Charles Thomson radio interview KPFA - Link to listen post #3

This radio show was awesome! and Charles Thomson is a soldier!!

mad respect for him speaking out. We should all boycott and pickett the media. seriously...I'm soo tired of it all. They won't listen and they wont change unless we make them, make them listen so they cant ignore the truth! Like Charles said its their pride they wont admit the system is flawed and biased in (many ways) not just about Michael.

We should all make a statement and wear sandwich boards along the local highways or by stoplights with the message of Justice for MJ, or stop media bias...or something. Because if some guy can stand out along the highway wearing a sandwich board saying he "cheated and this is my punishment" and this guy makes it all over the radio stations and on Today show...(true story was in the news few months ago)

we sure as hell can do something.
When Charles mentioned economic reasons for the trial in 2005 it got me thinking as my brother funnily enough said to me a few days ago that he heard the same thing. We all know it was a farce but one of the possible reasons Sneddon went ahead with the trial was due to the economic boost it would bring to Santa Maria. 2000 journalists were there and not one even bothered to cover what happened in the trial. Of course they would though if Michael had a 'bad day.' 2000 journalists, plus fans, plus camera crews, lighting, make up people etc; that's an awful lot of people coming into your area that aren't usually there bringing in a lot more money that isn't usually there.
All I have to say is, why wasn't this done when Michael Jackson was still alive? Why afterwards?

I just will never get that.

Why not just be happy that the truth is finally coming out? :cheeky: Besides, people have tried for ages to clear his name, but it wasn't given as much attention before as it is now. So it's not for the lack of trying that these things weren't heard before, but rather the lack of people willing to listen.
He says in the interveiw that he wrote about Aphrodite's book in 2008 long before MJ died.

Thanks for posting the youtube vids MarielovesMJ.