Can you remember the FIRST time your eyes or ears connected to mj?

It was in the 1970's, when my sister and I heard the Jackson 5!! We even watched the Jackson 5 cartoon. Anyone else remember that?
when i was 2 years old (in 1992/93), i watched the Remember the Time video everyday before i sleep :D

and i fell in love with him when i was 9 and saw the Black or White video
The first time I really remember seeing MJ or knowing of him was when I saw the video for "Bad" at age 4 or 5. I was in awe and thought he was the coolest. I would stop whatever I was doing whenever that video came on and watch. Michael has always fascinated me since I was a kid, but yeah ever since I saw "Bad", i've been hooked :).
It was in 1991 or 1992 when I was around 5 or 6. I watched the 'Black or White' video with my cousin and little brother for the first time. My uncle also rented 'The Making of Thriller' for us that day and all I remember was the morphing in BoW and some guy in a pink jumper running around on a timber floor. :lol:
When I was five or six I was leaving a friends birthday party at a venue and we got given a Pepsi goodie bag and inside was a "Someone Put Your Hand Out" promo cassette, that was my first MJ encounter, before then I'd never even heard of him!
Well I was born in 1995 and my mum brought the HIStory album. So i must of heard it when I like 0 lol but i remember my nan had the Making of thriller video (which she has now given to me) and i remember watching it at her house when i was really small and being scared of it lol. But i dont know what exact year...
I remember vividly. It was the first time I noticed Michael Jackson (I know it's hard to believe). It was during the Black or White video when he was walking with that fire on the background. My heart stopped for a moment and I was completely captured. Wanted to know every thing about him!
July 23, 1984. I have always liked him but when I saw him in person in this year, I fell in love.
I will NEVER forget the first time I saw Thriller as a child sat on my uncles lap. I screamed the place down and from then on it was a true love affair for me! I have always loved Michael. I truly believe he was a gift sent from God above. So selfless,loving,caring.... and for him to be treated so wickedly by this world hurts me so so much.

I used to wake up at 6AM!!! Just to practise his routines before school!!! Crazy!!! As I reached about 7 yrs old the video called the "making of Thriller" was part of my daily staple diet and know the words of the whole video to this day!!!
As I got older being inspired by Michael I decided to study dance seriously and at perfoming arts school I remember a teacher who lived and breathed Michael and his music, her whole movement was based on him. All the college shows esp Smooth Criminal!!
This love for Michael, has grown into me becoming a professional performer. I have been inspired by this amazing person who has a huge part in shaping my life. I will always love Michael and thank God for sending such a wonderful person into our lives. To bring all races together with his music. He succeeded where others failed! We will never have another person on this earth quite like him. I love you Michael, you are safe now xxxx
Hello everyone im new here, feels good to be in a place where so many love Michael the way i do. The first time i saw Michael was on the Thriller video, i was around 3-4 i guess, i was born in 1980 and my older brother used to watch it over and over again on the telly. I remember being so scared, i used to cry lol!! As the years go by, when Bad came out i was 7 and i fell in love with him and the album, i used to listen to it everyday before going to school. I even made a couple of dances for my aerobics class using Smooth Criminal and Bad, oh it was fantastic!!! Theres so many memories of my childhood attached to his wonderful songs, as a little girl i used to see Michael as immortal, like out of this world, a magical person.. Thats why its so hard for me to accept that hes gone, but he'll always live in my heart forever. xxxx
I have loads of early childhood memories, (including seeing him up close in the flesh) but if we're talking about the very first then it would have to be when my older brother got the 'Bad' album on tape when I was about 5 or 6 (so late eighties/early nineties). I thought it was the best thing ever and one day when my friend was due to come to my house after school, we spent the whole day boasting to everyone in our class about how we were going back to mine to listen to Michael Jackson and make up a dance (lol). So we did go back to mine, and we did make up a very embarrassing dance which we seemed to end up doing at every birthday party we were invited to for the next year or so. Oh happy days lol
I remember watching the Jackson 5 cartoon series as my Sister was Michael's same age so she followed Michael Jackson. She always raved about 'Ben' being Michaels best song. I first started to connect to Michael when 'Off the Wall' came out as my very first Vinyl record was 'Rock with You'. I used to always get the DJ to play this at Discos. I then bought 'Destiny' the Jackson Album as everybody raved about ' Shake your Body down to the Ground'. Once 'Thriller' came out I became a Fan and have never looked back since
I was 5 years old and You Are Not Alone was number one. I remeber sitting right in front of the tv watching it , I was so mesmerized, I was like wow, who is this guy! Then my Mum said that she's got the HIStory tapes and that I could borrow them. I listened to them non stop, Michael was the only person you could listen to in our car. Every sunday when I went to my grandad's I played those tapes over over so much that one tape broke! :( but then I bought the cds! I've been a loyal fan ever since. Got a lot of grief form some people on little school about, but I didn't care! I knew Michael, they didn't.
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I can't remember how old I was, barely a teenager but I remember seeing the cover to the UK Thriller single.
I remember being like 6 and they were showing Thriller on MTV all the time. Mind you I was 6 in the 90's so yeah...the old school MJ vids were still so popular and on regular MTV rotation. I remember being afraid too, watching Thriller lol.

Then I remember my mom's then Canadian boyfriend would always play "human nature" when we were in the car with him riding somewhere.

And I remember watching the "Earth Song" video as a kid and just crying! lol That vid was kinda sad/creepy/scary to me.
I can't remember ever being without Michael Jackson. His music was always there in some way. By the time I was about 6, I had my father renting The making of thriller video from Block Buster EVERY weekend:) Ive listened to his music everyday for just about all of my 19 years, either when i was angry (scream and privacy always get me into better spirits) or just needed a little pick me up. He has always been and will always be there for me.
i was 2 years old,and i remember it like it was yesterday. the bucharest concert was just airing on hbo and i was sitting on the floor and my mother and brother were on the couch and i heard this hella loud explosian and as i looked up mj shot up from the stage and just stood there,and i was hooked from then on. from that opening explosion to that rocketman ending. and thats when i fell in love with man in the mirror and ive been rocking with mike ever since
I can't remember ever being without Michael Jackson. His music was always there in some way. By the time I was about 6, I had my father renting The making of thriller video from Block Buster EVERY weekend:) Ive listened to his music everyday for just about all of my 19 years, either when i was angry (scream and privacy always get me into better spirits) or just needed a little pick me up. He has always been and will always be there for me.

I moved to London and my Aunt had a video player and Mum and I went to see her every Friday. So I bought the Thriller video and every Friday I used to watch it at her house. My cousins gave me such grief for that.
I was about 8 years old and I heard 'Got To Be There' And I mean I was blown away by his sweet voice it sounded like an angels voice to me. I can never forget that feeling I got when I heard his voice for the first time.
I was 4 or 5 and I was window shopping with my parents when I discovered something in a window shop many feet away that simply drew me near it. I remember looking as if through a tunnel and just staring at it as it drew me nearer step by step.

When I got close I stood in front of a music store and stared at the cover of the BAD album. WOW!!! I had NEVER in my life seen such a BEAUTIFUL PERSON!!!!!!

I asked my mom who this beautiful woman (!) was and she laughed and said it was a man and his name was Michael Jackson.

I guess that was the day I fell in love with Michael Jackson!
I asked my mom who this beautiful woman (!) was and she laughed and said it was a man and his name was Michael Jackson.


Omg I thought he was a woman too! It was 'cause of his long hair, I remember fighting with the guy next door, me saying he was a woman and him saying no he's a man, I was only 5 years old then, when I grew up I noticed that he was a man with long hair lol I love his hair!!
I first connected with him when my mate brought his number ones album in the beginning of 2004, that album blow my mind, ive been in love ever since. And i saw a picture of him on the front of the Daily Mail around the same time (i know thats not good) lol but he looked amazing, his simile is just incredible, i could tell he was a good person then.

Jackie xx
I was born in 1984, just as Thriller was hitting it up bigtime so I literally grew up with MJ's music. I remember going to a car boot sale when I was about 5/6ish and getting Michael's 'Bad' album on Cassette (remember those!) and playing it to death. I also remember watching Michael perform 'Heal the World' with all those kids on the stage, and me wishing, oh so desperately, that I could be one of those children one day.

I also got Michael's 'History' Album (on CD whoop!) when I was a teenager, and used to lay in bed with it playing into my personal cd walkman listening to Volume two over and over, and imagine that I would be dancing with Michael on stage, singing along with him, marrying him, etc...hehe. I used to imagine he was singing 'you are not alone' for me!! SO jealous of Lisa-Marie at that time!

I remember winning a dance competition at school dancing to 'Black or White'. Once I was old enough to go clubbing, we used to do the dance routines to Mike's big songs, Billie Jean, Blame it on the Boogie...

I've gone on too long, but I don't remember a 'first time' so to speak...he was just always there. And now he's gone, it hurts like hell...
I actually don't. :eek: I don't remember not ever knowing Michael or liking his music, My sister used to play the Thriller album on repeat ALL the time when I was little..
and one thing that really stands out is me and my friend used to watch the Billie Jean video over and over rewinding the leg kick thingy and thinking it funny. :lol:
I think I was about 4........maybe 5. I clearly remember watching The Earth Song video on TV, and I was awe.

That video and song are so powerful it got through to me, and I was only 4 or 5.
I was 11 years old, watching MTV.. Rock My World was on the chart.. And since that day I was really addicted.
For me it was either the Bad or Smooth Criminal video on MTV in the 80s. I think it was the BAD video though as I remember me singing "Ambaaay, Ambayyy!!" quite clearly (yep, I couldn't speak English back then obviously, lol). I also remember I was on the 1st or 2nd grade and learning that Michael had a sister called Janet from my fellow students. I can even remember where I was and the exact place on the street! lol I remember feeling quite impressed that he had a sister! :lol:

I only became a fan a few years later in 1992 when I watched the Bucharest concert on TV.
I was around 7 years old. And my twinsister got the Thriller cd from my uncles. While i was the one who was listening to music all the time. So my sister gave it to me sort of. Nd the next 5 years i thought there was only one great singer in this world: Michael jackson:p.. I remember when i first put that cd on, BAM those drums of wanna be startin something... It was a good day(A)