Challenge: replace the four "weakest" songs on the Bad album

There are no weakest songs on this album! Only SD, TWYMMF and JGF. Rest songs are masterpieces
TWYMMF?! What?!!!!!! Are you high?! Jesus Christ tell me this is an extremely early April Fools Joke. You must revoke your fan card immediately and I vote we banish you at once! 😤
It's a shame that songs MJ wrote (Price Of Fame, DYKWYCA, Abortion Papers, Crack Kills and Changes) that are talking about social issues never made the cut for the album.
There are no weakest songs on this album! Only SD, TWYMMF and JGF. Rest songs are masterpieces
I don’t know who you are, and I’d like to keep it that way. TWYMMF is one of the best songs MJ ever composed, bar none.
I don’t know who you are, and I’d like to keep it that way. TWYMMF is one of the best songs MJ ever composed, bar none.
One of the weakest, comparing to BJ, ES, SC, it's weak. No catchy beatboxing, no catchy chorus. I don't see any reason to love this song