Charles Thomson radio interview KPFA - Link to listen post #3


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

This is an update only.

The Thomson radio interview is now one hour earlier!

KPFA 94.1 FM ~ Sunday 14/03 at 23:59 (PST) / 07:00 am Monday 15/03 (GMT)

KPFA 94.1 FM Radio – broadcasts to central and northern California but streams worldwide via the website. The show is also available afterwards as a podcast.

Pls tweet message below:

KPFA Radio 94.1 fm ~ UPDATE: Journalist Charles Thomson talks MJ Tonight Sun 23:59 (PST)/ 07:00 Mon (GMT) Interview is one hour earlier!
Re: Urgent update about the Charles Thomson radio interview

Good thing this came up, gives you guys another chance to have a civilised conversation. Can we try to keep this one on topic please? :flowers:
Charles Thomson Interview on KPFA can be heard here.

Charles Thomson's interview on KPFA can be heard here.

Can we all continue to support this journalist by mass commenting with non-fan names at Huffington Post. Lets show the editors there that we appreciate and will support truthful, fact-based articles on Michael Jackson, by increasing traffic to their site.

Please also pass this link onto facebook.

Thank you.
Re: Urgent update about the Charles Thomson radio interview

All threads merged, can we keep this all in one thread please. :flowers:
can't listen to it now, cause I am at work. can somebody describe what was said?
It was an excellent thorough interview and I urge you all to listen to it.

Just an awful pity, that Charles is being attacked here. I feel if we can go out there and give the facts to the public about Michael better than Charles can, then we should get off our backsides and do so ... but let’s not turn a positive deed into the type of negativity that I have seen levelled at him here.

As fans of Michael ... we have all had enough of the tabloids and media assassinating Michael ... now we have a chance of setting things right with the help of Charles Thomson. Let's stand together for Michael to get the truth out there.

Here is a message from him regarding the interview:

“You can play the whole show here. It takes a few minutes to load and then to hear me just skip to roughly

2h 07m

At the moment I can only play it in the internet window. The download link isn't working for me."

Thank You Charles !!!
we really MUST support this man. Wonderful interview, and we need to encourage him to keep talking to & against the press bias when it comes to MJ.

we need him on CNN...mass media outlet.
I agree.
Charles Thomson can set the example for ethical and unbiased journalism and be an inspiration to journalists to maintain their integrity.
This is his blog.

He recently chose to leave The Sun after they distorted his article and ignored his suggestions to promote the truth instead of sensational lies about Michael.
Very good interview. He seemed as articulate and coherent in person as I hoped he would be from reading his blog. He has my support for what he is trying to do in exposing the outright lies being peddled ad infinitum about Michael in the media.
I wouldn't have said this a few months ago, but I truly believe that Michael will be vindicated.

This interview is one of the things that will start the vindication. It will soon seep into even the tabloids, but very slowly.
Boy done good. That bit where he was raging about the media for not fact checking the Gene Simmons thing, just saying repeatedly about how lazy they were - '40 seconds on google and another 30 to write the email' - that totally showed them up.
Very good interview, we need to get Charles Thomson on mainstream media and we need to destroy Ian Halpernin, every bloody time there is a programme on TV about Michael they have this lying bastard as an expert.

What can we do to get rid of this scumbag from the tv?
Can somebody please post an MP3 file of this interview?

Very good interview, we need to get Charles Thomson on mainstream media and we need to destroy Ian Halpernin, every bloody time there is a programme on TV about Michael they have this lying bastard as an expert.

What can we do to get rid of this scumbag from the tv?

Eugh I know, how the eff does he do it? Time for a real expert to step up.
1 hour of undeniable truth about Michael Jackson on a radio station, a journalist actually did it for free. Well, thats a world premiere.

This guy should bring it to a higher ground. Like yesterday
Very good interview, we need to get Charles Thomson on mainstream media and we need to destroy Ian Halpernin, every bloody time there is a programme on TV about Michael they have this lying bastard as an expert.

What can we do to get rid of this scumbag from the tv?

I don't even know why Ian is considered an MJ expert considering that he is a liar and he prob thinks because he predicted that MJ would die in a number of months that he's the expert but Mike did'nt die of what Ian said that he died of. I wish Charles would be on those types of shows instead.
I don't even know why Ian is considered an MJ expert considering that he is a liar and he prob thinks because he predicted that MJ would die in a number of months that he's the expert but Mike did'nt die of what Ian said that he died of. I wish Charles would be on those types of shows instead.

Every time i see him on TV i think about what I'd do if i met him on the street, i don't think i could hold back from starting on the scumbag. How can he get away with it, worse still he is making money from it. I decree that any Michael Jackson fan that ever sees him in the flesh should give him the abuse he deserves, with out of course breaking the law.
Very good interview. And I agree the media need to get him on their shows about MJ rather than Halperin who knows jack shit about Michael. He makes it up and people believe his crap. Thank you Charles!
mainstream media will never allow ppl like that on shows. it goes against their agenda. just like pro mj books getting refused to be stocked in mainstream bookshops and thats if a publishing company will even give them the time of day. its totally orchastrated.(sp) even reporters on small things like internet bloggs/websites that dared to support mj during 03-05 got threatened for it by other journos. i know that for a fact
Every time i see him on TV i think about what I'd do if i met him on the street, i don't think i could hold back from starting on the scumbag. How can he get away with it, worse still he is making money from it. I decree that any Michael Jackson fan that ever sees him in the flesh should give him the abuse he deserves, with out of course breaking the law.

Me too. Maybe we should write a tell all "biography"of Ian Halperin and send it around to the media outlets.
Me too. Maybe we should write a tell all "biography"of Ian Halperin and send it around to the media outlets.

Good idea.

"Biography of a Loser"

We can make a summary of his life and send to the press.
Just keep sending the word to fans not to buy Ian's book. Fans are his biggest supporters because they want to hear about Michael. It is time we have a list of authors fans should stay away from and pass it on.