Can you type * Michael Jackson * with your eyes closed?

:wtf: You're the :queen: of the keyboard (the Chinese one, of course :lmao:)
Thats enough!!!!!!!!!!! You re dead! Well 2morrow, cuz now ima :sleeping:

So enjoy ur last night here :D


ps: moxlse;l ksx;dpm

:hysterical: Sure you're in the right forum? I don't know that person, the one you are always typing... google him and find the right place, please... here only Michael Jackson's fans.
:bow: 5 letters.... you're improving... :cheeky:

Michael Jackson :thankyou:
9 letters!!!!!!! Wow! :bow:

Try again and you got it! :happy_dance:

hahaha started to write my own name... damn im stupid lol ...okay here goes....

Michael Jackson
