heroin etc..but prescription drugs? is it because the pain is so intense each day?
Demerol is like heroin. They're both opioids. Big difference is that one is legal and the other isn't.

Those drugs totally numb both the physical and psychological pain one can feel. You feel bliss upon taking a large enough dose. Once you take them for a while, a dependence builds up (which means you have to take more to have the same effects) and you start getting addicted (your body NEEDS the drug in order not to get sick). If you try to stop cold-turkey, you get extremely sick and every second feels like a living hell. Many people get addicted following a legitimate use of such drugs. This is what happened with Michael who first got prescribed such things after the Pepsi incident.
I went through 10 days of painfull scary hell when i stopped taking a certain painkiller/opiate. It was hell. I thought i was gonna die. I couldn't fall asleep for 5 days ina row so i became majorly sleep deprived , i was hallucinating and couldn't eat. My body hurt all over. I was sweating and shivering ..... not nice.

And yes, you get addicted to strong painkillers such as Oxycontin, Demerol, Vicodin, Tramadol because they give you a nice relaxed buzz feeling. Like totally content within yourself. Like being wrapped in cotton wool some say.
Michael and others think that there is nothing wrong with taking drugs like these every day because they come from a doctor, so it must be ok. Infact, its not ok. It's no different to being addicted to street drugs. Drugs are drugs, no matter where they come from.
You only just worked this out? 'lol All this made sense to me when i first heard it in 1997.

Don't take offence to what i just said. But did you not know MJ has been addicted to pain meds for decades? i thought everyone knew
Most of us knew it.

Manufacturers' Warnings In Clinical States: Morphine can produce dependence and therefore has the potential for being abused. Psychic dependence, physical dependence and tolerance may develop upon repeated administration of morphine.

Morphine should be used with caution and in reduced dosage in patients who are concurrently receiving other opioid analgesics, general anesthetics, phenothiazines, other tranquilizers, sedative-hypnotics, tricyclic antidepressants and other CNS depressants (including alcohol). Respiratory depression, hypotension and profound sedation or coma may result.

Symptoms And Treatment Of Overdose: Symptoms: Overdosage with morphine is characterized by respiratory depression (a decrease in respiratory rate and/or tidal volume, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, cyanosis), extreme somnolence progressing to stupor or coma, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, and sometimes bradycardia and hypotension. In severe overdosage, apnea, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death may occur. tag_Treatment

Treatment: Immediate attention should be given to the re-establishment of adequate respiratory exchange through provision of a patent airway and institution of assisted or controlled ventilation.

Oxygen, i.v. fluids, vasopressors and other supportive measures should be employed as indicated.

The opioid antagonist naloxone is a specific antidote against respiratory depression which may result from overdosage or unusual sensitivity to opioids. The recommended adult dose of naloxone is 0.4 to 2 mg i.v. every 2 to 3 minutes as necessary, simultaneously with assisted respiration.

An antagonist should only be administered in cases of clinically significant respiratory or cardiovascular depression.

In an individual physically dependent on opioids, the administration of the usual dose of opioid antagonist will precipitate an acute withdrawal syndrome. The severity of this syndrome will depend on the degree of physical dependence and the dose of antagonist administered. The use of opioid antagonists in such individuals should be avoided if possible. If an opioid antagonist must be used to treat serious respiratory depression in the physically dependent patient, the antagonist should be administered with extreme care at about 10 to 20% the usual initial dose administered.
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