Can you type * Michael Jackson * with your eyes closed?

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?


id thety had afiend liek ben

.......bennnnnnn :lol::heart:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?


dancing dancomg dancind he's a damcimg machine

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?


svared of the mooooooooooon
scaref of the noooooooooooo n
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

Hehe! :p

it's tje fallomg in lobe thats making me hifh its tje being in love that makes me cry

OMG i'm so not used to this keyboard :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

She dives me wild!

Dives... :huh: perfect parody for a scuber diver, maybe??
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

cam yoiu yupe tjod pit woyh ypir riurd v;psed/

erm, I'm usually good at this :unsure: :cry: :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

Hey just blindfold yourself before you come on MJJC. That would be interesting :rofl:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?


what a beaifus lvocie he has :girl_in_love:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

micheal jackon *almost
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

shake your biity your nughty bootu :mello:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

nion vajs ojvoi sllo

I'm getting better!
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

I need to het tired or else I am goung to deel like crao tomorrow
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

o am wonderung ehat to weat ribght

OMG :rofl:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

maybe tomorrow you'll come back in my atms girl

not bad :eek:
