Can't I say I LOVE Michael Jackson even thou I'm a male and irl like only girls?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I love Michael Jackson but it doesn't mean anything sexual. So isn't it very much approriate? Or is it that people are so insensible nowadays that by saying you "love" someone you are just sexually interested in that person? If I love my friend who is a girl that doesn't mean I want to share my life with her. I just love her.
You know there is nothing wrong with it. :yes: There will always be people to take offense, or see something different from how it really is or is meant to be. You can't worry too much about it. I suppose if you know someone is going to tease you for saying you love Michael Jackson, then you can word it differently if you want to. It's all saying the same thing anyways.
why ?? who says there is a problem with it ??
Let me at 'em, I'll give 'em the ole 1,2 ... why I oughta ... Lemme at 'em, Lemme at em :box:

Here, you can be anyone and say you love anyone
except for L.J, she gots girl koodies Blaah :innocent:
**ducks flying vegamite sammich**

man love for mike is fine ... anyone that has a prollem with it is an arse anyways. that is stating politely :trytobeangel
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You know there is nothing wrong with it. :yes: There will always be people to take offense, or see something different from how it really is or is meant to be. You can't worry too much about it. I suppose if you know someone is going to tease you for saying you love Michael Jackson, then you can word it differently if you want to. It's all saying the same thing anyways.

Hello. What do you mean by "wording it differently"? How?
why ?? who says there is a problem with it ??
Let me at 'em, I'll give 'em the ole 1,2 ... why I oughta ... Lemme at 'em, Lemme at em :box:

Here, you can be anyone and say you love anyone
except for L.J, she gots girl koodies Blaah :innocent:
**ducks flying vegamite sammich**

man love for mike is fine ... anyone that has a prollem with it is an arse anyways. that is stating politely :trytobeangel

:lol: I agree.
Topflux, I meant like saying you admire the man and then explain why. Sometimes that can even be more effective in helping others to see why he is admirable rather than them just thinking "man you LOVE Michael? That's sick!" Or whatever other lame response some people might give. In here you can express your love for him :) we all understand! Out in the non-MJ fan world, some people seem to need more explanation to better understand.

Oh but on a nice little side note. Today on the radio I heard a man request "Billie Jean" and the radio host was happy to play it and pronounced loudly with pride "Here's MICHAEL JACKSON, singing Billie Jean" Then mentioned his name once again after the song played. There was respect in his and her voice for him where even a few years ago it seemed no one on the radio could mention his name without also mentioning some smart arsed comment about him or something rude to say.
I say I love MJ. The fact that it might sound gay to some only makes it funny, and I generally like funnyness.
Nah, saying you love another dude is not always sexual, lol. But I easily say that about the male celebrities I dig if I love 'em like that.
There is nothing wrong with saying you love MJ even if you are male. People who think of it sexually are either immature or are not comfortable with their sexuality. So don't listen to them ignore them you know how you feel.
why ?? who says there is a problem with it ??
Let me at 'em, I'll give 'em the ole 1,2 ... why I oughta ... Lemme at 'em, Lemme at em :box:

Here, you can be anyone and say you love anyone
except for L.J, she gots girl koodies Blaah :innocent:
**ducks flying vegamite sammich**

man love for mike is fine ... anyone that has a prollem with it is an arse anyways. that is stating politely :trytobeangel

LM@O Tru dat m,Tru dat:clapping:
I think its silly how touchy some men are about their masculinity. There's nothing wrong with saying you love MJ. I admire several female actors/singers, and I feel comfortable saying I "love them", even though I'm straight. Stay true to yourself and ignore anyone who tries to turn what you say into something it's not.
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of course! but that goes with everything with the term "love" involved. Like, I can say I love my computer but that doesn't mean I have a sexual attraction to it! :lol:
I think its silly how touchy some men are about their masculinity. There's nothing wrong with saying you love MJ. I admire several female actors/singers, and I feel comfortable saying I "love them", even though I'm straight. Stay true to yourself and ignore anyone who tries to turn what you say into something it's not.

I am aware of my sexuality and therefore I can say I love a man and not be frightened that it is gayish. lol

I love my male friends, I love Michael... they are all guys lol
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I love Michael too, but like a brother. There's nothing wrong with saying you love Michael Jackson.
I don't think there is anything wrong with it...when I say I love MJ I definatley don't mean it in any sexual way..
I'd probably see him more as a friend/brother/uncle/or father figure if anything...someone who I have a great deal of respect for...
I am a girl and when I say I love Christina and Mariah...I 100% do not mean anything sexual by it...
"Love' does not always mean 'crush' could simply mean you have a deep level of respect and appreciation of them
Libsta, that is kind of what I was thinking. I am a female, and I love Michael, but it isn't in a sexual way either. I mean, I do think he's sexy, but my love for him is not that type of love. Does that make sense? So why do people think there is anything wrong with a guy feeling that same respect, adoration, and love for the man?
why ?? who says there is a problem with it ??
Let me at 'em, I'll give 'em the ole 1,2 ... why I oughta ... Lemme at 'em, Lemme at em :box:

Here, you can be anyone and say you love anyone
except for L.J, she gots girl koodies Blaah :innocent:
**ducks flying vegamite sammich**

man love for mike is fine ... anyone that has a prollem with it is an arse anyways. that is stating politely :trytobeangel


Man love for Mike is cool! I know lots of men who even say MJ is "looking hot" or "sexy" yet there is nothing actually sexual about it. They just have love fo' Mike!

I love Mariah Carey. I think she's hot too. There's nothing to it. :cheeky:
Of course its okay, and whoever disagrees quite frankly can shove it. :dancin:

so like BPYTD said SAY IT LOUD AND PROUD :clapping:
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So what if you say you love Michael?!?

Ugh some people are so ignorant!