Cascios:: Studio/notes/and programs

Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

You can blame the lack of windows in the recording studio if you like. It doesn't change the fact that the Cascio songs sound nothing like him.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Sounds plausable.

BN, KYHU and Monster was recorded in a cellar and not a pro studio.

Monster was even recorded through a PVC pipe. (some parts)
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Sounds plausable.

BN, KYHU and Monster was recorded in a cellar and not a pro studio.

Monster was even recorded through a PVC pipe. (some parts)

The opening into to TWYLM was recorded on a voicemail message and yet it still sounds like Michael Jackaon.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

I am just stating facts of what edits sounds.. I can tell you with messing with the voice a voice can sound very different.. I can also say that most people that I have shown 2000 watts to cannot believe its him.. I hear him but many... many don't and are suprized its him..

a studio can change so much..

and yes the beginning of TWYLM sounds like an un changed audio of Michaels.. and thats also why the audio is poor.. you can hear the air, and unclearity of the audio.. they cannot release full tracks with that sound.. it would never sell or get on the radio
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Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

I know what you mean:yes: it's a good point:yes: but who knows for sure what happened:mello::mello:
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

The opening into to TWYLM was recorded on a voicemail message and yet it still sounds like Michael Jackaon.

That is a spoken intro, not singing, and it's recorded on a microphone used for voicemail, which is not so interested by the acustic of the room where you are. The songs surely were recorded with microphones that were influenced by the acoustic, if the acustic is bad and you want to clean it and you're not superskilled you end up distorting the voice or cutting important frequencies that made MJ voice recognizable immediately.
For the record, this is what I think happened (out of Breaking News where his voice has also been melted with the one of the other guy).
I'm agaist the release of these songs in the form of songs, they should have been just raw material for the fans, imo.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

From the way people are talking in many threads it excites me to know that they believe that they don't think clearing up an audio would ulter a voice at all.. then to make it pitched correctly for an instramental..

So I'm excited for those fans to take that spoken part or TWYLM and make it clear and and lowder for us (NO background sounds) for us so we can hear it in its "authentic" voice..

Oh and do this for us too, its a funny video by the family that I'd love to hear in HD please.. just don't ulter the vocal audio please.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

anyone??? Anyone??? I didn't think so lol!
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

it may not have been the best of environments but its far from crap
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

^^ well ya now.. the orig recording though was probably no where near the clearity it has now
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Something else to consider. To me, and again this is just my opinion, the 'vibrato' could well be 'digital' IE added in post. To me certain sections sound like they have been altered significantly pitch wise and sped up without doubt. The combination of the pitch change and speed increase PLUS the added 'vibrato' effects in post and pretty poor recording set-up would go a long way towards explaining the situation.

I still can't understand why SONY would be crazy enough to contemplate releasing fraudulent songs, it makes no sense. Lets be honest, the quality of the songs will in no way effect the sales of a Michael Jackson album so why would they go to effort of producing, recording and mixing 'fake' songs when they have a massive catalogue on unrealeased tracks???

What we have here is heavily edited MJ demo's. Listening to them (with an unbiased POV) they do NOT sound like demo's, but clearly they are/were. Using common sense suggests that since they no longer sound like demo's they have to be massively edited original demo's - Again it would make no sense to produce, record and mix fake tracks at a cost to all involved. Its not just a case of hiring a vocal artist. The Casco's do not in any way seem to be 'dodgy' or the type of people lacking honesty and decency.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

^^ true.. Michael himself approved and sounded fake as far as vibratto.. people will argue this but a few times there was vibrato in places that no singer puts it in that way.. not even Michael
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Windows vibrate with percussion or some instrument, not with a voice (or a very loud one lol). When you record a voice there is nothing else going on in the studio, all the instruments play in the earphones.

Curtains, carpets... yes ok... but again, it's just a voice. The microphone can be poor quality but even when remastering it, it cannot be so different.

Besides Michael sounds far below his abilities. Not even once does it get stronger and electric like the way he sings for example in "Scream". That's when his voice is the more recognisable, and never, on the three songs can we hear him sing like that...

I admit that's the point disturbing me the most.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

The opening into to TWYLM was recorded on a voicemail message and yet it still sounds like Michael Jackaon.
Haha, good point. :) Accept it people, the Cascio shit is fake.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Actually the equipment is more important nowadays. In a room not too large against the wall (but not too near) you can make very good recordings with quality mics, mixer and sound card, with very minimal noise or sound loss. Even thou carpets, windows and curtains should be prevented still...
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Haha, good point. :) Accept it people, the Cascio shit is fake.

Get out, you have nothing insightful to offer, why even respond in this thread if you've already made up your mind? We don't agree with your "shit", accept it.

Anywho, I find it quite hysterical how some of you can sit here and disprove what was said about the sound breakers and state of the studio, without having any studio experience. I can tell by the way some of you immediately write things off, that you really have no clue how things work. In a surrounding like that basement, in the condition it was in, almost every outside noise would've been picked up during the recording, you'd be able to hear the Cascio's talking to him, instructing him on matching his vocals with the beat, etc. If they were indeed in there with him. Every vocal hiccup, every foot tap, it would've been picked up; And the quality is low when you record songs with just a mic set up and not an actual booth, in most cases your voice can be drowned out in favor of the volume of this instruments and vice versa, recording is not as simple as some of you seem to think it is. If these sounds were picked up, and if the quality was bad (as they were), then it's perfectly plausible that work was done on his voice.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Windows vibrate with percussion or some instrument, not with a voice (or a very loud one lol). When you record a voice there is nothing else going on in the studio, all the instruments play in the earphones.

Curtains, carpets... yes ok... but again, it's just a voice. The microphone can be poor quality but even when remastering it, it cannot be so different.

Besides Michael sounds far below his abilities. Not even once does it get stronger and electric like the way he sings for example in "Scream". That's when his voice is the more recognisable, and never, on the three songs can we hear him sing like that...

I admit that's the point disturbing me the most.

The main point with windows I think is that they alterate the correct reverberation of the sound. I agree that Michael was absolutely not at his best. But these demos weren't made to be worked on and put on an album, they were just sketches, ideas, that have been overproduced. I think also the vibrato is fake (and horrible), it's so unnatural it's disturbing.
The thing is that it does not take so much to change a voice trying to sample it. If for whatever reason you cut frequencies that are in the range of human ear (so you overclean them) you alter the voice.
So we have an unperfect studio set, vocals that had just the purpose to fix an idea, overproduction to clean them, overproduction to add effects and to make them fit the music, I'm not suprsed the result is a mess.

And I don't say this because I somehow recognize Michael in there (not). It just seems to me the most obvious possibility, considering everything.

Edit. Anyway this kind of reminds me when I'm doing my job and someone comes with a photo with a horrible quality, a messy background and poorly lighted and asks me to make it perfect with photoshop because "you just have to make a couple of clicks here and there". Mmmm... no, it does not work like this, LOL (end off topic)
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

And just for the record i'm not saying i'm an expert at making music at all.. I've had a few friends that are struggling musicians and have been in the studio with them and the things they would say I learned some.. And I did take a music recording course in college, and a Jazz history class.. aside from that my knowlege is not too deep, but its something to go off of.

Even people with home studios do not record in the same fasion as the cascios.. they turn there closets into recording boths, put sound breakers or if they cannot offord egg cartins all over the wall to block and trap sound.. pull out the carpet and everything.. even the most newbie recorder like that knows to start there..

I'm not saying the cascios or MJ did not know what they are doing, but I'm pretty sure if the KING OF POP was going to record there he would know the effects of the sound and would use it for idea recording more so than actual releasable material..

Also keep in mind if the audio(s) were recorded in mulitple different ways, lets say partion in studio, portion voicemail etc.. so much editing has to be done to match the audios and block out sounds that are not in both that it would effect the voice
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Get out, you have nothing insightful to offer, why even respond in this thread if you've already made up your mind? We don't agree with your "shit", accept it.

Anywho, I find it quite hysterical how some of you can sit here and disprove what was said about the sound breakers and state of the studio, without having any studio experience. I can tell by the way some of you immediately write things off, that you really have no clue how things work. In a surrounding like that basement, in the condition it was in, almost every outside noise would've been picked up during the recording, you'd be able to hear the Cascio's talking to him, instructing him on matching his vocals with the beat, etc. If they were indeed in there with him. Every vocal hiccup, every foot tap, it would've been picked up; And the quality is low when you record songs with just a mic set up and not an actual booth, in most cases your voice can be drowned out in favor of the volume of this instruments and vice versa, recording is not as simple as some of you seem to think it is. If these sounds were picked up, and if the quality was bad (as they were), then it's perfectly plausible that work was done on his voice.

Chill out. Don't allow the nut jobs to get you. The so-called MJ voice experts who are insisting that Sony bought fake tracks that fooled everyone but them. LOL

The whole thing is not plausible at all.

No way in hell anyone on earth could have sung Monster the way MJ does. No way, no how!!
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

I think its funny that more people thought Jason Malachi (when his music was fist leaking around) was Michael more so than this.. HAHA! I remember telling people IT CANT BE MICHAEL LISTEN CLOSE! Its NOT..

I had to prove to too many people that some songs were not Michael over the years, now more people believe its NOT Michael when they have more reason to believe.. I even had to get Jason M. to write up a letter to fans that its him and to stop fighting.. haha
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Windows vibrate with percussion or some instrument, not with a voice (or a very loud one lol). When you record a voice there is nothing else going on in the studio, all the instruments play in the earphones.

Curtains, carpets... yes ok... but again, it's just a voice. The microphone can be poor quality but even when remastering it, it cannot be so different.

Besides Michael sounds far below his abilities. Not even once does it get stronger and electric like the way he sings for example in "Scream". That's when his voice is the more recognisable, and never, on the three songs can we hear him sing like that...

I admit that's the point disturbing me the most.

Listen to yourselves. He doesn't sound like he did on a song from 1995???????

Give it a rest.

The three songs in question were not final takes. They were more than likely simple takes he made. Stop comparing them to final takes of songs he completed while alive.

This is dumb. It's one conspiracy moment after another.

Again...if it's not MJ then who is it? Who on earth would sing Monster like that? And don't say Malachai (sp?) because that's bull. He sang songs in which he sounded like MJ but not truly in MJ style. He could never pull off Monster like that.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

after looking at the studio that the Cascios have on Oprah I can tell you I could see why there would have to be alot of work and processing like Riley was saying.. It definatly seems like michael would only record demos there.. the recording booth did not have many sound breakers at all.. that is NEEDED in a recording booth to block outside noises and for the microphone to get the clearest sound possible of the vocals..

8:29 the recording booth

the black on the wall is the sound breakers.. now look at the empty wall, thats tarrable for a recording.. and see the windows?? the vibrations of the noise would be picked up, the curtains moving could be picked up.. you NEVER have recordings near windows... now especially a person like Michael Jackson.. PLUS Michael was known for how lowed he had the music in the studio, so those windows must have been rattling the whole time.. (the glass you see in studios are not windows they are plated glass in the wall which do not vibate, and are there to see the person in the studio) the soundbreakers especially thow OMG what a terrible place to record.. unless demo!! Oh and and take notice to the sound breakers on the ceiling IN the recording section of the studio, thats a large hint that recording could have been done in the same exact room which could create so many other noices that i don't have to mention..

the audio would have to be messed up in there studio.. they would HAVE to work on it

All the places that MJ wud generally record (for released material) had great sound booths unlike this.. The Hit Factory, The Studio at the Palms, the studio in Ireland.. The voice would have came out pretty muffly (not picking up sertain tones) and background sounds would have been in the recording..

OMG!! I just went back to the video, am I seeing carpet on the floor?????? that is a NEVER in studios it drownds and captures sound..

basically my point is a good vocal recording cannot come out of that studio without alot of work..

With a good condenser microphone (neumann, AKG, schoeps etc), a good mic preamp (neve, massenburg etc), a good compressor limiter (Urei, teletronics etc) and a good recorder (all of which would total no more than $30K) it would be entirely practical to record absolutely world class vocals in that environment.

Those vocal tracks were butchered - one has to ask the question... by intent?
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Its a good point, But my voice on singstar sounds like me....
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

I still can't understand why SONY would be crazy enough to contemplate releasing fraudulent songs, it makes no sense. Lets be honest, the quality of the songs will in no way effect the sales of a Michael Jackson album so why would they go to effort of producing, recording and mixing 'fake' songs when they have a massive catalogue on unrealeased tracks???

Thank you!!! I've been saying this from day 1.

Ignorant, arrogant fans who in the back of their minds believe they KNEW MICHAEL believe the following.

1. Cascio's, who were MJ's friends for years, hired another singer to sing for Michael after he died in order to make a quick buck.

2. This mystery singer pulled off singing three songs very well in MJ style but and did so well enough to fool Teddy Riley, Sony, etc.

3. Or,....Riley is in on the plot.

4. And/or, Sony is in on the plot but just had to have these three fake songs and are selling them anyway.

5. The fake singer is in hiding either threatened with death or living the high life because basically he would own Sony. One word of the truth from him would kill Sony.

Again, all of this is insane. Get over yourself, people.

Those who think the songs are fake = fake fans.
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

are any of the cascio songs recorded SOLEY in thay studio?? or like i've been reading were some of them voicemails, through pcv pipe etc and studio?? cuz if so anyone would know to match up all the vocals from different recordings on different un professional equiptment like a voicemail would take ultering..
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

Thank you!!! I've been saying this from day 1.

Ignorant, arrogant fans who in the back of their minds believe they KNEW MICHAEL believe the following.

1. Cascio's, who were MJ's friends for years, hired another singer to sing for Michael after he died in order to make a quick buck.

2. This mystery singer pulled off singing three songs very well in MJ style but and did so well enough to fool Teddy Riley, Sony, etc.

3. Or,....Riley is in on the plot.

4. And/or, Sony is in on the plot but just had to have these three fake songs and are selling them anyway.

5. The fake singer is in hiding either threatened with death or living the high life because basically he would own Sony. One word of the truth from him would kill Sony.

Again, all of this is insane. Get over yourself, people.

Those who think the songs are fake = fake fans.

LOL, The incompetent butchery of recording and production is real, and Sony knows it, the estate knows it, Teddy Riley knows it, in fact, anyone who has ears knows it.

follow the money ;)
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

I am just stating facts of what edits sounds.. I can tell you with messing with the voice a voice can sound very different.. I can also say that most people that I have shown 2000 watts to cannot believe its him.. I hear him but many... many don't and are suprized its him..

a studio can change so much..

and yes the beginning of TWYLM sounds like an un changed audio of Michaels.. and thats also why the audio is poor.. you can hear the air, and unclearity of the audio.. they cannot release full tracks with that sound.. it would never sell or get on the radio

Michael's 2000 Watts low sounding vocal has nothing to do with studio acoustics. It was autotuned to reduce the pitch by half octave or so. Check this out:
Re: Cascios studio.. notes to take from

would the home demos (billie jean, girl is mine etc.) be done in a better sudio than the Cascios?