Can't I say I LOVE Michael Jackson even thou I'm a male and irl like only girls?

Of course. I have a guy friend that I love to death, but I am not gay nor do I mean it in a gay sense. He is like a brother to me. I also have to two really good girl friends that I love but it doesn't mean that I want to marry either of them.
Someone people just amaze me with their ignorance! :lol:

Don't they know there are many different types of "loves"?

One kind of love is the one were you love your parents/sibilings or family members,

Another one is the love that you feel towards friends

Another one towards hobbies, another one towards inspiriations

and finally, the other one is the one were you "fall in love" with someone.
no u cant :nono: love = sex therefore i love someone = i wanna have sex with someone

so u can only say u like michael. actually not even that. no. cuz "like" nowadays also means "sex". therefore when u say u "like someone" it means u wanna have sex with them. u can only use the word "like" for things that u cant have sex with like a place or ice cream :yes: so i guess u can only say to them that u feel indifferent about michael. but hmm now that i think about it that could be controversial too. so yeah u can just say that u dislike him so that u avoid all the confusion :D

people are just ignorant, there is nothing wrong with saying you love MJ, there are different types of love and it doesnt meen you are gay or any thing like that
I love Michael Jackson but it doesn't mean anything sexual. So isn't it very much approriate? Or is it that people are so insensible nowadays that by saying you "love" someone you are just sexually interested in that person? If I love my friend who is a girl that doesn't mean I want to share my life with her. I just love her.
You can say whatever you want! Most people understand quite well what you mean and the few that dont, well they can just shove it imo! :D

It's the same thing with women btw... I mean, not every women that says she loves Michael means she's sexually interested in him ;)
of course! but that goes with everything with the term "love" involved. Like, I can say I love my computer but that doesn't mean I have a sexual attraction to it! :lol:

I just had to quote that :rofl:

I never understood why a girl saying she loves a female celebrity is seen as ok, a girl saying she loves a male celebrity is ok, yet if a guy says he loves any celebrity, it's seen as sexual :scratch: Maybe men are more sexually obsessed than women? :unsure: Dunno :lol:

I don't find it wrong in any way :) In fact, I admire a guy who can freely say he loves someone, regardless of the type of love :D

Spread the MJ love ^_^
Someone people just amaze me with their ignorance! :lol:

Don't they know there are many different types of "loves"?

One kind of love is the one were you love your parents/sibilings or family members,

Another one is the love that you feel towards friends

Another one towards hobbies, another one towards inspiriations

and finally, the other one is the one were you "fall in love" with someone.

Yup. you are right. Love has many variation.

Man love for Mike is cool! I know lots of men who even say MJ is "looking hot" or "sexy" yet there is nothing actually sexual about it. They just have love fo' Mike!

I love Mariah Carey. I think she's hot too. There's nothing to it. :cheeky:

Yeah , when he dances I think he is sexy , plus he has some great fashion style, so the other "stars" such as Brad Pitt can spit under his window ( a Serbian expression).
Michael Jackson fans are so nice. People should know more about Michael Jackson fans. Some people think MJ fans are "wacky", but I think 99% of them are very much something else.. Actually MJ fans are smart and they know what's life all about!
A guy can say he love's Michael Jackson ,no one should let society or family and peers Intimidate them Into not being true to themself ...Embrace your love for michael I think he will only benefit from love that Is good In Intention and thought ...Good love nutures and heal and I pray for michael to be wrapped In It completely ...So everyone spread that good love !!!
I'm a guy and i have no shame in saying ''I love Michael Jackson''
I love Michael Jackson but it doesn't mean anything sexual. So isn't it very much approriate? Or is it that people are so insensible nowadays that by saying you "love" someone you are just sexually interested in that person? If I love my friend who is a girl that doesn't mean I want to share my life with her. I just love her.

well said Topflux....
yes, you can...
love is love , you know

regards, cinderella
no u cant :nono: love = sex therefore i love someone = i wanna have sex with someone

so u can only say u like michael. actually not even that. no. cuz "like" nowadays also means "sex". therefore when u say u "like someone" it means u wanna have sex with them. u can only use the word "like" for things that u cant have sex with like a place or ice cream :yes: so i guess u can only say to them that u feel indifferent about michael. but hmm now that i think about it that could be controversial too. so yeah u can just say that u dislike him so that u avoid all the confusion :D


I love his children, too. Btw, is Grace Blanket's mother?
no u cant :nono: love = sex therefore i love someone = i wanna have sex with someone

so u can only say u like michael. actually not even that. no. cuz "like" nowadays also means "sex". therefore when u say u "like someone" it means u wanna have sex with them. u can only use the word "like" for things that u cant have sex with like a place or ice cream :yes: so i guess u can only say to them that u feel indifferent about michael. but hmm now that i think about it that could be controversial too. so yeah u can just say that u dislike him so that u avoid all the confusion :D

HAHA! you kill me..i'm almost not sure if you were kidding about the whole "love/like" thing lol....because it ISN'T always something lustful lol..but wow..this cracked me up! :p
BPYTD, that's what I was thinking too! "Michaholics Anonymous". Stand up and say it like you mean it!

My name is Bloo and I love Michael Jackson!
OH MY GOSH!! SERIOUSLY!! START A THREAD AND TITLE IT THAT!!! "Michaelholics Anonymous" hehe. i'm not kidding. we should!! ..

a thread dedicated to our addictions to michael haha!

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my name is Vince..and i'm a Michaelholic.

oh..i posted already.

My name is Vince, and i'm a Michaelholic.

and i'm taking the twelve step program to increase my dosage.
HAHA!! to increase your dosage!! ... i want in on that!

Hi. I'm Jenny. I've only been a fan for 2 years, but i've become over obsessive. it's worrying my now i'm here.... to do as Vince is.... increase my dosage.
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:lol: we should get together and have a formal meeting for severe MJ addiction lol. except that would probably make it worse, b/c we'd all end up discussing MJ even more! lmao :toofunny:

:lmao: I know huh, if we did gather a meeting together it would just turn into a Michael fest.. we could go on and on about the man lol :girl_sigh:
I am a girl and I SO MUCH LOVE MY MOTHER , and monica my best friend , monica if you read me girl i love you much much , you are one of the biggest inspiration of my life .
