Can you type * Michael Jackson * with your eyes closed?

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

^Huh? :lol:

U cabät tyoe abttgubg nt etes ckised ;pseek:

(I can't type anything with my eyes closed) :rofl:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

I thought it was to see if you can type Michael Jackson with your eyes closed? :unsure:

I guess we can kust tyoe anuthinf theb? :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

I think itäs nnire dyb ti type eanything. Michael Jackson is so easy to type :p

^Huh I can't even remember what I was typing there :huh:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

typing michaels name a thousan tumews gets boring though :lol: so i will type any hibberishj that comes ojut :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

^ :rollin:

Thats too dunny

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

^ hahaah you two :rofl: dunny lmao!

right, what will i typoe? i am getting worse at this, it seems hashaah!

oooh not too bad! lol
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

hahah ieaj its so gunnyt
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

I reallt find it hatd to tyoe wirh mt eyes closes I really have to rhink hatd where the keys are it takes me ages
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

wgo is this michael jaclson duse?

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

Michael Jacklson is the best, he's better than all the rest!

He's earned an extra L. :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA the oo's have eyebrows! ^^^ :rofl:!!!!

Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

Hahah I know and "a" has them too in finnish :lol: I always say accidently "Iäm" cause ä is too close to ' :lol:

~Rhus fat was gard :huh:

(This day was hard) :lol:
Re: can you type this with your eyes closed?

I love to singa about the moona about the juna and the springa, I like to singa.
