Celebrities with MJ Tatoo's

let me post the above mentioned tattoos pictures

The Game

I like the tattoo. The first time I saw it in the video I was blown away. I think it has the right effect. Like MJ owned that mask. Kinda like Zaldy said on the dvd when he was describing a piece of clothing.

I love the eyes in the artwork. It's kinda like MJ didn't care what ppl thought of him and Game is saying the same thing. He loves Mike and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.
i don't think that was permanent. i saw a recent picture of him and i don't think the tattoo was there
yeah, cause it was not a real tatoo, it was for promotion... hahah, see thats how it works, if it sells he wears...:smilerolleyes: that is very sincere :bugeyed

fck him and his wannabe talented girlfriend....
The best one is the one The Game has, cause is not simply Michael the artist but also the person,

it captures what Michael was or better said what Michael wanted to represent...

wonderful, im giving The game a chance cause of this tatoo ;D
yeah, cause it was not a real tatoo, it was for promotion... hahah, see thats how it works, if it sells he wears...:smilerolleyes: that is very sincere :bugeyed

fck him and his wannabe talented girlfriend....

So true, that tattoo is gone now. both of em suck anyway.

Btw. I like the one of The Game the most too :yes: